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Everything posted by luizragna

  1. Hello guys. The folder db/re don't contain more the map_cache.dat. Where i add now?
  2. Do you added in the logs.sql in the ragnarok database?
  3. Do you can edit direct the LUB files using the notpad++ ?
  4. Hello guys. When a kill monster with @mosnter the mod id is added to variable killedrid. But when i kill a monster summoned with script command monster he is not added to killedrid. monster "pay_dun04",122,123,"[DG] Red Plant",1078,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBonus"; end; OnBonus: mes "Do you killed a monster"; if (killedrid == 1078){ mes "This monster is Red Plant"; close2; percentheal 15,0; specialeffect(7, SELF, playerattached()); } end; In the above example, the script not enter in if (killedrid == 1078). Whats is the problem?? (In the rAthena i not have this problem)
  5. Try now: I changed the coin to item ID 26080 NPC Trader: prontera,136,217,4 script Coin Trader 4_M_MANAGER,{ .@npc$ = "[Coin Trader]"; //NPC Name mes .@npc$; mes "Hello. I'm the Coin Trader"; mes "I can trade Zeny for Coin and vice versa"; mes "(1 Coin = 10.000.000z)"; mes "What you want trade?"; next; menu "Zeny for Coins",zc,"Coins for Zeny",cz,"Close",cl; cl: close; zc: mes .@npc$; mes "How many Coins do you want purchase?"; mes "(1 Coin = 10.000.000z)"; input @zc; @qnt = @zc*10000000; if (Zeny - @qnt < 0){ mes "Do you not have zeny"; close; } getitem 26080,@zc; set Zeny,Zeny - @qnt; mes " "; mes "Thank You!"; mes "(Now do you have "+countitem(26080)+" Coin(s) )"; close; cz: mes .@npc$; mes "How many Coins you want sell?"; mes "Do you have "+countitem(26080)+" Coin(s)"; mes "(1 Coin = 10.000.000z)"; input @cz; @qnt = @cz*10000000; if (countitem(26080) - @cz < 0) { mes "Do you not have sufficient Coins"; close; } if (Zeny + @qnt > 2000000000){ mes "Do you can't stay more than 2b Zeny"; close; } delitem 26080,@zc; set Zeny,Zeny + @qnt; mes " "; mes "Thank You!"; mes "(Now do you have "+countitem(26080)+" Coin(s) )"; close; } Coin Shop: prontera,141,217,4 script Coin Shop 4_F_TELEPORTER,{ mes "[Coin Shop]"; mes "Hello. Why do you want buy with yours Coins?"; mes "(Do you have "+countitem(26080)+" Coin(s) )"; menu "Red Potion (3 Coins)",rp,"Knife[4] (7 Coins)",kn,"Cancell",cl; cl: close; rp: if (countitem(26080) - 3 < 0) { mes "Do you not have sufficient Coins"; close; } delitem 26080,3; getitem 501,1; mes " "; mes "Thank You!"; mes "(Now do you have "+countitem(26080)+" Coin(s) )"; close; kn: if (countitem(26080) - 7 < 0) { mes "Do you not have sufficient Coins"; close; } delitem 26080,7; getitem 1202,1; mes " "; mes "Thank You!"; mes "(Now do you have "+countitem(26080)+" Coin(s) )"; close; }
  6. I maked with variable. Trader NPC: prontera,136,217,4 script Coin Trader 4_M_MANAGER,{ .@npc$ = "[Coin Trader]"; //NPC Name mes .@npc$; mes "Hello. I'm the Coin Trader"; mes "I can trade Zeny for Coin and vice versa"; mes "(1 Coin = 10.000.000z)"; mes "What you want trade?"; next; menu "Zeny for Coins",zc,"Coins for Zeny",cz,"Close",cl; cl: close; zc: mes .@npc$; mes "How many Coins do you want purchase"; mes "(1 Coin = 10.000.000z)"; input @zc; @qnt = @zc*10000000; if (Zeny - @qnt < 0){ mes "Do you not have zeny"; close; } set SCoin,SCoin + @zc; set Zeny,Zeny - @qnt; mes " "; mes "Thank You!"; mes "(Now do you have "+SCoin+" Coin(s) )"; close; cz: mes .@npc$; mes "How many Coins you want sell?"; mes "Do you have "+SCoin+" Coin(s)"; mes "(1 Coin = 10.000.000z)"; input @cz; @qnt = @cz*10000000; if (SCoin - @cz < 0) { mes "Do you not have sufficient Coins"; close; } if (Zeny + @qnt > 2000000000){ mes "Do you can't stay more than 2b Zeny"; close; } set SCoin,SCoin - @cz; set Zeny,Zeny + @qnt; mes " "; mes "Thank You!"; mes "(Now do you have "+SCoin+" Coin(s) )"; close; } Coin Shop: prontera,141,217,4 script Coin Shop 4_F_TELEPORTER,{ mes "[Coin Shop]"; mes "Hello. Why do you want buy with yours Coins?"; mes "(Do you have "+SCoin+" Coin(s) )"; menu "Red Potion (3 Coins)",rp,"Knife[4] (7 Coins)",kn,"Cancell",cl; cl: close; rp: if (SCoin - 3 < 0) { mes "Do you not have sufficient Coins"; close; } SCoin = SCoin - 3; getitem 501,1; mes " "; mes "Thank You!"; mes "(Now do you have "+SCoin+" Coin(s) )"; close; kn: if (SCoin - 7 < 0) { mes "Do you not have sufficient Coins"; close; } SCoin = SCoin - 7; getitem 1202,1; mes " "; mes "Thank You!"; mes "(Now do you have "+SCoin+" Coin(s) )"; close; }
  7. OK, I'll try to do it for you. You want the currency is for a player or account?
  8. Do you must create a custom item or make a variable.
  9. Hello guys. The command setunitdata not worked with setunitdata how show bellow example: 1st Script: set .@amount,1; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@amount; .@i++) { .@mobGID = monster ("pay_dun04",122,123,"[DG] Planta Vermelha",1078,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBonus"); //planta vermelha setunitdata .@mobGID,UDT_LEVEL,7; setunitdata .@mobGID,UDT_MAXHP,10; setunitdata .@mobGID,UDT_HP,2; } end; 2nd script: OnNPCKillEvent: mes "Do you killed the monster ID: "+killedrid+" "; close; The variable killedrid show the last mob that i killed, but if he created with .@mobGID do not add the mobid to variable when i kill. (Sorry for my bad English)
  10. I found in skilleffect/skilleffectinfoslit.lub I added: [SKID.DG_SUMMONZOMBIE] = { beginEffectID = EFID.EF_BLUECASTING }, But the strange is not have all skills of the game
  11. In lua/lub files it does not have the effects of the skills. In the source I managed to collocate to after the ability is loaded
  12. Hello guys.I created a custom skill and it worked without problems. But the skill dont have cast effect. Where i add?? (I'm talking about the effect while loading the skill)
  13. I tried all options. But the problem continues.
  14. When i use the command: menu "Yeees",yes,"Nooo",no; yes: specialeffect(6, SELF, playerattached()); end; no: end; The character stands still and i need use @refresh for him to come back to normal. I Tried switch but, the problem continues. I use the last version of Hercules.
  15. View File Fire Area Hello guys! This is my first script in the Hercules. Basically, do you receive damage while stay stepping. Main configurations: (I'm using the last version of hercules) //Damage Options: .DMG_Type = 1; // Type of damage - [0 - Normal] | [1 - Percentage of maximum health] .DMG_Attack = 5; // Damage per attack (1 to 100 if percentage damage) .DMG_Speed = 250; // Damage speed. The smaller faster (milisseconds) .CAN_Die = 0; // The character can die burned? - [0 - No] | [1 - Yes] // Effects: .DMG_Effect = 49; //When receive damage (Alternatives: 50 , 255 ) Default: 49 .FIRE_Effect = 25; //Flow Effect (Alternatives: 634 , 728, 920, 962) Default: 25 .EFFECT_Speed = 300; //The speed of loop effect (Advanced option. Not recommended change): //Time Options .TIME_DURATION_ON = 3000; // The time that the fire stay enable (milisseconds) .TIME_DURATION_OFF = 2000;// The time that the fire stay disable (milisseconds) .TIME_Quit = 500; // Burning time after leave of the danger area, (milisseconds) Cells configurations: //Bellow, do you configure the cells (Do you can add more, if want) pay_dun00,161,46,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea11 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,161,45,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea12 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,161,44,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea13 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,160,46,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea21 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,160,45,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea22 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,160,44,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea23 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,159,46,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea31 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,159,45,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea32 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,159,44,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea33 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,158,46,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea41 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,158,45,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea42 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,158,44,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea43 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 Sorry for my bad english... Enjoy it OBS: If do you use @reloadscript in this script, reload your character. Submitter luizragna Submitted 03/02/18 Category Script Releases  
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Hello guys! This is my first script in the Hercules. Basically, do you receive damage while stay stepping. Main configurations: (I'm using the last version of hercules) //Damage Options: .DMG_Type = 1; // Type of damage - [0 - Normal] | [1 - Percentage of maximum health] .DMG_Attack = 5; // Damage per attack (1 to 100 if percentage damage) .DMG_Speed = 250; // Damage speed. The smaller faster (milisseconds) .CAN_Die = 0; // The character can die burned? - [0 - No] | [1 - Yes] // Effects: .DMG_Effect = 49; //When receive damage (Alternatives: 50 , 255 ) Default: 49 .FIRE_Effect = 25; //Flow Effect (Alternatives: 634 , 728, 920, 962) Default: 25 .EFFECT_Speed = 300; //The speed of loop effect (Advanced option. Not recommended change): //Time Options .TIME_DURATION_ON = 3000; // The time that the fire stay enable (milisseconds) .TIME_DURATION_OFF = 2000;// The time that the fire stay disable (milisseconds) .TIME_Quit = 500; // Burning time after leave of the danger area, (milisseconds) Cells configurations: //Bellow, do you configure the cells (Do you can add more, if want) pay_dun00,161,46,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea11 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,161,45,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea12 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,161,44,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea13 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,160,46,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea21 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,160,45,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea22 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,160,44,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea23 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,159,46,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea31 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,159,45,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea32 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,159,44,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea33 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,158,46,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea41 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,158,45,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea42 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 pay_dun00,158,44,0 duplicate(FireArea) #FireArea43 HIDDEN_WARP_NPC,0,0 Sorry for my bad english... Enjoy it OBS: If do you use @reloadscript in this script, reload your character.
  17. Hello guys. I have maked a custom skill. This skill work with that all party members get other skill. When use the skill, only he gain the skill Charge Attack (skillid: 1001). skill.c //When the player use skill: pc->skill(sd, 1001, 1, 0); //The player get Charge Attack skill I would like that when the player use, all party members get the skill Charge Attack. Basically I wanted this command skill to execute for all members.
  18. Hello guys. I have tried make a custom skill that give another skill. I am editing some skills. For now, I want to make the ability RK_ENCHANTBLADE give TF_THROWSTONE skill.c case RK_ENCHANTBLADE: clif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,// formula not confirmed sc_start2(src,bl,type,100,skill_lv,(100+20*skill_lv)*status->get_lv(src)/150+sstatus->int_,skill->get_time(skill_id,skill_lv))); pc->skill(sd, 152, 1, 0); //Here the TF skill break; i am using how base the script command: *skill <skill id>,<level>{,<flag>}; From the souce, that in the case i guess pc_skill. script.c BUILDIN(skill) { int id; int level; int flag = SKILL_GRANT_TEMPORARY; struct map_session_data *sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) return true;// no player attached, report source id = ( script_isstringtype(st,2) ? skill->name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); level = script_getnum(st,3); if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) flag = script_getnum(st,4); pc->skill(sd, id, level, flag); //<--- The command that i used return true; } Even so, I did not gain the skill by using RK_ENCHANTBLADE
  19. Hello guys. I have tried make a custom skill that give another skill. I am editing some skills. For now, I want to make the ability RK_ENCHANTBLADE give TF_THROWSTONE skill.c case RK_ENCHANTBLADE: clif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,// formula not confirmed sc_start2(src,bl,type,100,skill_lv,(100+20*skill_lv)*status->get_lv(src)/150+sstatus->int_,skill->get_time(skill_id,skill_lv))); pc->skill(sd, 152, 1, 0); //Here the TF skill break; i am using how base the script command: *skill <skill id>,<level>{,<flag>}; From the souce, that in the case i guess pc_skill. script.c BUILDIN(skill) { int id; int level; int flag = SKILL_GRANT_TEMPORARY; struct map_session_data *sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) return true;// no player attached, report source id = ( script_isstringtype(st,2) ? skill->name2id(script_getstr(st,2)) : script_getnum(st,2) ); level = script_getnum(st,3); if( script_hasdata(st,4) ) flag = script_getnum(st,4); pc->skill(sd, id, level, flag); //<--- The command that i used return true; } Even so, I did not gain the skill by using RK_ENCHANTBLADE
  20. How do I use for this case? I use the setcell but the effect is equal.
  21. Hello guys. I want make a system and need which the mob doesn't enter in certain coordinated. Example: The poring can't enter in prontera,100 100. But the player can.
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