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Masao last won the day on April 11 2018

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  1. Thanks Samuel I'll try out if I can get it to work via script then, thanks for the hint with the itemeffect command!
  2. Hello everyone I was wondering if it would be somehow possible to add the lightpillar feature from item_flag.txt to the makeitem script command? Like would it be possible to add another parameter to the script command to add the flag from item_flag.txt so when the item is generated / droped next to the character via the makeitem command it behaves like it would've droped from a normal monster and generate the coloured lightpillar? --------------------------------------- *makeitem(<item id>, <amount>, "<map name>", <X>, <Y>) *makeitem("<item name>", <amount>, "<map name>", <X>, <Y>) This command will create an item lying around on a specified map in the specified location. itemid - Found in 'db/(pre-)re/item_db.txt' amount - Amount you want produced map name - The map name X - The X coordinate Y - The Y coordinate. This item will still disappear just like any other dropped item. Like getitem(), it also accepts an 'english name' field from the database and creates apples if the name isn't found. If the map name is given as "this", the map the invoking character is on will be used. --------------------------------------- So I thought about adding after the <Y>, <Flag>) where you then can put in the number like explained inside the item_flag.txt for ex.: makeitem(12123,1,.@map$,.@x,.@y,2048) So this would drop the item next to the character with the orange pillar effect. Screen attached to show what I mean with lightpillar effect. Thanks in advance for any help!
  3. Dear Adventurers, After more than twelve years of activity, we would like to inform you that we are going to end servicing Ragnarök Online on our servers. As a consequence, our server will be definitely shut down on the 12th of August, 2019. Nevertheless, the good news for all the Ragnarök Online fans is that Ragnarök Online will have a second life. In fact, we will transfer all the exploitation of our beloved game to Innova. From there, Innova will offer a new game experience on a fresh Revo-Classic server. You can from now on subscribe to this great new experience and if you were playing on our server, you will receive some gifts for your new adventure. You can get your Gift Code on our website, at your accounts' data page: https://www.ragnarok.../my-account/291 And validate it here: https://eu.4game.com/ro Moreover, here is a special Gift Code for you: PORING. Use it on https://eu.4game.com/ro to get a free Costume Poring Hat. All the team at Whybe-Online thanks you for your continuous support over all those great years and wishes you the best possible experience with Innova and their new server. Long life to Ragnarök Online! Enjoy your favorite game on https://eu.4game.com/ro ------------------------ Liebe Abenteurer, Nach mehr als zwölf Jahren Tätigkeit, möchten wir euch darüber informieren, dass wir den Service von Ragnarök Online auf unseren Servern beenden werden. Infolgedessen, wird unser Server am 12. August 2019 definitiv heruntergefahren. Trotzdem ist die gute Nachricht für alle Fans von Ragnarök Online, dass Ragnarök Online ein zweites Leben haben wird. Tatsächlich werden wir den gesamte Service unseres geliebten Spiels an Innova übertragen. Ab diesem Moment wird Innova ein neues Spielerlebnis auf einem neuen Revo-Classic-Server anbieten. Ihr könnt diesem großartigen neuen Abenteurer ab sofort beitreten und solltet ihr auf unserem Server gespielt haben, erhalten ihr einige Geschenke. Ihr könnt euren Geschenkcode auf unsere Webseite, auf der "Mein Account" Seite erhalten: https://www.ragnarok.../my-account/291 Außerdem haben wir einen besonderen Geschenke Code für euch: PORING. Verwendet diesen auf https://eu.4game.com/ro/ um einen kostenlosen Costume Poring Hat zu erhalten. Das gesamte Team von Whybe-Online dankt euch für die kontinuierliche Unterstützung in all den großartigen Jahren. Wir wünschen euch die bestmögliche Erfahrung mit Innova und dem neuen Server. Es lebe Ragnarök Online! Viel Spaß mit eurem Lieblingsspiel auf https://eu.4game.com/ro ------------------------ Chers Aventuriers, Après plus de 12 années d'activité, nous voudrions vous informer de l'arrêt des services sur nos serveurs pour Ragnarök Online. Par conséquent, notre serveur fermera définitivement ses portes le 12 Aout 2019. Toutefois, nous pouvons d'ores et déjà vous annoncer une bonne nouvelle: Ragnarök Online connaitra un second départ. Nous transférons tous les droits d'exploitation de notre jeu bien-aimé à Innova. A partir de maintenant, Innova vous offre une nouvelle expérience de jeu sur un tout nouveau serveur Revo-Classic. Vous pouvez dès à présent vous inscrire à cette nouvelle grande aventure. Et si vous jouiez sur notre serveur, vous recevrez de nombreux cadeaux pour votre nouveau départ. Vous pouvez obtenir votre code Cadeau sur notre site, à la page des informations de votre compte: https://www.ragnarok.../mon-compte/291 Et le valider ici: https://eu.4game.com/ro De plus, voici un code cadeau spécial pour vous: PORING . Utilisez le sur https://eu.4game.com/ro pour obtenir un Costume Poring Hat gratuit. Toute l'équipe de Whybe Online vous remercie pour votre soutien pendant toutes ces belles années et nous vous souhaitons de belles aventures avec Innova sur leur nouveau serveur. Longue vie à Ragnarök Online! Retrouvez votre jeu favori sur https://eu.4game.com/ro
  4. Hi, i'm having difficulty with Items Delay. I wonder if you could help me on my post.

  5. Z3R0


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Z3R0


      Guess you don't remember me? lol it's been a while

    3. Masao


      I remember your name, but nothing more, sorry :D Probably has been a very long while.

    4. Z3R0


      Tis all good, I was pretty active in the scripting side of eA, rA, and Herc :D Just been a while ^^

  6. Miss him too :-( Ind was one of the best Dev.s and nicest persons I've ever encountered in the Athena scene, he always tried to help and took his time to answer questions, I really hope someday he'll return.
  7. Masao

    Tree of Savior

    Praise the lord for tree of savior, best game since RO1 <3
  8. Masao

    Tree of Savior

    Whoop whoop! I can't wait =D
  9. Masao

    Tree of Savior

    @@Sasuke Uchiha Ja klar, ansonsten hätte ich wohl kaum an der Beta teilgenommen und würde noch immer hier darüber berichten
  10. Masao

    Tree of Savior

    I really enjoyed the beta as well =D Unfortunatly I couldn't play from the beginning, I was one of the lucky 3'000 which got a beta key after there were only 3 days left to play, so I only made it to lvl 35 highlander class, but it was freaking awesome and super fun =D Can't wait for the next beta and for the release *-* ToS Japanase Trailer:
  11. R.I.P., the one and only Spock!
  12. Masao

    Tree of Savior

    *drools* Nexon: ToS Homepage Dat super sexy BGM <3 SoundTEMP is just amazing =) To bad I don't have an Nexon Account and that I can't create one cause I don't live in korea xD I'd so love to play the CBT Q_Q
  13. Masao

    Tree of Savior

    Hi there everyone, currently there is the G-Star event going on in kora where also IMC Games is at, and they just recently released a new video for the game Tree of Savior, and of course I thought I'd share it immediatly here to keep you guys and girls kind of up-to-date with the current state and progression of the game with this video. Keep in mind, most of the shown footage is of course of their internal alpha testing. Unfortunatly there also is no release date or an date for the CBT announced yet, so we probably will have to wait until 2015 But anyway, hype meter off the charts again thanks to this video, as always I can't wait to play it for myself, and SoundTEMP did an amazing job again with the BGM. So, here is the video now, I hope you'll enjoy it: Regards Masao
  14. I missed you as well ;3 Nice to see you back around here.
  15. Bump, hope all the stuff playtester mentioned will soon be implemented in Herc. since it's really usefull and needed stuff for the running servers out there.
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