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Everything posted by Easycore

  1. The skill Charge Attack of Knight increment the damage by distance, try check in Battle.c this: case KN_CHARGEATK: { int k = (flag-1)/3; //+100% every 3 cells of distance if( k > 2 ) k = 2; // ...but hard-limited to 300%. skillratio += 100 * k; } break;
  2. In pc.c find: sd->status.base_exp -= next; //Kyoki pointed out that the max overcarry exp is the exp needed for the previous level -1. [Skotlex] if(!battle_config.multi_level_up && sd->status.base_exp > next-1) sd->status.base_exp = next-1; And replace for this: sd->status.base_exp -= next; //Kyoki pointed out that the max overcarry exp is the exp needed for the previous level -1. [Skotlex] if(!battle_config.multi_level_up && sd->status.base_level < 80 && sd->status.base_exp > next-1) sd->status.base_exp = next-1;
  3. Hi, Does anyone know how to do a skill invocation? like "Bee Legion" of Homunculus S. Regards
  4. I tried use "clif->soundeffectall(src,"leaf_cat_die.wav", type, AREA);" but this isn't listening EDIT: "clif->soundeffectall(src,"leaf_cat_die.wav", type, AREA);" works, only I inserted this wrong.
  5. Thanks but I want only an example of this function By the way, I already saw script.c... and so?
  6. Hi, anybody can give me an example of clif->soundeffect (That all players in area listening this)? I tried use this for a skill Regards~
  7. Easycore

    Sleep on SRC

    I want do that specialeffect in a skill appear after 2 sec. when using the skill. But specialeffect doesn't has timer variable, Smokexys says that using timer->add() but I don't understand how use this.
  8. Easycore

    Sleep on SRC

    I give up, I tried to use timer->add() but I can't work this
  9. Easycore

    Sleep on SRC

    clif->specialeffect doesn't has timer variable
  10. Easycore

    Sleep on SRC

    Hi, In SRC there a command equal to sleep2? My problem is with "clif->specialeffect", this function doesn't has "tick". Regards
  11. Ohh! you're the best, this work. Thank for teach me ~
  12. I didn't know this Then... how can combine this with tstatus? (Sorry for noob question, but I don't know much of SRC)
  13. Hi, I want do that skill "SM_BASH" has damage x2 only when target have Vit = multiples by 5. Then every 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,etc. Bash will deal damage x2. My problem is how do that always read multiples, and not putting an infinity of numbers. I don't want the following: case MS_BASH: skillratio += 30 * skill_lv; if (tstatus->vit == 5||10||15||20||25||30||35||40||45||50||55||) //And infinity numbers... skillratio *= 2; break; This metod is too tedious. Any know how simplify this? Regards ~ and sorry for my bad english
  14. Okay, in skill.c find: sc_start(src, bl, (sc_type)(SC_PROTECTWEAPON + i), 100, skill_lv, skilltime); s++; } And replace for this: sc_start(src, bl, (sc_type)(SC_PROTECTWEAPON + i), 100, skill_lv, skilltime); s++; } if( sd->sc.data[sC_SOULLINK] && sd->sc.data[sC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_ALCHEMIST ) { status_change_end(bl, SC_NOEQUIPHELM, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(bl, SC_NOEQUIPARMOR, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(bl, SC_NOEQUIPWEAPON, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(bl, SC_NOEQUIPSHIELD, INVALID_TIMER); } Recompile and done ~
  15. Hi, how can change the animation of a custom skill (Falcon Class)? When spell skill falcon doesn't move. I tried to edit on Lua files "skilleffectinfo", but I saw "actorstate.lua" not contain Falcon State. Sorry for my english x_x Regards ~
  16. Hi Hercules, today I tried using the job called "Death Knight", but when I attempt equip anything (inclusive Items for all jobs) or use consumible items, they don't work. Message appear "You can't put this item on". I think happens for something related with "MAPID" but I don't know. Someone help me? Regards ~
  17. Lol, for enter in the site, you must put https:// instead of http://
  18. How to configure for put random rewards?
  19. The page of rAthena is down for many days. Rathena died forever?
  20. Hi comunnity, I wonder if it's possible change the gray color of "Quest List" you see in the picture below: Regards
  21. Hi, I translated this fabulous script into Spanish for people who want to put this on your Server Hispanic. Script: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=dqXRMjPX Important: Save this script in ANSI Code for Spanish letters are displayed correctly. Cya.
  22. Hi comunity, It's possible make Item's effect to work while in inventory on Hercules? https://rathena.org/board/topic/97172-charms-items-effect-to-work-while-in-inventory/ regards.
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