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Everything posted by Easycore

  1. Hi, I think not be the only one that has been complicated by editing the SRC to change the resistance by stats (Stun, Frozen, etc). It's possible create a plugin where you can edit the amount of stats to be immune to a status through status.conf? eg: Stun Tolerance = 437 Vit. Regards ~ (PS: @AnnieRuru I know you can do it )
  2. @@Dastgir Oh, nono. The bear have Aura for Lv: 99. I'll test EFFECT.EF_GREEN99_5 :3 Nope, this doesn't work
  3. Hmmm.... what about of Tower Defense Event? If you've played Warcraft lll will remember this, in rAthena exist something similar called Monster Defense: https://rathena.org/board/topic/69958-monster-defense/
  4. I'm using 2014-10-22b and Monster Size works totally fine. But I want too Aura Effect like this image:
  5. Hi community, What client date support the function monster size & aura by monster_size_effect.lub ? specifically the effect function... because monster size work fine. Regards ~
  6. For 1st you can use a special map, something similar to this:
  7. What about of AI monster? They can really attack each other. monster .@map$,.@x-3,.@y,"AI 0",1023,1,"",0,0; monster .@map$,.@x+3,.@y,"AI 1",1273,1,"",0,1;
  8. MvP v/s MvP, Players bet on a MvP, if this MvP wins players receive rewards!!!111 Although I think there is no script available
  9. Easycore

    Clan System

    "Clans are special organizations that players in Ragnarok Online can join. They work similarly to Ragnarok Online II's Unions in that players take on quests for their respective Clans. Players that join Clans are unable to participate in War of Emperium and can be expelled from Clans after two weeks of inactivity." From http://ragnarok.wikia.com/wiki/Clans
  10. prontera,150,150,0 script Feel Reset 100,{if( BaseClass == Job_Star_Gladiator ){atcommand "@feelreset";dispbottom "Feelings has been reset";end} else dispbottom "You are not Star Gladiator";end;} The command "@feelreset" doesn't reset Hatred skills
  11. Hi there, Someone knows how to exclude monsters from @mi? Regards
  12. You could make clones of your weapon/equip to leveling. Eg: Katana Lv 1: Atk 50 Katana Lv 2: Atk 60 Katana Lv 3: Atk 70 Katana Lv 4: Atk 80 Katana Lv 5: Atk 90
  13. Wow! I didn't know about this, shame that I've already used the ID of these jobs. These jobs have a interesting mechanic <3
  14. A custom job made by Easycore for a future project Description: Death Knight is a custom second class of Swordman, the sprite used is Old Rune Knight. Also, Job ID is the same of unreleased Gravity Death Knight, Only it is fully customized. Death Knight used skills sword, shield, magic and Explosion (Falcon), with a grim theme. Status & Equipment: As I mentioned earlier, the job is a second class of swordsman, so the status and equipment are similar to Knight / Crusader. Skill Tree: Skills: Passives: Holy Bane Description: Video not available Unholy Protection Description: Video not available Sword Fencing Description: Video not available Explosion Mastery Description: Video: Shield Type: Shield Push Description: Video: Demon Guard Description: Video: Offensives: Death Bash Description: Video: Sword Boomerang Description: Video: Magic Edge Description: Video: Raijin Description: Video: Kagutsuchi Description: Video: Umbra Description: Video: Feel free to comment any criticism or doubt. Note that my English is basic, so if there are misspellings tell me. This is only a showcase, I wanted to share one of my 4 custom jobs until now. Play list of all skills:
  15. @@vykimo Hmm, can you share me your diffs options of your client?
  16. @@Ai4rei This may work in new clients? (specifically in 2014-22-10b)
  17. Hi, I have been working in a custom skill area, This ability hits a 3x3 area and then 1 second takes another hit. What complicates me is the skill-> addtimerskill function, I tried to use this for the second hit, but the target is always self (src & bl). There is another way for timer skills that allow realize it in area? Or I used this function wrong? The code: case QQ_CUSTOM: clif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,1); skill->castend_damage_id(src, src, skill_id, skill_lv,tick, flag); skill->addtimerskill(src,tick+1000,bl->id,src->x,src->y,skill_id,skill_lv,0,flag); break; case GN_CARTCANNON: case KO_HAPPOKUNAI: case KO_HUUMARANKA: case KO_MUCHANAGE: case KO_BAKURETSU: case GN_ILLUSIONDOPING: case MH_XENO_SLASHER: case QQ_CUSTOM: if( flag&1 ) {//Recursive invocation // skill->area_temp[0] holds number of targets in area // skill->area_temp[1] holds the id of the original target // skill->area_temp[2] counts how many targets have already been processed int sflag = skill->area_temp[0] & 0xFFF, heal; struct status_change *tsc = status->get_sc(bl); if( flag&SD_LEVEL ) sflag |= SD_LEVEL; // -1 will be used in packets instead of the skill level....
  18. Try check it: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/src/map/atcommand.c#L6269 ACMD(summon) (Or @summon) Is the same that summon skills, only that one is written as a command and another as skill.
  19. @@AnnieRuru Thanks for teaching me
  20. Hi, I tried put an array in skill.c (specifically in skill_castend_id) ,that makes certain skills trigger a specialeffect when target received damage. I put the follow: int skilleffects[5] = {7, 5, 8,370, 371}; //skill_id that trigger specialeffect But I don't know how check this array, in my ignorance I tried this: if (skill_id == skillseffects[5])clif->specialeffect(src, 722, AREA); But it is severely wrong. PS: I wrote it after this:
  21. http://herc.ws/board/topic/7526-guide-adding-new-status-icons/
  22. @@AnnieRuru Hi again, I tried add this: query_sql "select char_id from pvpladder order by kills limit "+ .showtotal, .@charid; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .showtotal; .@i++ ) if ( getcharid(0) == .@charid[.@i] ) .@tmprank = .@i +1; if ( .@tmprank > .@pvprank ) announce strcharinfo(0) +" has gain to rank no."+ .@tmprank, bc_all; In your PvP Ladder script, but the player with most kills is always "Rank 2", and player with less kills is always "Rank 1". Sorry but I am very ignorant in this area.
  23. @AnnieRuru Thank you for the explanation. Really I needed a ladder in which trigger a announce "player's now rank XX" or something when player take a rank between 1 to 10. So, I searched a lot of scripts and this has that function of trigger something when player rank up ~
  24. Hi, I have seen this scripts https://github.com/happyme9/AthenaScripts/blob/master/pvp_ladder.txt And I was wondering if it was possible to add the function of discounting "kill points" to die. Besides that if possible refresh the ranking when die. Regards ~
  25. @@spe3y I use 2014-10-22b client with the latest Hercules/Lua/Etc and I didn't have problems. I think clients 2015 are most troubled
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