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Ace D Potgas

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Ace D Potgas last won the day on July 9 2015

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About Ace D Potgas

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  1. Hi, as mention on the topic title. Can anyone teach me how to add (codes, etc..) to my wordpress web theme to show my current server online status andplayer onlines. I saw some RO server have this feature while using wordpress theme. Here are some example :- RO server A (using wordpress theme) RO server B
  2. First of all, i would like to remind you that all i am offering is the truth that happened to me few month ago. It is up to you whether you want to believe me or not. The story start when... Few months ago,i was developing my own ragnarok server, i wish to have my own harmony license and start to look around for someone who want to sell their harmony account. My friends informed me that i can ask a person name Vince de vera at facebook a.k.a c0nflict at Rathena board. So,i added him on facebook and asking him if he is selling his harmony account. He told me that he is selling it due to the lost of interest in continuing his RO server because of recurring DDOS attack. After making a deal,he insisted me to send the payment via western union instead of paypall. I trusted him because i though he is part of the rAthena community. I knew he is active,well known and also a good contributor. But then,i was wrong..Below are part of our conversation and the deal we have made: After i got scam by c0nflict, i feel so disappointing and i keep myself away from the Ragnarok life until recently. Again,i wish to open a new ragnarok server and i was searching for a new hosting. I came across Ragnahosting. I took the asia package that they offered. After i have made payment for the hosting using my paypall account, i was suprised to found out that the payment goes toTITA ABELO. The same person who scam me few month back. That person is the same person, c0nflict. So,i left Ragnahosting because i don't feel secure to let them host my server. I hope you guys don't fall into his trap. He ran off after letting me to use his harmony account for a few days. He even blocked me on Facebook. I manage to keep all the screenshot before he ran off. I wanted to share this to let you guys aware of this scammer. His new hosting company : http://ragnahosting.com Rathena profile : https://rathena.org/board/user/309-conflicts/ Thanks for reading. p/s : i have made this post at rAthena, unfortunately he used his power and tittle as "support leader" to sabotage my post and removed almost all the proved. He also twisted the plot by saying that he removed my access to harmony account just because i read his unread email inbox. That is totally bullshit because he used a normal dummy email for his harmony account, not a private (important) email for him. Else, if so why would i read his email which is none of my business. I was asking him to change the ownership of harmony account by replacing my email. He did not do it and ran off after few days giving me access to harmony.
  3. Do you have any link to donwload the other version of diff? im using revision 4.1
  4. Hi there, I wanted to use the option inside diffpatcher which is WDGSkipPacketHeaderObfuscation. But the problem is, everytime i try to diff my client, i cant find this option to include into my client. Anyone know how to solve this matter? the file WDGSkipPacketHeaderObfuscation is already inside my diffpatcher plugins, but it wont load the option during patcher process. Below are the picture of my plugin folder and the diff process :-
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