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Everything posted by Xgear

  1. Xgear

    SQL Structure

    1.- Rename column names to not-reserved names On some SQL tables, some columns have names that are reserved words in some programing languages (such as time, date, int, class, etc) I'd like to suggest renaming these common columns to something a little bit more specific without depending on reserved names, some tables already work with more specific column names (such as branch_log for example having branch_date), which would also help standarize parts of the SQL code whenever needed. 2.- Drop branch_log I just went through the code quickly and noticed branch_log is not used for anything. And even if it was used, with the current schema it'd provide no more information than pick_log would. Is there a point on keeping it? 3.- Merge zenylog into picklog I could see zenylog being on a separate table slightly useful, however as the logs tables are only used to search for information by the users, it could serve its duty better if it was joined in picklog, as it'd only require one one query rather than two when trying to search for movement into someone's inventory. 4.- Move charlog into log. (Shooting in the dark here ) I am really shooting high here, I know. a lot of people is against making the char server set another connection to the log database when there really isnt much interaction for it. I havn't done my homework here in terms of studying how "expensive" resource-wise it'd be to do this, however, in terms of structure and usefulness, having the database in the main database makes the charlog not-so-useful. Perhaps instead of setting a new connection from the char server, make the char server send a signal back to the login server/map server (which it already does on most things) with a bit more information telling them what to log. I think I had another idea but it kind of slipped my mind right now -_-' P.S.: Just noticed I posted this here, should probabbly be on Suggestions, so if someone could move it it'd be great. As a P.S.2: Shouldnt Development Discussion be Staff-Started, Staff-approved and have topics be moved here by the Staff when needed? Should be more of a discussion/feedback center than a suggestions forum (Noticed a few topics that feel more like a feature request than actual development/core feedback )
  2. No cambiaste db_path por db->path, o si? Tienes que cambiarlo por iMap->db_path. Revisalo bien. db_path es parte de la interface de map, por lo que se referencia por iMap
  3. No hay problema, mientras que no sea abuso estamos bien
  4. Cambia lo siguiente: pc_can_give_items = pc->can_give_items pc_additem = pc->additem pc_delitem = pc->delitem pc_search_inventory = pc->searc_inventory pc_inventoryblank = pc->inventoryblank sv->readdb(db_path, "item_vending.txt", ',', 1, 1, ARRAYLENGTH(item_vend), &itemdb_read_vending); // Extended Vending system [Lilith] por sv->readdb(iMap->db_path, "item_vending.txt", ',', 1, 1, ARRAYLENGTH(item_vend), &itemdb_read_vending); // Extended Vending system [Lilith] Como recomendación general, cuando estes implementando algun diff y te aparezcan errores, date una vuelta por este link y busca las funciones que te dan error, para que veas como se mapearon para el HPM. Basicamente es un buscar y reemplazar en la mayoria de los casos. Saludos!
  5. Hasta que se arregle la documentación, elimina toda la prte superior del archivo /*Job_Name: { /* Job names as in src/map/pc.c (they are hardcoded at the moment so if you want to add a new job you should add it there) */ inherit: ( "Other_Job_Name" ); /* Base job from which this job will inherit its skill tree. NV_TRICKDEAD inheritance is skipped for non-novices from the source */ skills: { /* SKILL_NAMEs come from the Name (16th column) value in db/pre-re/skill_db.txt */ SKILL_NAME1: Max_Level /* Use this for skills that don't have other skill prerequisite; Max_Level is a numeric value that should match your client side files */ SKILL_NAME2: { /* Use this for skills which have other skills as prerequisites */ MaxLevel: Max_Level /* Max_Level is a numeric value that should match your client side files */ SKILL_NAME_PREREQUISITE: Level_Prerequisite /* The prerequisite skill and min level for having this skill available. Should also match your client side files */ SKILL_NAME_PREREQUISITE2: Level_Prerequisite2 /* You can add as many prerequisite skills as you want. Minimum of 1 if you add a skill this way */ }}*/ @jaBote, no puedes utilizar /* */ dentro del mismo. El primer */ va a cerrar el primer /*, dejando el resto sin comentar. Para la proxima oportunidad utiliza // P.S.: Ya esta solucionado. Actualiza tu version de Hercules y no deberia haber problema =)
  6. Copia el contenido de tu skill_tree.conf aca para poder ayudarte.
  7. Xgear

    help me sir

    You need to provide more information: Is this an item, a skill/status/buff or is it for everyone constantly? Does this apply to every class? Is the bonus actually working? (Perhaps its a client issue?) Which revision are you using?
  8. I am personally not too fond of the idea, not that its bad, but it kind of feels like somethings are being pushed a bit too far in regards to customization. I am fine with some new features and what not, but I don't think it is that much of a good idea to add every feature (For as useful as it can be) cluttering up the code with not-so-much-deal-breaking configurations/options. With the plugin system and any improvements it might have in the future, adding custom modifications is only going to be a matter of minutes, so everyone can freely mess up or overcomplicate their own installation without overcluttering the code with stuff that might not be really needed by most people. Please note though, this particular change might not be too big to add (And my comment is not regarding this particular suggestion, but more of a common thing), but its just I've been seeing some "Make this a builtin feature" more and more often everyday...
  9. Hello, Yes you'd have to modiy the source code for this, as character creation is limited to char server only. For Character deletion, check delete_char_sql && make_new_char_sql, both found within char,c As for your npc/script comment, I am not sure I understood it. Could you rephrase it please?
  10. As Zopokx explained, replace gettick() with iTimer->gettick(); That will compile without any errors.
  11. You commented the lines explained by thana wrong. Make sure the /* begins right before "'Information' => array(" and add the */ right bfore the last " )," within the information array. If you still can't get it right, show us the code you commented out.
  12. There is no reason to make a topic twice about the same issue. You already started this topic and for better helping it'd be best if you stick to that one. You already received an answer there, if you need further help post either the source for what you're trying to make or the errors in your other topic and we will be glad to try to help
  13. Xgear


    Never really noticed this lol By definition idle is not doing anything, aka sort of AFK. Every player action should reset the idle count as far as I am concerned O.o
  14. In this case you're pretty much missing debuginfo for GDB to be able to properly give you a dump rpm yum-utilsdebuginfo-install glibc
  15. Not really sure what you mean by error logs, if its regarding console output, you could always output the console to a file instead of stdout ./map-server > log/map/map-server.txt Every message the map server shows (Whether its someone connecting, a debug/warning/error or anything else) would be stored at log/map/map-server.txt You could then grep -R "Error" log/map/map-server.txt That'd show you all the words Error that can be found in log/map/map-server.txt
  16. Como posible solucion (y que es lo que yo hice), podrias usar @guild y @party para sobrepasar la limitación. Saludos.
  17. Viendo el diff de forma rapida no veo mayores problemas con el sistema de interfaces, Con la mirada rapida que di cambia pc_getzeny por pc->getzeny pc_payzeny por pc->payzeny pc_paycash por pc->paycash pc_getcash por pc->getcash Aparte de eso no veo más problemas en el codigo, asumiendo que fue bien aplicado el diff. Pega los errores aca para ver cuales son. Saludos!
  18. Nice~ Specially to add the ALL_* Skills.
  19. Try starting each process manually (./login-server) on each one of the instances you wanna get up.
  20. Show us the error you get on the console, there are no issues when launching two process with the same name O.o
  21. You're not testing this on a GM Account? afaik There was a permission that'd let GM accounts bypass those limitations. Also I never got the item names to work, I had to disable them as ID500: true to disable red potions.
  22. Xgear

    eamod in Hercules?

    I never used eAmod, so not entirely sure how it works or what it needs to work. But scripting wise Hercules doesnt have any major changes (other than perhaps the battlegrounds/instance rewriting which didnt do major changes on scripting either. If it requires source mods to be implemented, you -might- need to do some porting (Which shouldnt be anything major if you have some source code knowledge)
  23. If you're reffering to general gameplay of pre-renewal exclusive content I'd say its entirely up to you to figure it out on the run. In general for a non pvp server, pre-renewal is not that imbalanced, however with different amount of customization (aka: headgears, buff NPCs, etc) thing tend to lean more over one side than the other. But at the end of the day, it depends on your players and their skills to play in the different environments provided by your server's additions and based on a good feedback from your players. I doubt there is a magical formula or a pre-set definition of what to change in order to balance out the (meta)game.
  24. Xgear

    SQL DB question

    There are some database differences, however the changes do not seem to be on the structure, so you shouldnt have any major issues. P.S.: I replied to your post on Harmony forums
  25. Utiliza tu host de no-ip en lugar de char_ip y map_ip, no deberia haber ningun problema.
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