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Everything posted by astralprojection

  1. it was already merge to the item_db { Id: 675 AegisName: "Silver_Coin" Name: "Silver Roulette Coin" Type: "IT_USABLE" Trade: { nodrop: true notrade: true noselltonpc: true nocart: true nostorage: true nogstorage: true nomail: true noauction: true } Script: <" TmpRouletteSilver += 1; "> },
  2. i dont know :D, maybe just BAN player manipulating client data
  3. you need to add that pvp_y_1-5.gnd#morocc.gnd# pvp_y_1-5.rsw#morocc.rsw# pvp_y_1-5.gat#morocc.gat# À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º\map\pvp_y_1-5.bmp#À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º\map\morocc.bmp#
  4. Check in your maprestable.txt if that is included Rsw gat and gnd
  5. // exp share and added zeny share [Valaris] static int party_exp_share(struct party_data *p, struct block_list *src, unsigned int base_exp, unsigned int job_exp, int zeny) { struct map_session_data* sd[MAX_PARTY]; unsigned int i, c; nullpo_ret(p); nullpo_ret(src); // count the number of players eligible for exp sharing for (i = c = 0; i < MAX_PARTY; i++) { if( (sd[c] = p->data[i].sd) == NULL || sd[c]->bl.m != src->m || pc_isdead(sd[c]) || (battle_config.idle_no_share && pc_isidle(sd[c])) ) continue; c++; } if (c < 1) return 0; base_exp/=c; job_exp/=c; zeny/=c; if (battle_config.party_even_share_bonus_36 && c > 35) { double bonus = 100 + battle_config.party_even_share_bonus_36*(c-1); if (base_exp) base_exp = (unsigned int) cap_value(base_exp * bonus/100, 0, UINT_MAX); if (job_exp) job_exp = (unsigned int) cap_value(job_exp * bonus/100, 0, UINT_MAX); if (zeny) zeny = (unsigned int) cap_value(zeny * bonus/100, INT_MIN, INT_MAX); } else if (battle_config.party_even_share_bonus_30 && c > 29) { double bonus = 100 + battle_config.party_even_share_bonus_30*(c-1); if (base_exp) base_exp = (unsigned int) cap_value(base_exp * bonus/100, 0, UINT_MAX); if (job_exp) job_exp = (unsigned int) cap_value(job_exp * bonus/100, 0, UINT_MAX); if (zeny) zeny = (unsigned int) cap_value(zeny * bonus/100, INT_MIN, INT_MAX); } else if (battle_config.party_even_share_bonus_20 && c > 19) { double bonus = 100 + battle_config.party_even_share_bonus_20*(c-1); if (base_exp) base_exp = (unsigned int) cap_value(base_exp * bonus/100, 0, UINT_MAX); if (job_exp) job_exp = (unsigned int) cap_value(job_exp * bonus/100, 0, UINT_MAX); if (zeny) zeny = (unsigned int) cap_value(zeny * bonus/100, INT_MIN, INT_MAX); } else if (battle_config.party_even_share_bonus_10 && c > 9) { double bonus = 100 + battle_config.party_even_share_bonus_10*(c-1); if (base_exp) base_exp = (unsigned int) cap_value(base_exp * bonus/100, 0, UINT_MAX); if (job_exp) job_exp = (unsigned int) cap_value(job_exp * bonus/100, 0, UINT_MAX); if (zeny) zeny = (unsigned int) cap_value(zeny * bonus/100, INT_MIN, INT_MAX); } else if (battle_config.party_even_share_bonus && c < 6) { double bonus = 100 + battle_config.party_even_share_bonus*(c-1); if (base_exp) base_exp = (unsigned int) cap_value(base_exp * bonus/100, 0, UINT_MAX); if (job_exp) job_exp = (unsigned int) cap_value(job_exp * bonus/100, 0, UINT_MAX); if (zeny) zeny = (unsigned int) cap_value(zeny * bonus/100, INT_MIN, INT_MAX); } for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { pc->gainexp(sd[i], src, base_exp, job_exp, false); if (zeny) // zeny from mobs [Valaris] pc->getzeny(sd[i],zeny,LOG_TYPE_PICKDROP_MONSTER,NULL); } return 0; } Hi guys i want to mod party.c (Party Share Bonus) Is this the correct way to do it? party_even_share_bonus: 30 party_even_share_bonus_10: 40 party_even_share_bonus_20: 50 party_even_share_bonus_30: 60 party_even_share_bonus_36: 70 1 ~ 5 member = 30% 6 ~ 10 member = 40% 11 ~ 20 member = 50% 21 ~ 35 member = 60% 36 member = 70%
  6. Is there way to prevent @refresh to clear status ailment? for instance, SC_BLIND, It become useless to be blinded because it can be remove by @fresh.
  7. Will this prevent player using modified sprite to cast faster?
  8. Recent recent release was buggy including usables like fly wing that has itemskill on it. Sometimes is did not function as intended. I recommend use the prior release version. I dont know why Herc did not release like Release v2020.02.09+1 as they did it before to address critical issue.
  9. @Dastgir there are instance where server can place trader merchant where no merchant discount is allowed. It will be helpful if you can have time to look into it as plugin like sellitem Apple,100,bolean; Thanks sir
  10. When Critical Explosion, the Abrasive STATUS is activated. Then not able to assura. This skill is broken
  11. can you check if you have item like Poring_Egg in your database.
  12. // Deleting #VARIABLE using query is NOT enough, you need to reset ONLINE players too. OnClock0000: query_sql( "SELECT COUNT(`char_id`) FROM `char` WHERE `online` = 1 ", .@total ); freeloop(true); while( .@count < .@total ){ // Reset variable to ONLINE players query_sql( "SELECT `account_id`,`char_id`,`name` FROM `char` WHERE `online` = 1 ORDER BY `char_id` LIMIT 128 OFFSET "+.@offset, .@aid,.@cid,.@name$ ); set .@i,0; set .@size,getarraysize( .@cid ); while( .@i < .@size ){ if (isloggedin(.@aid[.@i], .@cid[.@i])) { attachrid(.@aid[.@i]); #VARIABLE = 0; } set .@count,.@count + 1; set .@i,.@i + 1; } set .@offset,.@offset + .@size; deletearray .@cid,.@size; deletearray .@name$,.@size; } // Reset variable to OFFLINE players query_sql("DELETE FROM `char_reg_num_db` WHERE `key` = '#VARIABLE'"); freeloop(false); announce "[ System ] All variable has been reset. Enjoy the game!", bc_all, C_AQUA, FW_BOLD, 16; end;
  13. Anyone? how is this possible? 2M asura on VR.
  14. @Dastgir is it also possible that when player join, it will automatically join a party also? So, team1 is RedParty and team2 is BlueParty. It would be nice if can, so that party buffs can be useful like adrenaline rush ... etc...
  15. hi @Dastgir is there a way to prevent selling to NPC WOE and BG items generated from BG Shops? I was thinking it can be abuse if player sell it to NPC like food stuffs @ 10k z each. I think its much safer to make it non sellable to npc.
  16. after 6 years haha. why using @autollot 100 sometime dont work - make wiizard go to mag_dun01. Use skill SG - kill 1 mob then it will loot all drop (good) - lure many mob and SG (there... some loots in the ground).
  17. Good day Hercules Community, may i ask where to find code regarding you respawn to savepoint after 2 kills at PvP maps. I would like to remove the code as player respawn to save point after killed 2 times on PK maps.
  18. @Zero Human which version are you using?
  19. will you kindly tell me what command line to git update and merge? I use Linux.
  20. Aura set by @Dastgir as i remeber has issue when player try to @at . It dont open vending. Was this fix already?
  21. Deym! I also not sure how to use git. Still using svn update and its so ancient haha. 1. How to clone 2. How to get update? Will my source or script mod remains when i update?
  22. PRERE use Herc. RE - Use rAthena as it support updated feature . Lasagna at Herc is broken, doram skill is broken.
  23. @AnnieRuru It works great! Thank you. I hooked it at pc->additem as I use @autoloot. I think there is no way we can trigger on mob drop. The plugin will trigger - someone traded you. - use old card album if card - get from storage I was looking for trigger only if picked from mob drop but i think its impossible.
  24. Im so grateful on your plugin. I will hve a try. OnPCPickUpEvent.c: In function ‘plugin_init’: OnPCPickUpEvent.c:157:2: error: too few arguments to function ‘script->set_constant’ script->set_constant("PICKUP_ITEMID",PICKUP_ITEMID,false); ^ OnPCPickUpEvent.c:158:2: error: too few arguments to function ‘script->set_constant’ script->set_constant("PICKUP_AMOUNT",PICKUP_AMOUNT,false); ^ OnPCPickUpEvent.c:159:2: error: too few arguments to function ‘script->set_constant’ script->set_constant("PICKUP_IDENTIFY",PICKUP_IDENTIFY,false); ^ OnPCPickUpEvent.c:160:2: error: too few arguments to function ‘script->set_constant’ script->set_constant("PICKUP_REFINE",PICKUP_REFINE,false); ^ OnPCPickUpEvent.c:161:2: error: too few arguments to function ‘script->set_constant’ script->set_constant("PICKUP_BROKEN",PICKUP_BROKEN,false); ^ OnPCPickUpEvent.c:162:2: error: too few arguments to function ‘script->set_constant’ script->set_constant("PICKUP_CARD1",PICKUP_CARD1,false); ^ OnPCPickUpEvent.c:163:2: error: too few arguments to function ‘script->set_constant’ script->set_constant("PICKUP_CARD2",PICKUP_CARD2,false); ^ OnPCPickUpEvent.c:164:2: error: too few arguments to function ‘script->set_constant’ script->set_constant("PICKUP_CARD3",PICKUP_CARD3,false); ^ OnPCPickUpEvent.c:165:2: error: too few arguments to function ‘script->set_constant’ script->set_constant("PICKUP_CARD4",PICKUP_CARD4,false); ^ OnPCPickUpEvent.c:166:2: error: too few arguments to function ‘script->set_constant’ script->set_constant("PICKUP_EXPIRE",PICKUP_EXPIRE,false); ^ OnPCPickUpEvent.c:167:2: error: too few arguments to function ‘script->set_constant’ script->set_constant("PICKUP_BOUND",PICKUP_BOUND,false); ^ OnPCPickUpEvent.c:168:2: error: too few arguments to function ‘script->set_constant’ script->set_constant("PICKUP_UNIQUEID",PICKUP_UNIQUEID,false); ^ OnPCPickUpEvent.c:169:2: error: too few arguments to function ‘script->set_constant’ script->set_constant("PICKUP_POSX",PICKUP_POSX,false); ^ OnPCPickUpEvent.c:170:2: error: too few arguments to function ‘script->set_constant’ script->set_constant("PICKUP_POSY",PICKUP_POSY,false); ^ make[1]: *** [../../plugins/OnPCPickUpEvent.so] Error 1 @AnnieRuru getting this during compile using latest Herc.
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