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Everything posted by KingIris

  1. so i wanted to create christmas instance, but ive never done one before so i decided to re-edit the octopus cave instance and make it in to mine! but with out having relation to the two... so far i havent had any errors at all. but the part if (countitem(529)) { does not continue the instance nor does it even start it to go to the next part of the instance! heres the full script, Well the parts ive edited so far ~ te_aldecas2 mapflag src4instancete_aldecas3 mapflag src4instance//============================================================prontera,155,182,6 script Rodolfo Christmas#chinstance 416,{ set .@party_id,getcharid(1); set .@md_name$,"Woonie Christmas"; if (!.@party_id) { mes "^CC33CC[Rodolfo Christmas]^000000"; mes " "; mes "^CC33CCHa! You alone is^000000 ^008800powerless^000000, ^CC33CChehe!^000000"; mes "^CC33CCBetter get someone to help you out.^000000 ^CC33CCMake a^000000 ^008800party^000000^CC33CC, and come back later.^000000"; close; } if (getcharid(0) != getpartyleader(.@party_id,2)) { mes "^CC33CC[Rodolfo Christmas]^000000"; mes " "; mes "^CC33CCWhere is your^000000 ^008800leader^000000^CC33CC, hehe.^000000"; mes "^CC33CCI don't talk to some random people.^000000 ^CC33CCBring your^000000 ^008800boss^000000 ^CC33CCto me.^000000"; close; } mes "^CC33CC[Rodolfo Christmas]^000000"; mes " "; mes "^CC33CCHello^000000 ^008800"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000^CC33CC, Im Rodolfo. Im Santa's Little brother, I'm all about fun and games. Which is why i bring you this^000000 ^008800Christmas Instance^000000^CC33CC!^000000"; next; mes "^CC33CC[Rodolfo Christmas]^000000"; mes " "; mes "^CC33CCThe Secret Lies Within the^000000 ^008800Clause^000000 ^CC33CCFamily,^000000 ^008800Antonio^000000 ^CC33CC& His^000000 ^008800minions^000000 ^CC33CCmust be stopped!^000000"; next; while(1) { switch(select("^008800~^000000 ^CC33CCAsk Rodolfo Whats going on.^000000:^008800~^000000 ^CC33CCAsk to open the Christmas Gates.^000000:^008800~^000000 ^CC33CCCancel.^000000")) { case 1: mes "^CC33CC[Rodolfo Christmas]^000000"; mes " "; mes "^CC33CCWell lately my two brothers^000000 ^008800Nicholas^000000 ^CC33CCand^000000 ^008800Antonio^000000 ^CC33CChave been in a all out war between the two. Only because^000000 ^008800Nicholas^000000 ^CC33CCwas chosen to be this decades^000000 ^008800Santa Clause^000000^CC33CC.^000000 ^008800Antonio^000000 ^CC33CCwas not too please with^000000 ^008800mother and father's^000000 ^CC33CCdecision!^000000"; next; mes "^CC33CC[Rodolfo Christmas]^000000"; mes " "; mes "^CC33CCSo ever since then,^000000 ^008800Antonio^000000 ^CC33CChas been trying to^000000 ^008800Sabotage Christmas^000000 ^CC33CCfor everyone and^000000 ^008800Nicholas^000000^CC33CC. Making^000000 ^008800Christmas^000000 ^CC33CCa really hard mission, Instead of a^000000 ^008800Joyful Holiday. Full of sharing, love and caring.^000000"; next; mes "^CC33CC[Rodolfo Christmas]^000000"; mes " "; mes "^CC33CCIt seems like^000000 ^008800Antonio^000000 ^CC33CChas been a bit successful^000000 ^008800Sabotaging Christmas^000000^CC33CC, When it comes to Him and his friend^000000 ^008800The Grinch^000000^CC33CC. They find quite joy in the wrong, No wonder father always had them in the^000000 ^008800Naughty^000000 ^CC33CClist!^000000"; next; mes "^CC33CC[Rodolfo Christmas]^000000"; mes " "; mes "^CC33CCIve taken the time out to fix this chaos between our^000000 ^008800Clause^000000 ^CC33CCfamily. Which is why ive been looking for^000000 ^008800Great Adventurers^000000 ^CC33CCto stop^000000 ^008800Antonion's^000000 ^CC33CCmadness once and for all!^000000"; next; mes "^CC33CC[Rodolfo Christmas]^000000"; mes " "; mes "^CC33CCGo speak to^000000 ^008800Nicholas^000000^CC33CC, He has something you'll need for this^000000 ^008800Adventure^000000^CC33CC!^000000"; next; break; case 2: set .@playtime, questprogress(50000,PLAYTIME); if (.@playtime == 0 || .@playtime == 1) { mes "^CC33CC[Rodolfo Christmas]^000000"; mes " "; mes "^008800Antonio^000000 ^CC33CCis not around now, hehe.^000000"; mes "^CC33CCPlease come back later.^000000"; close; } if (.@playtime == 2) erasequest 50000; if (countitem(529)) { set .@instance,instance_create(.@md_name$,.@party_id); if (.@instance < 0) { mes "^CC33CC[Rodolfo Christmas]^000000"; mes " "; mes "^CC33CCParty name is...^000000 ^008800"+getpartyname(.@party_id)+".^000000"; mes "^CC33CCParty leader is... ^008800"+strcharinfo(0)+".^000000"; mes "^008800"+.@md_name$+"^000000^CC33CC, I cannot open now, hehe.^000000"; mes "^CC33CCNow is not the time, please wait.^000000"; close; } if (instance_attachmap("te_aldecas2",.@instance) == "") { mes "^008800"+.@md_name$+"^000000 ^CC33CC- Reservation Failed!^000000"; instance_destroy(.@instance); close; } instance_set_timeout 600,300,.@instance; instance_init(.@instance); mes "^CC33CC[Rodolfo Christmas]^000000"; mes " "; mes "^CC33CCI will open the gate for a while to^000000 ^008800"+.@md_name$+"^000000."; mes "^CC33CCPlease catch that^000000 ^008800Menace Antonio,^000000"; mes "^CC33CCand come back with his^000000 ^008800Stolen Gift^000000^CC33CC, hehe.^000000"; close; } mes "^CC33CC[Rodolfo Christmas]^000000"; mes " "; mes "^CC33CCOnce you've got what you need from^000000 ^008800Nicholas^000000^CC33CC, I'll take you the trials of^000000 ^008800Antonio^000000^CC33CC!^000000"; close; case 3: mes "^CC33CC[Rodolfo Christmas]^000000"; mes " "; mes "^CC33CCI'll see you next time then.^000000"; close; } }}xmas,148,95,2 script Christmas Gate CLEAR_NPC,{ mes "^FF8000[Christmas Gate]^000000"; mes "^FF8000This is the strange Gate that leads to^000000 ^CC33CCOAntonio's Madness^000000^FF8000!^000000"; next; switch(select("^CC33CC~^000000 ^FF8000Enter Woonie Christmas.^000000:^CC33CC~^000000 ^FF8000Stop.^000000")) { case 1: if (countitem(529)) { if (has_instance("te_aldecas2") == "") { if (questprogress(50000,PLAYTIME) == 0 || questprogress(50000,PLAYTIME) == 1) { mes "^CC33CC[Rodolfo Christmas]^000000"; mes " "; mes "^CC33CCAh,^000000 ^008800Antonio^000000 ^CC33CCseems to be eating cookies! Would you come back later? Hehe.^000000"; close; } mes "^CC33CC[Rodolfo Christmas]^000000"; mes " "; mes "^CC33CCSeems like^000000 ^008800Antonio^000000 ^CC33CCis waiting for you, Watch out for those stubborn^000000 ^008800Minions^000000^CC33CC!^000000 ^CC33CCand^000000 ^008800BEWARE^000000^CC33CC....^000000"; close; } mapannounce "xmas", getpartyname(getcharid(1))+" party's "+strcharinfo(0)+" member started to hunt Antonio!",bc_map,"0x00ff99"; if (questprogress(50000) == -1) setquest 50000; warp "te_aldecas2",88,163; end; } mes "^CC33CC[Rodolfo Christmas]^000000"; mes " "; mes "^CC33CCYou should definitely prepare the^000000 ^008800Santa Scarf^000000^CC33CC, Its the only way i can sneak you inside^000000 ^008800Antonio's Lair^000000 ^CC33CCwith out being seen..^000000 ^008800Ninja Style^000000^CC33CC!^000000"; close; case 2: mes "^CC33CC[Rodolfo Christmas]^000000"; mes " "; mes "^CC33CCYes Yes, you better quit...^000000 ^008800Loozer^000000^CC33CC!!!!^000000"; close; }} can anyone give me any pointers or tell me exactly what im doing wrong when it comes to taking a instanced structure to make my own? ~ Thank you in advance
  2. ill test it ina bit The error because you forgot to add " at Line 60, wrong position and missing "}" curly bracket. I got it working, Thanks both
  3. ScreenShot: Script: prontera.gat,160,178,3 script Kris Kringle 714,{ mes "[Kris Kringle]"; mes " "; mes "Do you know what Christmas is all about?"; menu "^0000ff~^000000 Sharing, Caring and Love?",-; next; mes "[Kris Kringle]"; mes " "; mes "No Silly! It's all about the gifts!"; menu "^0000ff~^000000 Oh.....",-; next; mes "[Kris Kringle]"; mes " "; mes "And speaking of gifts, I'm handling the Exchange Gift Program for all Woonies! To participate, you have to give me a Wrapped Gift and you'll get one in return. The exciting part is finding out what the gift you'll get contains!"; switch(select("^0000ff~^000000 Exchange Gift","^0000ff~^000000 Wrap Gift")) { case 1: next; if (countitem(12355) > 1) { mes "[Kris Kringle]"; mes " "; mes "Here's a gift in Return. Pray you won't get socks!"; next; delitem 12355,1; //Wrapped Gift getitem 12256,1; //Christmas Gift mes "[Kris Kringle]"; mes " "; mes "Have A Woonie Christmas :3"; close; } else { next; mes "[Kris Kringle]"; mes " "; mes "Heyyy,"; mes "You're not getting a gift unless you give one too"; mes "~ ^0000ffWrap Gift^000000"; next; mes "[Kris Kringle]"; mes " "; mes "Dont be greedy and make sure you got a gift to give back Next Time."; close; case 2: doevent "Kris Kringle2::OnTalk"; } }}// ------------ Kris Kringle 2 --------------------- script Kris Kringle2 -1,{OnTalk: mes "[Kris Kringle]"; mes " "; mes "Hmmm, No gift yet huh? I'll wrap one up for you... I just need a few Materials to make it for you!"; next; mes "[Kris Kringle]"; mes " "; mes I'll need these Materials:"; mes " "; mes "^0000ff~^000000 (6) ^0000ffGift Box^000000"; mes "^0000ff~^000000 (6) ^0000ffWrapping Paper^000000"; mes "^0000ff~^000000 (6) ^0000ffWrapping Lace^000000"; switch(select("^0000ff~^000000 I have all the Materials","^0000ff~^000000 Where am i getting those?")) { case 1: next; if (countitem(644) > 6 && countitem(7175) > 6 && countitem(7174) > 6) { mes "[Kris Kringle]"; mes " "; mes "Great! Here you go!"; next; delitem 644,6; //Gift Boc delitem 7175,6; //Wrapping Paper delitem 7174,6; //Wrapping Lace getitem 12354,1; //Wrapped Gift mes "[Kris Kringle]"; mes " "; mes "Have A Woonie Christmas :3"; close; } else { next; mes "[Kris Kringle]"; mes " "; mes "Hmmmm,"; mes "You dont have all the Materials@"; close; case 2: next; mes "[Kris Kringle]"; mes " "; mes "Well...all stores are out of stock because some nasty monsters disguised as Daddy Nick's helpers have been raiding Lutie. They attack the town every hour. If you defeat them and take them down, you can take those items from them."; close; } } }} Im not really sure what did i do wrong? I keep trying to find the fix for it, But everything i try is not working for some reason. Thanks in Advance!
  4. i edited everything correctly im guessing but the walls do not delwall after barricade is dead! - script Barricade -1,{OnInit: setwall "te_aldecas3",81,228,1,0,0,"christmas_wall_a"; setwall "te_aldecas3",81,229,1,0,0,"christmas_wall_b"; setwall "te_aldecas3",81,230,1,0,0,"christmas_wall_c"; setwall "te_aldecas3",81,231,1,0,0,"crhistmas_wall_d"; setwall "te_aldecas3",81,232,1,0,0,"christmas_wall_e"; setwall "te_aldecas3",81,233,1,0,0,"christmas_wall_f"; for( .@i = 0; .@i < 4; .@i++ ){ monster "te_aldecas3",( 81 + .@i ),228, "Santa Wall", 1905, 1, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBarricadeA"; monster "te_aldecas3",( 81 + .@i ),229, "Santa Wall", 1905, 1, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBarricadeB"; monster "te_aldecas3",( 81 + .@i ),230, "Santa Wall", 1905, 1, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBarricadeC"; monster "te_aldecas3",( 81 + .@i ),231, "Santa Wall", 1905, 1, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBarricadeD"; monster "te_aldecas3",( 81 + .@i ),232, "Santa Wall", 1905, 1, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBarricadeE"; monster "te_aldecas3",( 81 + .@i ),233, "Santa Wall", 1905, 1, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBarricadeF"; } monster "te_aldecas3", 73, 230, "Emperium", 1288, 1, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnEmperiumDead"; end; OnBarricadeA:if( !mobcount(te_aldecas3, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBarricadeA") ){ delwall "christmas_wall_a";}end;OnBarricadeB:if( !mobcount(te_aldecas3, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBarricadeB") ){ delwall "christmas_wall_b";}end;OnBarricadeC:if( !mobcount(te_aldecas3, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBarricadeC") ){ delwall "christmas_wall_c";}end;OnBarricadeD:if( !mobcount(te_aldecas3, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBarricadeD") ){ delwall "christmas_wall_d";}end;OnBarricadeE:if( !mobcount(te_aldecas3, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBarricadeE") ){ delwall "christmas_wall_e";}end;OnBarricadeF:if( !mobcount(te_aldecas3, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBarricadeF") ){ delwall "christmas_wall_f";}end;OnEmperiumDead:monster "te_aldecas3", 73, 230, "SUPER MONSTER", 1002, 1, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnSuperDead";end;OnSuperDead:dispbottom "Congrats on Defeating Antonio, Daddy Nick greatly appreciate's the help.";end;} Barricade_A Barricade_B arent delwall, Cant continue on even after you killed it
  5. i just tried testing, but theres a problem with the walls ive made. upon break the barricade, the wall doesnt delete. Its stays there & your basically stuck and cannot proceed.
  6. so to try to test ive done this - script Barricade -1,{OnInit: setwall "te_aldecas3",81,228,1,0,0,"christmas_wall_a"; monster te_aldecas3, 81, 228, "Barricade", 1905, 1, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBarricadeDead1" end; OnBarricadeDead1:if (mobcount(mapname, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBarricadeDead1") < 1) { delwall "christmas_wall_a";}end;} now how do i add what you said above, just for testing?
  7. Hello guys, I was wonder how can i set up walls with the barricade monster? just like the BG ones but for something else i wanna create! example: I found out in the BG Conquest script, the format of the Barricade is similar to what im trying to create with my script. ill block Passageways with the barricades and the player needs to knock each wall down to progress. Is it possible to have the barricade counted? Ex: dispbottom "There are (x) amount of barricades left"; Also is it possible to add a Emperium & when that Emperium is broken, A monster spawns? I know its possible i just dont know how to do it. But i can get this part on my own i think - But im more seeking help on the barricades~ Cause i tried doing it myself manipulating the ( SetWall & bg_monster) but i havent had any luck yet! Thanks in advanced guys ~
  8. Like the title says, How can I make clones in to mobs. I wanna make then a Ingame monster but Using cloned players and staff. - there own drops - own stats - own skills Like a normal mob.. Does anyone know how To do this && is it possible to do so?
  9. It is better to post it in Buck Tracker section so that our developers can easily take a look at it.. please post accordingly. I will now then thanks Mhalicot
  10. ~ I did not really know if i should post this here or the Database section, But i assumed that fixing the skills require some src edits that are far beyond my knowledge. If anyone can help me out with any of these, Its really much appreciated <3 Job Skills Homunculus Skills
  11. that seems accurate, thanks guys
  12. Hello All, I didnt know where to post this on the forums, So i decided to post it on database. Correct me if im wrong ~ Alright well im having a problem with Custom Pet Eggs at the moment! Every Time i use a pet egg with the incubator. The pet does not spawn & the Custom Pet Egg breaks. Not sure how to fix this, Idk why it started happening all of sudden. Does anyone has the solution for me, Its very much appreciated
  13. forgot the mention im running eAmod cant find sc_config.txt on there so maybe theres a different way
  14. how can i clear a buff from a consumable item when you die basically buffs gone when you die from this kinda script.. 12075,Str_Dish10,Steamed Tongue,0,100000,,1000,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ sc_start SC_STRFOOD, 3600000, 10; percentheal 20,20; },{},{} thought it was gonna be simple, but im actually having trouble with this
  15. Feel Free to rate my first design All of people thoughts could be positive or negative itll still help me progress so all are welcome :3 I'll keep updating this same post with more Designs :3
  16. phtownall,10,17,0 script Bangus Dagupan::Bangus Dagupan 844,{ if (isequipped(2764)) && (isequipped(2775)) && (isequipped(1750)){ specialeffect2 EF_BUBBLE; set .@fcast,14; if (isequipped(5523)) { //Sakura set .@fcast,.@fcast - 4; } if (isequipped(2443)) { //Fish_Shoes set .@fcast,.@fcast - 4; } if (isequipped(5548)) { //Scarlet set .@fcast,.@fcast - 3; } if (isequipped(6428)) { //VIP set .@fcast,.@fcast - 2; } delitem 1750,1; progressbar "ffffff",.@fcast; if (rand(1,1000) == 2) { getitem 5548,1; //Big Fish specialeffect EF_BUBBLE; mapannounce "phtownall","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught a Crimson of rose!!!",bc_map,"0xff77ff"; end; } set .@rhea_ran,rand(1,70); if (.@rhea_ran < 20) { getitem 579,1; //Fresh Fish emotion omg,23; message strcharinfo(0), " : Tuna For Sale!"; } else if (.@rhea_ran == 20) { getitem 969,1; //Spawn } else if (.@rhea_ran == 21) { getitem 12114,1; //Fire } else if (.@rhea_ran == 22) { getitem 12117,1; //wind } else if (.@rhea_ran == 23) { getitem 12116,1; //earth } else if (.@rhea_ran == 24) { getitem 6049,1; //Marlin emotion omg,23; message strcharinfo(0), " : Tuna For Sale!"; } else if (.@rhea_ran == 25) { getitem 12115,1; //water } //else if (.@rhea_ran == 500) { // getitem 12916,1; //assump // mapannounce "phtownall","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught an Assumptio Scroll in Fishing Area!!",bc_map,"0x44ff44"; //} else if (.@rhea_ran == 27) { getitem 12020,1; //Cursed } else if (.@rhea_ran == 28) { getitem 678,50; //Sticky_Mucus emotion omg,23; message strcharinfo(0), " : eeeewwwwwwww!"; } else if ((.@rhea_ran > 28) && (.@rhea_ran < 40)) { getitem 624,1; //Rotten Fish emotion omg,23; message strcharinfo(0), " : cat Food For sale!"; } if (rand(1,50) == 3) { getitem 673,1; emotion sob,1; message strcharinfo(0), " : wew anu bayan!"; } if (rand(1,50) == 3) { getitem 7227,1; //mapannounce "phtownall","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught an TCG Card in Fishing Area!!",bc_map,"0x44ff44"; emotion sob,1; message strcharinfo(0), " : wew anu bayan!"; } if (rand(1,70) == 3) { getitem 7539,1; //mapannounce "phtownall","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught an Poring Coin in Fishing Area!!",bc_map,"0xff77ff"; } if (rand(1,150) == 3) { getitem 5523,1; //mapannounce "phtownall","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught an Sakura Mist Hat in Fishing Area!!",bc_map,"0x44ff44"; } if (rand(1,150) == 3) { getitem 5536,1; //mapannounce "phtownall","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught an Spare Card in Fishing Area!!",bc_map,"0x44ff44"; } if (rand(1,20000) == 3) { getitem 4403,1; mapannounce "phtownall","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught an Kiel Card in Fishing Area!!",bc_all,"0xff77ff"; emotion desp,1; message strcharinfo(0), " : Yes yun ohh!"; } //if (rand(1,5000) == 3) { // getitem 4399,1; // mapannounce "phtownall","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught an Thanatos Card in Fishing Area!!",bc_map,"0xff77ff"; //} //if (rand(1,5000) == 3) { // getitem 7086,1; // mapannounce "phtownall","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught an Emblem Of The Son God in Fishing Area!!",bc_map,"0xff77ff"; //} //if (rand(1,5000) == 3) { // getitem 7092,1; // mapannounce "phtownall","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught an Drifting Air in Fishing Area!!",bc_map,"0xff77ff"; //} //if (rand(1,5000) == 3) { // getitem 7088,1; // mapannounce "phtownall","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught an Snow Cristal in Fishing Area!!",bc_map,"0xff77ff"; //} //if (rand(1,5000) == 3) { // getitem 7091,1; // mapannounce "phtownall","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught an Billow in Fishing Area!!",bc_map,"0xff77ff"; //} //if (rand(1,5000) == 3) { // getitem 7090,1; // mapannounce "phtownall","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught an Ripple in Fishing Area!!",bc_map,"0xff77ff"; //} end; //close; //return; } else { mes "Fish are swimming in the water."; mes "You need the"; mes "Small fishing Rod, Arrow"; mes "and Lure"; mes "to Start Fishing Here!"; mes "___________________"; mes "Job Required"; mes "Hunter or Assassin!"; close; } OnAgitstart: hideonnpc strnpcinfo(0); end; OnAgitEnd: hideoffnpc strnpcinfo(0); end; } phtownall,70,13,4 duplicate(Bangus Dagupan) Palakang Tubig#h1-2 614 phtownall,60,13,4 duplicate(Bangus Dagupan) Star Fish#h1-3 551 phtownall,55,13,6 duplicate(Bangus Dagupan) Dyesabel#h1-4 499 phtownall,80,13,6 duplicate(Bangus Dagupan) Igat#h1-5 471 phtownall,69,13,6 duplicate(Bangus Dagupan) Water Snake#h1-5 471 can anyone help me with this?
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