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Everything posted by 4144

  1. 4144

    Nemo patcher

    Enabled patch Remove hardcoded address/port for all clients. This patch from version 2018-11-14 must be used for all clients. Add new patch Change fade in/out delay for change fade out delay or completely removing it.
  2. 4144

    Nemo patcher

    may be. but i not sure is this is good idea. probably better ask him share patch bytes or nemo script?
  3. you cant patch clients protected by themida directly. also this clients starting too slow. need use special software for unpack client from themida before you can patch it. Unpacked client starts with normal speed, but it's size on disk almost double from packed client. also in unpacked clients from themida anvirus may detect virus. most time this is false positive, but it affect players. from other side if client was not packed with themida, it works fine and can be patches. and no false alarms by antiviruses. and on nemo site clients what can be downloaded from official kro server or from unofficial mirrors and themida never used for this clients.
  4. look like you using very old hercules. probably older than one year. this version cant support any 2018 clients because was developed before this clients was released. also your compiler not supported anymore (gcc 4.4) or may be your logs from old builds?
  5. show packet version from server console
  6. if you have windows, why not build with visual studio? if latest versions not works on 32 bit systems, you can search some old versions.
  7. black head mostly mean from palette or sprite. put correct sprite + palette for given hair id and all should works fine
  8. not disable, but enable. see configure switch in my message. but why you using cygwin? if you really want linux like environment on windows, you can use WSL. or use real linux systems.
  9. look like you not have 32 bit libs on 64 bit system. I not sure is 3CeAM can really works in 64 bit mode, but you can try run ./configure --enable-64bit make
  10. 4144

    Nemo patcher

    New patch "Change guild exp limit"
  11. 4144

    Nemo patcher

    Added to nemo some patches from other nemo fork. See changelog. Also now clients not protected by themida can be downloaded now from nemo site: http://nemo.herc.ws/downloads/ Clients can be downloaded from different kro mirrors and not stored on server where site located.
  12. Clients not protected by themida can be downloaded now from nemo site: http://nemo.herc.ws/downloads/ Need follow instructions from each client page.
  13. 4144

    Nemo patcher

    New patch "Restore chat focus"
  14. 4144

    Nemo patcher

    Added new service with reports about all patches for all kro and zero clients. http://nemo.herc.ws
  15. 4144

    Nemo patcher

    In drawing code i see only layers limit to 7 one of them is head. probably head sprites limit somewhere else.
  16. 4144

    Nemo patcher

    imf set draw priority for some frames. But look like it used not always. also in render used lua functions what called on the fly on each character drawing. some of them set priority other frames etc... this is one of reasons why client too slow
  17. 4144

    Nemo patcher

    not sure about head, but i saw 7 or 8 frames or sprites at total for player in 2018 clients. you can show video with flickering head sprite? probably at first working and after if equip something showing with issue. i want to see this kind of video.
  18. you using stable branch. this branch updated only on release time. this is mostly once per month. also you have two custom commits in local branch. you can switch to master branch by command git checkout master
  19. 4144

    Nemo patcher

    @Phaige use patch "Increase hair style limit in game" It will allow use 100 hairs.
  20. hm, but getd should not return errors for constants too
  21. also if using ragexeRE client need add additional configure flag --enable-packetver-re
  22. for now you cant. download ragexe clients is simple and i probably will create script for this. but ragexeRE is complicated...
  23. see message at top, this service discontinued
  24. wrong Exists atleast 3 ways how build plugins. 1. after building server run make plugin.myplugin1 where myplugin1 is your plugin name or you can add your plugin name into variable in make file 2. add your plugins into make file. change MYPLUGINS := $(MYPLUGINS) to MYPLUGINS := $(MYPLUGINS) myplugin1 where myplugin1 is your plugin name 3. use environment variables. run command MYPLUGINS=myplugin1 make plugins where myplugin1 is your plugin name
  25. most time this mean you have issue with data/system or grf each client must use own files version, if you using files much newer or much older client may crash or works with bugs
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