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Posts posted by OverLord

  1. I open this bug in GitHub but if anyone how a fix this in code to help release my server...

    **Describe the bug**

    I spent 4 hours yesterday compiling and testing all the clients I found on herc nemo's github, the most recent version in which the name of the monsters in my custom quest appears correctly in the questlog is 2019-06-05f.
    Any version after this appears as "Poring" both in Alt + U and on the right side of the screen.

    **To Reproduce**
    Steps to reproduce the behavior:
    1. Create a quest
    2. Alt + U in the xxxx version in Target the correct names of the monsters appear, in the others tested it appears "Poring"
    3. On the upper right side in the xxxx version the correct names of the monsters appear, in the others tested it appears "Poring"
    4. In the character's head it's the same thing

    **Expected behavior**
    A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.



    Clients: Packet version: 2021-11-17_Ragexe_1637052357, 2022-03-30_Ragexe_1648440293, 2020-07-15bRagexe, 2020-04-01bRagexe, 2019-12-24aRagexe, 2019-11-20aRagexe, 2019-11-27aRagexe, 2022-04-06_Ragexe_1648707856

    image.png?ex=65c47017&is=65b1fb17&hm=7f8    image.png?ex=65c46ed2&is=65b1f9d2&hm=5da






    Working Fine in  2019-06-05f




    If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

    **System specs (please complete the following information):**
     - OS: Windows 11
     - Hercules Version [v2023.12]
     - Mode: pre-renewal
     - Packet version: 2021-11-17_Ragexe_1637052357, 2022-03-30_Ragexe_1648440293, 2020-07-15bRagexe, 2020-04-01bRagexe, 2019-12-24aRagexe, 2019-11-20aRagexe, 2019-11-27aRagexe, 2022-04-06_Ragexe_1648707856
     - Client type: main


    **Plugins used or source modifications**

  2. On 03/08/2018 at 11:56 PM, lllaaazzz said:

    edit : I thought @summon type mobs would work like how you say but if not heres another thing : 


    i added a custom mob ai for having monsters that will be aggressive towards monsters and other players


    case BL_MOB:
                const struct mob_data *md = BL_UCCAST(BL_MOB, s_bl);
                if( !((map->agit_flag || map->agit2_flag) && map->list[m].flag.gvg_castle)
                    && md->guardian_data && (md->guardian_data->g || md->guardian_data->castle->guild_id) )
                    return 0; // Disable guardians/emperium owned by Guilds on non-woe times.
                if (md->special_state.ai == AI_PAHSSVIE) {
                    //Normal mobs
                    const struct mob_data *target_md = BL_CCAST(BL_MOB, target);
                    if ((target_md != NULL && t_bl->type == BL_PC && target_md->special_state.ai != AI_ZANZOU && target_md->special_state.ai != AI_ATTACK)
                     || (t_bl->type == BL_MOB && BL_UCCAST(BL_MOB, t_bl)->special_state.ai == AI_NONE))
                        state |= BCT_NEUTRAL; //Normal mobs with no ai are friends.
                        state |= BCT_ENEMY; //However, all else are enemies.
                } else {
                    if (t_bl->type == BL_MOB && BL_UCCAST(BL_MOB, t_bl)->special_state.ai == AI_NONE)
                        state |= BCT_ENEMY; //Natural enemy for AI mobs are normal mobs.




    using this you can easily achieve what you want, cant help with you with cleaning up the code or whatever but if you look you will see. 


    Im trying to make an AI that has monsters that are aggressive to monsters and are neutral to players that attack when attacked . . . probably just play around a lil more

    Very thx! I like this ideia, im trying make a dota2 map inside ragnarok online. I need monster ai to minions, dont attack other minions and players of same party. But attack other party minions and players.

  3. 4 hours ago, hendra814 said:

    using @summon command. but this i'm creating for rathena.

    not test yet for hercules.



    But i need make a script with a two parts have yours summon monster, have any way i make the script summon using party id or lead party id? @Dastgir

  4. I dont see commands for this, but i like make a intelligent raid map, when boss move and uses skills in a correct order, remembering Final Fantasy XIV and WoW Raids Boss.
    Have any advanced control system to control mobs to walk and uses skill in timer ?

  5. Sorry but i dont found any topic about...

    Have any 2018 client working stable and compatible with Nemo?

    Have any more update Nemo Fork?

    Whats the best ragexe for make a pre-re Server? (I like use new interface but able only pre-renew maps)

    thx all!

  6. 21 hours ago, Dastgir said:

    check your map-server.conf and char-server.conf, might be some mistake on putting WAN IP.

    also in network.conf, put only your local IP in "allowed: ("


    My Network Conf

    // Network configuration file
     * List here any LAN subnets this server is in.
     * Example:
     * - char- (or map-) server's IP in LAN is
     * - Public IP is
     * If the list contains "", any clients connecting
     * from the same network will be presented with the LAN IP
     * ( in the server list, rather than the public IP (
    lan_subnets: (
    	// "",
     * List here any IP ranges a char- or map-server can connect from.
     * A wildcard of "" means that server connections are allowed
     * from ANY IP. (not recommended).
    allowed: (
    	// "",
     * List here any IP ranges a char- or map-server can connect from. These ranges
     * will also be excluded from the automatic ipban in casee of password failure.
     * Any entry present in this list is also automatically included in the
     * allowed IP list.
     * Note: This may be a security threat. Only edit this list if you know what
     * you are doing.
    trusted: (

    I dont have change map and character IP


    	inter: {
    		// Server Communication username and password.
    		userid: "playro_root"
    		passwd: "3382#!"
    		// Login Server IP
    		// The character server connects to the login server using this IP address.
    		// NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on
    		// a machine with multiple interfaces.
    		//login_ip: ""
    		// The character server listens on the interface with this IP address.
    		// NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces
    		// while using the same ports for each server.
    		//bind_ip: ""
    		// Login Server Port
    		login_port: 6900
    		// Character Server IP
    		// The IP address which clients will use to connect.
    		// Set this to what your server's public IP address is.
    		//char_ip: ""
    		// Character Server Port
    		char_port: 6121


    I have try change all to my public IP but dont work too

  7. Centos 7 EC2 Instance
    My RO Client see the server and send the request, but dont connecet after select the server.
    In my Console i see this mensage:

    [Status]: Request for connection of wolfroom (ip:
    [Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: wolfroom, id: 2000002, ip:
    [Status]: Connection of the account 'wolfroom' accepted.
    [Info]: Closed connection from ''.

    My client working in LocalHost i thinking its a litte configure problem in linux or EC2 AWS configs. Please help me!


    I receive this Warning, i dont know if i really need config this:

    [Warning]: Using a wildcard IP range in the allowed server IPs is NOT RECOMMENDED.
    [Notice]: Please edit your 'conf/network.conf' allowed list to fit your network configuration.


  8. In Amazow AWS after connect in login server the connection is close without any msg error... any one help me ?


    [Status]: Request for connection of wolfroom (ip:
    [Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: wolfroom, id: 2000002, ip:
    [Status]: Connection of the account 'wolfroom' accepted.
    [Info]: Closed connection from ''.



    but the grf have Old Map Files? Because i run the Server and have loaded new izlude map. i want link to old client Working for trans Server

    The RE / PRE folders have map_caches in them ... so if you are running the server on prerenewal, the old izlude map should be loaded from the pre folder.


    :) Thx sir!

  10. Alguém aí já tem o arquivo .pot em Português? Estou com um projeto para lançar um servidor transclasse. jÁ estou com um servidor dedicado para o projeto e recrutando equipe.Se alguém tiver interesse me manda inbox. Se alguém tiver feito a tradução ou boa parte e puder me enviar vou agradecer Forever!

  11. If need host for new website i provide




    @@takari_L I want ! Currently lack of support. Your website down. I hope you restart back.

    Where you go man ? HAHA ! I love this cp you know ! :mellow:

    Please make full tutorial back.

    still waiting for you to finish this :) pm'd you on skype like a few months ago

    I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, I've been really busy irl :swt3:


    Okay, if this is the case then I'll restart development during the holidays :) .. And while development is going on I'll put the website and full tutorials back online so you guys can use the old version for the meantime. :no1:


    EDIT: I'll post the link to the new website probably next week.

  12. I think you can edit this yourself if you want:

    void clif_parse_WalkToXY(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd){...	if (sd->sc.opt1 && ( sd->sc.opt1 == OPT1_STONEWAIT || sd->sc.opt1 == OPT1_BURNING ))		; //You CAN walk on this OPT1 value.	/* else if( sd->progressbar.npc_id )		clif->progressbar_abort(sd); */	else if (pc_cant_act(sd))		return;...}

    Just uncomment the line. Albeit if it could be made into a configurable option it would be best imo.

    Thx :) Help a lot!





    In official, you're not able to move when the ProgressBar is still active. I'm also the one who report this.


    Topic: http://herc.ws/board/tracker/issue-7380-showprocgressbar-improper-behaviour/?gopid=18578#entry18578



    I really thinking is a good ideia make a configurable option.


    If you're shutting down your server, the connections have to be closed (I believe).

    Thats what I presume... When you shut down the server, you shouldn't have any connections left (hence, shutting down the server). Now, if you were to keep just the map server alive and kill the rest, you can do... which then can lead to your question regarding @kickall. 


    Dont work, if i need recompile the server or compile plugin need all services off.. :(


    Try this plugin:


    I just made the @kickall -at which will not kick the players with @at

    Thx, i lets try :) but i need try now the problem off if i need "stop" the services, all @at dead :(

  14. I believe that most managers do not want to take down the shops when you need to shut the server.
    And @autotrade has been showing somewhat unstable. If @kickall use, "sometimes I error and does not execute the command" and if I run it again the kick in @autotrade and players.
    As a solution began to ask the players come out within 5 minutes and gave "athena-start  Stop" usually do not knocked the @autotrade, but today after upgrading to the last version of Hercules, all @autotrade server were logoff. This is something that really no one would like to happen.
    Perhaps create conditions for @kickall be interesting:

    Sample: @kickall -at (Dont Kick @autotrade)
                  @kickall -gm (Dont kick the Games masters and ADM)

  15.         mes "Drink from Fountain?";	if(select("Yes!I'm dying of thirst...:it must be dirty!")!=1) close;	close2;	while( ( HP < MaxHP || SP < MaxSP ) && .Mode & 1){		progressbar "0x11CC99",.HealDelay;		percentheal rand(.healrate),rand(.healrate);	}	if(.Mode & 2){		for(set .@x,0; .@x < getarraysize(.BuffInfo); set .@x,.@x + 3){			sc_start .BuffInfo[.@x], .BuffInfo[.@x + 1] * 60000, .BuffInfo[.@x + 2];		}	}

    Check this code, its a basic healer (using non-abuse system), if possible "move" and "break" the script,if possible It would be easier to use this script and others. Imagine the RK with TG lock and having to log out?

    This is a silly example, but it has other cases which can be best applied as mining on a PvP map/strong mobs map.

  16. In rAthena when you start the progress bar. If you try to move on if this is a "break" in the script and you can move, run, attack and etc.
    In Hercules when starting a progress bar, you stay locked until it ends, you can not move, attack and nothing of the sort. And it hinders creativity lock eg for creation of mining systems in PvP map or with strong mobs. Limits the creation of a "Healer" timer (with the progress bar showing time) to prevent abuse and other simple and useful ideas.
    So is the suggestion to change the operation of the progress bar so that it does not lock the character, but that if he tries to do some action it be canceled, as well as the (break) rest of the script that was running.
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