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Everything posted by Xgear

  1. Most of it was already implemented a few days ago on the Memory Slasher commit. (Scroll down a bit and you'll find the comments on its implementation)
  2. at src/config/renewal.h /// game renewal server mode/// (disable by commenting the line)////// leave this line to enable renewal specific support such as renewal formulas#define RENEWAL The line needs to be uncommented (Commes uncommented by fault tho)
  3. Have you edited your skill database files? Generally wether your LUA files are wrong or not, @allskills will add the skill and it will show (There could be some exceptions though) If you did modify your files I'd suggest checking your db/<re or pre-re>/skill_db.txt & skill_tree.txt files accordingly. If you didnt modify those files, try fetching your LUA files again (assuming you didnt modify them )
  4. Take a look at this: //Base - Normal and Baby Jobs255,0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10:11:12:13:14:15:16:17:18:19:20:21:23:24:25:26:4023:4024:4025:4026:4027:4028:4029:4030:4031:4032:4033:4034:4035:4036:4037:4038:4039:4040:4041:4042:4043:4044:4045:4046:4047:4048:4049:4050:4051:4052,0,9,16,25,36,77,112,153,200,253,320,385,490,585,700,830,970,1120,1260,1420,1620,1860,1990,2240,2504,2950,3426,3934,4474,6889,7995,9174,10425,11748,13967,15775,17678,19677,21773,30543,34212,38065,42102,46323,53026,58419,64041,69892,75973,102468,115254,128692,142784,157528,178184,196300,215198,234879,255341,330188,365914,403224,442116,482590,536948,585191,635278,687211,740988,925400,1473746,1594058,1718928,1848355,1982340,2230113,2386162,2547417,2713878,3206160,3681024,4022472,4377024,4744680,5125440,5767272,6204000,6655464,7121664,7602600,9738720,11649960,13643520,18339300,23836800,35658000,48687000,58135000,99999999 It has experience for 98 levels 9,16,25,36,77,112,153,200,253,320,385,490,585,700,830,970,1120,1260,1420,1620,1860,1990,2240,2504,2950,3426,3934,4474,6889,7995,9174,10425,11748,13967,15775,17678,19677,21773,30543,34212,38065,42102,46323,53026,58419,64041,69892,75973,102468,115254,128692,142784,157528,178184,196300,215198,234879,255341,330188,365914,403224,442116,482590,536948,585191,635278,687211,740988,925400,1473746,1594058,1718928,1848355,1982340,2230113,2386162,2547417,2713878,3206160,3681024,4022472,4377024,4744680,5125440,5767272,6204000,6655464,7121664,7602600,9738720,11649960,13643520,18339300,23836800,35658000,48687000,58135000,99999999 Basically, you need to add the experience needed for the other 156 levels, after the final 99999999 you'd have to add 156 more entries with the amount of experience you belive should be required to level up. You probabbly should fetch a new version of db/<re or pre-re>/exp.txt, since it has support for up to level 1,000 since 2011
  5. I am not entirely sure how does FluxCP, but in general the main risk of 777 is that everyone (you, group and others) read/write/execute the files and folder. You might want to assign apache's user to your flux cp installation group The group is usually called the same as the user account (but you an check your group by doing "groups user" ex: "groups toiletmaster") And then ls -lh to check to which group the folders are assigned to (if you changed it) With the group identified, you can simply do: sudo usermod -a -G <group> <apache user> (No </>. ex assuming your httpd daemon runs under user "apache": sudo usermod -a -G toiletmaster apache) That way you can easily chmod your files/folders to 775 and avoid other users from modifying your files.
  6. Don't worry, feel free to make them =) As long as you're willing to actually learn, none will mind giving you a hand (Y)
  7. Ouch, missed that part. Sorry INSERT INTO `storage` (`account_id`, `nameid`, `amount`, `identify` )SELECT `login`.`account_id`, ItemID, qty, 1FROM `login`where `login`.`account_id`>=2000000; That will add the item to storage, replace itemID and qty as needed. The final 1 makes the item identified. You can add other columns and values, but thats the main structure =)
  8. go to db/<re or pre-re>/item_trade.txt and add the entry there as needed //Item ID, TradeMask, Group-Level Override//Trading mask values://1:Item can't be droped//2:Item can't be traded (nor vended)//4:Wedded partner can override restriction 2.//8:Item can't be sold to npcs//16:Item can't be placed in the cart//32:Item can't be placed in the storage//64:Item can't be placed in the guild storage//128:Item can't be attached to mail//256:Item can't be auctioned//Example://1161,67,50 //Balmung: No drop, No trade, No Guild Store (1+2+64 =67),//only groups of group-level 50 and up can override the setting. There is one example with Balmung, Another example Storagable and tradable only red potion, except by GM Level 99 500,473,99 500 = Item ID 473 = Restrictions (1+8+16+64+128+256) 99 = GM Level which can bypass this restriction That should be enough so you do the changes you need on your own. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask =)
  9. It is NEVER a good practice to use root for anything (Or Administrator for windows), as a faulty piece of code/script or whatever else could end up screwing your entire OS installation. You can always "sudo" something if you have the need to. I've never used workbench for anything, so no idea there. To empty a table as jaBote mentioned before, you can use truncate as an sql command To insert data simply do INSERT into `table` (`col1`, `col2`, `col3`) VALUES('string1', int1, 'string2'); For storage for example, you can do this INSERT INTO `storage` (`id` ,`account_id` ,`nameid` ,`amount` ,`equip` ,`identify` ,`refine` ,`attribute` ,`card0` ,`card1` ,`card2` ,`card3` ,`expire_time` ,`unique_id`)VALUES (NULL , 2000000, 500, 5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); That'd insert into Account 200000 5 (amount) Red Potions (nameid 500).
  10. The emulator is never going to attempt to create/drop/alter a table. I'd leave those off.
  11. Just thought about sharing~ PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 16659 myserver 15 0 524m 457m 3504 S 3.7 1.4 49:53.60 map-server 3958 myserver 15 0 201m 208m 3700 S 2.0 0.7 2:31.99 map-server Thumbs up to Ind (Y) Thanks!
  12. Xgear

    Mapflag system

    Doesnt seem really productive and would feel pretty unorganized that way. You could end up with Zones having 300 lines if you decide to throw in a bunch of maps, making it really hard to navigate through the file (Its a lot more organized and tidy to have each mapflag on a specific file), unless there'd be a huge cpu/memory reduction in such change (Which wont be), I wouldnt go much with this.
  13. Awesome idea, specially to improve collaborative working with the community. A few further suggestions: - Mark things As "Gathering info","Not started" and such. If gathering info, point whoever is "in charge" of info gathering (for instance, everyone says malufett is working on some of the renewal mechanics, so if someone can gather/has information, they could address it to him) - While a lot of people is interested in episodes, I doubt you can really work under episodes completely, as if there is a single NPC missing then the whole thing is missing? If I am not wrong there are still some stuff missing from 2 episodes ago -really minor- lol). Could be much better to narrow it down a bit (City, Big/long quests, mobs, fields, items) - A few major topics gathering info and links to them (There is 2013 Ragexe area, There was the Battlegrounds topic, etc) - Git doesnt have Revision numbers, so date + sha1 of the commit
  14. Did you "make clean && make sql"? That error only refferences to the definition of MAX_LEVEL @ map.h, so its most likely the change wasnt taken into consideration when you compiled O.o
  15. Actually I am experiecing a similar issue where as only some commands are being logged. At this point its not a deal breaker to me so I havnt further looked into it. Once I have some spare time I will~
  16. Xgear

    Forum bug

    Most likely it shows up twice because the session is duplicated. He probabbly that means issues at some point if the issue keeps spreading to more users with messed up sessions, things might end up breaking somehow.
  17. With packet_db dropped I am pretty sure the <version> in the client is no longer in use, nevertheless when I tried that client I had it at 28 or 26 (can't remember) Also, when changing mmo.h make sure you need to build clean and build solution again. Cheers!
  18. Granting all priviledges that way is really risky. You should try to only setup per-database priviledges and ideally per-table as needed. Either case, assuming Flux and the Server's database are on the same host, try doing this from the command line mysql -u<username> -p database_name It should connect or give you the corresponding error. Feel free to post the error if it shows here (Y)
  19. Hercules elimino packet_db hace bastante tiempo. Simplemente modifica src/common/mmo.h para que tenga lamisma fecha que el cliente. En la consola se muestra algo? Eso es muy util para poder identificar losproblemas. Saludos!
  20. If you're going to try this on Windows and on a local enviroment only (definately not good for a production server), I'd suggest you start off with wamp, its a pack that installs mysql, apache,php and phpmyadmin. With phpMyAdmin you can manage mysql databases slightly easy. At least easier then through the command line if this is your first time playing with them Once you have phpMyAdmin (Shall you decide go this way), simply create a database (Its one of the first things that pops up on the main page), a user (and give him permissions on your new database), Go into your database, click import and import the sql-files/ files(Main.sql, log.sql mainly). Thats pretty much it. If you have any questions feel free to drop by!
  21. Esta sección es de Scripts y Base de Datos (Como lo dice su nombre). La sección correcta es Soporte de Cliente. En todo caso, puedes pegar el error para ver que es lo que dice? Así es más fácil. Saludos.
  22. Xgear


    I use this script on all my servers (about 5 considering test servers and what not) and I've never had any issues with it O.o You might've been flagged because the script constantly checks for the process running (about every 0.2ms), in order to restart it if it has crashed. I haven't tested this on a VPS, only on personal computers or dedicated servers, so no idea if your VPS has some sort of warning for such things. But, it does what it says it does, whether it works for you under your environment is a different issue Edit: Or chances are as this is not a script, but a compiled software, it ends up being in a software launching a proccess, which under your VPS configuration might have been flagged.
  23. From skill_db.txt 368,0,6,4,0,0x69,0,5,1,yes,0,0,0,weapon,0, PA_SACRIFICE, Martyr's Reckoning Thats because Sacrifice isn't "Sacrifice" actually, its called Marty'r Reckoning. (Assuming you're speaking of the skill that hits HP based, right?) Skill ID is 368 to work it server side. You can probabbly figure it out from here
  24. Scratched everything I said. It is now available. http://herc.ws/board/files/file/9-hax/ Hope it helps
  25. Xgear


    File Name: hAx File Submitter: Xgear File Submitted: 25 May 2013 File Category: Scripts This is an old RO launcher I have. Been using it ever since it came to my hands. Restarts the server as soon as it crashes. No idea who wrote it other than whats in the script's usage: Zak Farrington alias fritz <[email protected]> Usage: ./hAx [OPTIONS]... [MAPSERVER-BINARY]... [OUTPUTFILE]...Examples: ./hAx --hup map-server map-server.out # Inerpret hang up signals && output to map-server.out ./hAx --nohup map-server.exe /dev/null # Ignore hangup signals && output to /dev/nullThe Flags: --hup Passes map-server directly to the command line, thusly it interprets hang up signals --nohup Passes map-server thru nohup to ignore hang up signals To use it you can create a file called "run", chmod +x the file and add this on it nohup ./hAx --nohup login-server ~/server/log/login/slog & nohup ./hAx --nohup char-server ~/server/log/char/schar & nohup ./hAx --nohup map-server ~/server/log/map/smap & After that, simply type ./run and voila. All the console output will be logged to ~/server/log/<server>/s<server>_<start_time> Hope it helps Cheers. Click here to download this file
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