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About Joseph

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  1. Oops I'm really late. Happy belated birthday, Emistry!
  2. Probably not the official scripts, but other custom scripts.
  3. I think this is the issue: http://herc.ws/board/tracker/issue-6988-monster-with-onkill-label/?gopid=16246#entry16246
  4. Are those custom BGM?
  5. Not as simple as I thought. function script F_EQP { // End all other sessions if (@totalSession > 0) { @totalSession--; return; } .@card_id = getarg(0); // Equipment Slot .@type[0] = EQI_HEAD_TOP; .@type[1] = EQI_ARMOR; .@type[2] = EQI_GARMENT; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@type); .@i++) for (.@c = 0; .@c < getequipcardcnt(.@type[.@i]); .@c++) if (getequipcardid(.@type[.@i],.@c) == .@card_id) setd ".@tmp_eqp[" + .@i + "]", getd(".@tmp_eqp[" + .@i + "]") + 1; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@type); .@i++) if (getd(".@tmp_eqp[" + .@i + "]") > 0) @totalSession++; if (@totalSession == 0) { debugmes "Unexpected return... o.o"; return; } for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@type); .@i++) if (getd(".@tmp_eqp[" + .@i + "]") != @eqp[.@i]) { .@check = .@check | (1 << .@i); break; } if (.@check < 1) @totalSession--; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@type); .@i++) { switch (.@i) { // .@type index number case 0: bonus bStr,getd(".@tmp_eqp[" + .@i + "]") * 5; break; case 1: bonus bAgi,getd(".@tmp_eqp[" + .@i + "]") * 5; break; case 2: bonus bVit,getd(".@tmp_eqp[" + .@i + "]") * 5; break; } if (.@check & (1 << .@i) > 0) { @totalSession--; @eqp[.@i] = getd(".@tmp_eqp[" + .@i + "]"); } } return; } Usage: { callfunc("F_EQP",<card_id>); },{},{}
  6. You can achieve that by using mapflag.
  7. You can try this. getmapflag("<map name>",mf_battleground)
  8. map,x,y,z script PvP Warper 100,{ if (!(agitcheck() || agitcheck2())) { warp "pvp map",0,0; announce strcharinfo(0) + " has entered the pvp room.",0; } end;}
  9. map,x,y,z script PvP Warper 100,{ if (!(agitcheck() || agitcheck2())) warp "pvp map",0,0; end;} map,x,y,z script PvP Warper 100,{ warp "pvp map",0,0; end;OnInit: if (!(agitcheck() || agitcheck2())) end;OnAgitStart:OnAgitStart2: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end;OnAgitEnd:OnAgitEnd2: enablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end;}
  10. I think it's better if you add a message window instead of using @refresh.
  11. How you want to categorize those classes? I'll give you an example. Add this in the function: // Baby Wizard, Wizard, High Wizard, Warlock, Baby Warlockif (.@baseJob == Job_Wizard) { // Your effects here... // ...}
  12. No, Masao! Like you said this script is very old and it does suck anyway.
  13. You can use BaseJob instead, but this will also include baby classes and 3rd job classes for Assassin, Bard and Knight. Not necessary to create a function, if you're using this for like 1 or 2 equipment(s). {callfunc("Classes_Check");},{},{} function script Classes_Check { .@baseJob = BaseJob; if (.@baseJob == Job_Assassin || .@baseJob == Job_Bard || .@baseJob == Job_Knight) { bonus2 bAddRace,7,20; bonus bIntravision,0; if(getrefine()>=10) bonus bAllStats,5; } return;}
  14. Sorry, silly mistake. Edited my post.
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