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Khazou last won the day on August 1 2021

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About Khazou

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  1. Hi everybody Does someone know a way to go to a label stored as a string and preserve Npc temp var. I know about *doevent and *donpcevent, but as they start a new instance of a npc, npc temp var (.@var), are reset when i hit the label. *goto preserve npc temp var but it can't be used with string like: goto "OnMyLabel" Thx in advance ^^
  2. You just forget to disable Renewal mechanics in src/config/renewal.h Just comment the line to disable it, recompile, and it will change your novice map to a correct one
  3. ^^ If you're trying to add addrid you should read this http://herc.ws/board/topic/3285-script-command-addrid/ And the cons about using such a command This kind of addrid was rejected from Hercules too. Because this can be dangerous. It can have unexpected behavior when the player is attached to other npc and you call addrid, either that script would stop executing(think doing some quest, the variables changed but you didn't got reward), or the script with addrid would behave oddly(rid not attached but script continued to run) More info: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/211
  4. You can use this *getunits(<type>, <variable>, <limit>, "<map>"{, <x1>, <y1>, <x2>, <y2>}) This function searches a whole map or area for units and adds their GID to the provided <variable> array. It filters units by <type> and stops searching after <limit> units have been found. Set <limit> to false (0) if you wish to disable the limit altogether. Type is the type of unit to search for: BL_PC - Character object BL_MOB - Monster object BL_PET - Pet object BL_HOM - Homunculus object BL_MER - Mercenary object BL_IEM - Item object (item drops) BL_SKILL - Skill object (skill fx & sfx) BL_NPC - NPC object BL_CHAT - Chat object BL_ELEM - Elemental object BL_CHAR - Shorthand for (BL_PC|BL_MOB|BL_HOM|BL_MER|BL_ELEM) BL_ALL - Any kind of object ** Do NOT use UNITTYPE_ constants here, they have different values. Example: .@count = getunits((BL_PC | BL_NPC), .@units, false, "prontera"); The above example would search the map "prontera" for all PC and NPC units and add them to the .@units array, while setting .@count to the amount of units added to the array (useful in for() loops).
  5. Khazou

    @pk Plugin?

    Use the one from there: https://github.com/dastgir/HPM-Plugins/blob/master/src/plugins/pk.c
  6. Maybe use an account variable instead of a player one
  7. Just change all the "close" at the end of all your label by "end". Close is use to close a conversation box, so it need a player attached. http://pastebin.com/fnG8UL7j Just keep the close from the OnMyMobDeath label since it has a "mes" command. Also, you shouldn't use a variable named such as $monster, that's too common, you may end having the same variable in an other script.
  8. Can i ask why ? Anyway, you need to add a timer on the function that spawn the tomb there is nothing more to say Note: You can also change your MvP to be "script spawned" and deal with the tomb in a customized way. But the source edit seems easier and faster
  9. Yup You can download every version from there: http://browedit.excalibur-nw.com/release/ If you want here is mine: https://mega.nz/#!7B1SmCQC!suqfj5ZLBc2Y-L2SEybgIaJMZ7e4tl6CuikzC6ZicPM
  10. Khazou


    Hello 1. You don't need to put a "-" 2. Your "/" sign is not at the right place From docs: bonus2 bHPLossRate,n,t; Lose n HP every t millisecond => I didn't understand what you were trying to do. If you want player to lose (50 * Job Lvl/10) HP every seconde it will be like this bonus2 bHPLossRate,50*(readparam(JobLevel)/10),1000;
  11. No problem By the way here is a little gift, give a try to this: http://pastebin.com/WLVXSjRe You'll need to change the constant to number if you didn't update your emulator yet NPC_NAME = 0 NPC_NAME_HIDDEN = 2 NPC_MAP = 4 PC_NAME = 0
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