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Everything posted by fiction

  1. Oh, i see. Thank you again AnnieRuru, hope the pull request gonna be merged soon
  2. Yes, you can manipulate the monster statistic before or after the spawn.
  3. Hi, i'm having problem with the setunitdata hp, max hp and lvl. For some reason isn't working for me, for example i made the following script: .@LordBaphomet[0] = monster(.@map$, 145, 311, "--ja--", 1929, 1, .@label$ + "::OnBaphometDead"); setunitdata ( .@LordBaphomet[0],UDT_HP,35000000); setunitdata ( .@LordBaphomet[0],UDT_MAXHP,35000000); setunitdata ( .@LordBaphomet[0],UDT_LEVEL,130); when the monster appear, his HP appear in 14% instead of the 100%, and i need to attack the monster to update his lvl. Before the first attack, his HP is on 14% and his lvl isn't updated. After the first attack, his lvl has been updated.
  4. oh.. what a pity. Thank you Annie Well if something is searching for something like rentitem for specific job, a workaround that i did, is this: .@eac = eaclass(); if ((.@eac&EAJ_BASEMASK) == EAJ_SWORDMAN){ rentitem 1117,86400; equip 1117; setequipoption EQI_HAND_L, 1, .@OptID, .@OptVal; } if ((.@eac&EAJ_BASEMASK) == EAJ_MAGE){ rentitem 1619,86400; equip 1619; setequipoption EQI_HAND_R, 1, .@OptID, .@OptVal; } if ((.@eac&EAJ_BASEMASK) == EAJ_ARCHER){ rentitem 1705,86400; equip 1705; setequipoption EQI_HAND_R, 1, .@OptID, .@OptVal; } if ((.@eac&EAJ_BASEMASK) == EAJ_ACOLYTE){ rentitem 1601,86400; equip 1601; setequipoption EQI_HAND_R, 1, .@OptID, .@OptVal; }
  5. Hi, in Herc, exist any method to use rentitem with random option system?. For example, in rathena exist rentitem3, where i can use the flag RandomIDarray, RandomValueArray, etc *rentitem3 <item id>,<time>,<identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>,<RandomIDArray>,<RandomValueArray>,<RandomParamArray>{,<account_id>}; Greetings!.-
  6. Hi, what is the use for tb_layer_priority in lua files/datainfo i've added some customs items to my server, and the client return the follow error: Client: 20181226
  7. Wonderful!, i'm gonna try it at home, thank you so much!
  8. Thank you @AnnieRuru, @4144 and yes, indeed is part of your script, but i made some modification (I hope you do not mind hehe), because i don't want to trade in Zeny, i want to trade in custom items. I'll try to re-read the documentation of herc and try to adapt it.
  9. In case that i use SQL Queries to fill the entry, how can i do here?. In rathena i use query sqls to fill my menu and the shop, and then order alphabetically. For example: OnInit: .@mob_db$ = "mob_db"; .@item_db$ = "item_db"; .@total = query_sql( "SELECT DISTINCT LEFT( `name_japanese`, 1 ) AS alphabets FROM `"+ .@item_db$ +"` RIGHT JOIN `"+ .@mob_db$ +"` ON `"+ .@item_db$ +"`.`id` = `"+ .@mob_db$ +"`.`dropcardid` WHERE `type` = 6 AND `mexp` = 0 GROUP BY `name_japanese` ORDER BY alphabets;", .alphabet$ ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@total; .@i++ ) { .alphabet_menu$ = .alphabet_menu$ + .alphabet$[.@i] +" Cards:"; .@nb = query_sql( "SELECT `"+ .@item_db$ +"`.`id` FROM `"+ .@item_db$ +"` RIGHT JOIN `"+ .@mob_db$ +"` ON `"+ .@item_db$ +"`.`id` = `"+ .@mob_db$ +"`.`dropcardid` WHERE ~(`MODE`) & 32 AND `type` = 6 AND `mexp` = 0 AND LEFT( `name_japanese`, 1 ) = '"+ .alphabet$[.@i] +"' GROUP BY `name_japanese` ORDER BY `name_japanese` LIMIT 128;", .@id ); for ( .@j = 0; .@j < .@nb; .@j++ ) npcshopadditem "card_mob#"+ .alphabet$[.@i], .@id[.@j], 3; } freeloop 0; end; } // Shop Normal Cards - itemshop card_mob#A -1,30004,1515:1 - itemshop card_mob#B -1,30004,1515:1 - itemshop card_mob#C -1,30004,1515:1 - ietmshop card_mob#D -1,30004,1515:1 ...
  10. Hi to all, In herc, what is the way to manipualte custom shops via npcshopdelitem, npcshopadditem, etc? For example, in rathena, when i use shops that the currency is an item, i use itemshop, like this... - itemshop asdfas -1,7828,13036:100,13411:100 and then i call that shop via callshop "asdfas",0; How can i do that here in herc? Greetings.-
  11. Hi, i wondering if someone can help me to fix the following code that i have from php. The problem that i have, it's that isn't counting the total card in the server, always stated in null valor.
  12. Thank you for the response and sorry for the delay of my answer. I've tried your tips, and the only problem that i continue having is the HP storage of the mob. Now the change are working perfectly, but the transfer of the previous HP of the mob isn't working. For example, 1.- The monster 3500 has 1 milion of HP. 2.- Recive 100,000 damaged. The HP now is 900,000 3.- The monster changed its element (Mob 3501). 4.- The new monster obtain 900,000 HP, because it was the previous HP of the mob (3500), and so on. Here is the script: 1@def01,50,50,4 script asdasd 4_NFWISP,{ donpcevent("#fff::OnStart"); } 1@def01,1,5,3 script #fff CLEAR_NPC,{ OnStart: .GID = monster ("1@def01", 50, 55, _("--ja--"), 3500, 1, "DarkThanatos::OnDead"); initnpctimer "fff#Start"; initnpctimer; set .temp, getcharid(0); set @temp, getcharid(0); end; OnTimer6000: // Utiliza 'getunitdata' en vez de 'getmonsterinfo' .@max_hp = getunitdata( .GID,UDT_MAXHP ); .@hp = getunitdata( .GID,UDT_HP ); //Mob 3500 + rand(1,4) .@element = rand( 1,4 ); //Array de los 4 elementos setarray(.@element$[1], "Fire", "Earth", "Water", "Wind"); // TODO: required mob controller script commands or other alternatives workaround. getmapxy(.@mapname$, .@mapx, .@mapx, UNITTYPE_MOB, .GID); // Mata al monstruo después de obtener su posición killmonsterall "1@def01"; .GID = monster( .@mapname$,.@mapx,.@mapx,"--ja--",3500+.@element,1,"DarkThanatos::OnDead" ); setunitdata( .GID,UDT_HP,.@hp ); setunitdata( .GID,UDT_MAXHP,.@max_hp ); initnpctimer; // Simplificar el uso de 'switch' mapannounce "1@def01","MOB changed to "+.@element$[.@element]+" element!",bc_map; end; } Big thanks in advance !.
  13. Hi, I need some help to make a mob change the appareance every 25 sec, and store the previous HP and position. Is similar to Facewrom, This is that i have currently, but have error when i try to spawn the mob in the previous position. 1@def01,50,50,4 script asdasd 4_NFWISP,{ donpcevent("fff#Start::OnStart"); } 1@def01,0,0,0 script fff#Start HIDDEN_NPC,{ OnStart: .@GID = monster ("1@def01", 50, 55, _("--ja--"), 3500, 1, "DarkThanatos::OnDead"); initnpctimer "fff#Start"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer6000: killmonsterall "1@def01"; .@max_hp = getmonsterinfo( 3500,UDT_MAXHP ); .@hp = getmonsterinfo( 3500,UDT_HP ); .@element = rand( 3501,3504 ); // TODO: required mob controller script commands or other alternatives workaround. getmapxy(@mapname$, @mapx, @mapx, UNITTYPE_MOB); .@GID = monster( @mapname$,@mapx,@mapx,"--ja--",.@element,1,"DarkThanatos::OnDead" ); setunitdata( .@GID,UDT_HP,.@hp ); setunitdata( .@GID,UDT_MAXHP,.@max_hp ); initnpctimer; switch ( .@element ) { case 3501: mapannounce "1@def01","MOB changed to Fire element!",bc_map; break; case 3502: mapannounce "1@def01","MOB changed to Earth element!",bc_map; break; case 3503: mapannounce "1@def01","MOB changed to Water element!",bc_map; break; case 3504: mapannounce "1@def01","MOB changed to Wind element!",bc_map; break; } end; OnMyMobDead: end; OnDead: end; } [Error]: script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached! [Debug]: Function: monster (7 parameters): [Debug]: Data: variable name='@mapname$' index=0 [Debug]: Data: variable name='@mapx' index=0 [Debug]: Data: variable name='@mapx' index=0 [Debug]: Data: string value="--ja--" [Debug]: Data: variable name='.@element' index=0 [Debug]: Data: number value=1 [Debug]: Data: string value="DarkThanatos::OnDead" [Debug]: Source (NPC): DarkThanatos2#Start at 1@def01 (0,0) [Warning]: script_get_val: cannot access player variable '@mapname$', defaulting to "" [Error]: script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached! [Debug]: Function: monster (7 parameters): [Debug]: Data: string value="" [Debug]: Data: variable name='@mapx' index=0 [Debug]: Data: variable name='@mapx' index=0 [Debug]: Data: string value="--ja--" [Debug]: Data: variable name='.@element' index=0 [Debug]: Data: number value=1 [Debug]: Data: string value="DarkThanatos::OnDead" [Debug]: Source (NPC): DarkThanatos2#Start at 1@def01 (0,0) [Warning]: script_get_val: cannot access player variable '@mapx', defaulting to 0 [Error]: script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached! [Debug]: Function: monster (7 parameters): [Debug]: Data: string value="" [Debug]: Data: number value=0 [Debug]: Data: variable name='@mapx' index=0 [Debug]: Data: string value="--ja--" [Debug]: Data: variable name='.@element' index=0 [Debug]: Data: number value=1 [Debug]: Data: string value="DarkThanatos::OnDead" [Debug]: Source (NPC): DarkThanatos2#Start at 1@def01 (0,0) [Warning]: script_get_val: cannot access player variable '@mapx', defaulting to 0 [Debug]: mapindex_name2id: Map "" not found in index list! [Warning]: buildin_monster: Attempted to spawn monster class 3502 on non-existing map '' [Debug]: Source (NPC): DarkThanatos2#Start at 1@def01 (0,0) Greetings.-
  14. Hello, Who can help me with an npc that restrict all the mvp cards in a certain map. I have an idea with the sql, but i don't know how to do it more perfectly. This is that i'm looking for: If a player enter in the map that is restricted a message will appear informing that the mvp cards isn't allowed. .mvpcards = query_sql("select item_db.id from item_db right join mob_db on item_db.id = mob_db.dropcardid where mexp > 0 and type = 6 group by name_japanese;", .idmvpcard); Greetings.- !
  15. Thank you, now its working !
  16. Hi, I want to know how to make this square as basilica. I know can do it witth setcell and flag basilica, but can not understand how to use x, y and x2, y2. Map: ordeal_3-2,155,154
  17. Help, can't make compatible with herc and can't convert to a plugin src found: https://github.com/zephyrus-cr/eamod/blob/master/Servers/rAthena/src/map/atcommand.c#L8469 https://github.com/zephyrus-cr/eamod/blob/master/Servers/rAthena/src/map/mob.c#L2871 https://github.com/zephyrus-cr/eamod/blob/master/Servers/rAthena/src/map/script.c#L10170
  18. Hi Herc, Can someone please make a plugin for mobevent from eamod? syntax: mobevent <map>,<x>,<y>,<fakename>,<mobid>,<size>,<amount>,<teamid>,<showhp>,<increasehp>,<allied>,<noslaves>,<noexpnodrop>,<poringcoins>,<event> https://github.com/zephyrus-cr/eamod/blob/master/Servers/rAthena/src/map/script.c#L10170 Greetings.-
  19. Intenta con lo siguiente: http://herc.ws/board/topic/3204-special-shopimplement-it-in-hercules/
  20. fiction

    Clan System

    Just because rAthena may have it, doesn't mean anything that 'Herc' is dead. The developers are always active in the repository... you would notice if you stopped and visited it sometime rather than replying with something that has no context in this topic or anywhere else for that matter. i was just kidding, i'm still using herc.
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