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Everything posted by MikZ

  1. Thanks! Now I'm having prob with convertpcinfo command.
  2. Good day! I found this timely gvg event in rathena. May I request to convert to Hercules please. Got error on below which cant test the script correctly. thank you!
  3. Sweet! Thank you so much!
  4. Hi Samuel, I see. wait let me try.
  5. Hi @meko Good day! I did check in https://haru.ws/scriptchecker/#output and got this error. Haven't tried in my server yet.
  6. Good day! Requesting to convert this to Hercules please.} error found in this line script inarray if(inarray(.blackList[0],.@potion) != -1){ Full script below. thanks! //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Auto-Potion //===== Description: ========================================= //= Provides an @autopot command to automatically use potions. //===== Changelogs: ========================================== //= 1.0 First version. [Euphy] //= 2.0 rewrite and adding SP option. [sader1992] //============================================================ - script #autopot -1,{ OnInit: .HP_Option = true; //Allow HP option .SP_Option = true; //Allow SP option .MinDelay = 100; //Minimum Delay Allowed in milliseconds (Default and Recommended: 100) [lower values will increase server strain] setarray .blackList[0],0; //Array of black listed item ID if(!.HP_Option && !.SP_Option){ debugmes "Warning: @autopot both hp and sp are Disabled"; debugmes "Warning: @autopot script has been Disabled!"; end; } bindatcmd("autopot",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnCommand",0,99); end; L_Help: dispbottom "Available commands:"; if(.HP_Option && .SP_Option){ dispbottom " @autopot <hp|sp> <item id> {<min hp|sp % [1..100]> {<delay [" + .MinDelay + "..1000]>}}"; dispbottom " @autopot <hp|sp> list"; dispbottom " @autopot <hp|sp> <on|off>"; }else{ dispbottom " @autopot <" + (.HP_Option?"hp":"sp") + "> <item id> {<min " + (.HP_Option?"hp":"sp") + " % [1..100]> {<delay [" + .MinDelay + "..1000]>}}"; dispbottom " @autopot <" + (.HP_Option?"hp":"sp") + "> list"; dispbottom " @autopot <" + (.HP_Option?"hp":"sp") + "> <on|off>"; } dispbottom " @autopot info"; dispbottom " @autopot help"; dispbottom " @autopot blacklist"; return; L_Info: dispbottom "----------Auto-Potion Information-----------"; if(.HP_Option){ dispbottom "HP POTION: " + getitemname(@autopot_hp_ID) + " (" + @autopot_hp_ID + ")"; dispbottom "MIN HP: " + @autopot_hp_Min + " %"; } if(.SP_Option){ dispbottom "SP POTION: " + getitemname(@autopot_sp_ID) + " (" + @autopot_sp_ID + ")"; dispbottom "MIN SP: " + @autopot_sp_Min + " %"; } dispbottom "DELAY: " + @autopot_delay + " ms"; dispbottom "---------------------------------------------"; return; L_Start: deltimer strnpcinfo(3) + "::OnStart"; .@type$ = getarg(0,0); .@potion = getarg(1,0); setd "@autopot_" + .@type$ + "_Min",getarg(2,0); @autopot_delay = getarg(3,0); if (getd("@autopot_" + .@type$ + "_Min") < 1 || getd("@autopot_" + .@type$ + "_Min") > 100) setd "@autopot_" + .@type$ + "_Min",90; if (@autopot_delay < 50 || @autopot_delay > 1000) @autopot_delay = .MinDelay; if (getiteminfo(.@potion,2) != IT_HEALING) { dispbottom getitemname(.@potion) + " is not a healing item."; end; } if(inarray(.blackList[0],.@potion) != -1){ message strcharinfo(0), "'" + getitemname(.@potion) + "' is black listed and cannot be used."; end; } if (BaseLevel < getiteminfo(.@potion,12)) { message strcharinfo(0), "Your base level is too low to use '" + getitemname(.@potion) + "'."; end; } setd "@autopot_" + .@type$ + "_ID",.@potion; setd "@autopot_" + .@type$ + "_Active",true; addtimer .@delay,strnpcinfo(3) + "::OnStart"; message strcharinfo(0), "Auto-Potion " + strtoupper(.@type$) + " enabled."; callsub L_Info; return; OnCommand: if (!getarraysize(.@atcmd_parameters$)) { message strcharinfo(0), "Invalid syntax."; callsub L_Help; end; } .@command$[0] = strtolower(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]); .@command$[1] = strtolower(.@atcmd_parameters$[1]); if(.@command$[0] == "hp" || .@command$[0] == "sp"){ if((!.HP_Option && .@command$[0] == "hp") || (!.SP_Option && .@command$[0] == "sp")){ message strcharinfo(0), "Auto-Potion " + strtoupper(.@command$[0]) + " is Disabled from The Server."; end; } if(.@command$[1] == "on"){ if(getd("@autopot_" + .@command$[0] + "_Active")){ message strcharinfo(0), "Auto-Potion " + strtoupper(.@command$[0]) + " is already on."; end; } if(!getd("@autopot_" + .@command$[0] + "_ID")){ dispbottom "You need to set a " + strtoupper(.@command$[0]) + " Potion to be used."; callsub L_Help; end; } callsub L_Start,.@command$[0],getd("@autopot_" + .@command$[0] + "_ID"); end; } if(.@command$[1] == "off"){ message strcharinfo(0), "Auto-Potion " + strtoupper(.@command$[0]) + " disabled."; setd "@autopot_" + .@command$[0] + "_Active",false; if(!@autopot_hp_Active || !@autopot_sp_Active) deltimer strnpcinfo(3) + "::OnStart"; end; } if(.@command$[1] == "list"){ getinventorylist; for(.@i = 0;.@i < @inventorylist_count;.@i++){ if (getiteminfo(@inventorylist_id[.@i],2) == IT_HEALING) { .@items[.@count] = @inventorylist_id[.@i]; .@menu$ = .@menu$ + sprintf("~ ^0055FF%s^000000 (%dx)" + (inarray(.blackList[0],@inventorylist_id[.@i]) != -1? " ^364022Black Listed^000000":"") + (BaseLevel < getiteminfo(@inventorylist_id[.@i],12)? " ^E82C0CNeed Higher Level^000000":"") + ":", getitemname(@inventorylist_id[.@i]), countitem(@inventorylist_id[.@i])); .@count++; } } if(.@count){ mes "[ Auto-Potion ]"; mes "Select a " + strtoupper(.@command$[0]) + " item."; .@select = select(.@menu$ + " ^777777Cancel^000000") - 1; if (.@select != .@count) callsub L_Start,.@command$[0],.@items[.@select]; close2; }else{ message strcharinfo(0), "There are no healing items in your inventory."; } end; } .@potion = atoi(.@command$[1]); .@percent = atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[2]); .@delay = atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[3]); if(getitemname(.@potion) != "null"){ callsub L_Start,.@command$[0],.@potion,.@percent,.@delay; end; } message strcharinfo(0), "Auto-Potion : something went wrong!"; callsub L_Help; end; } if(.@command$[0] == "blacklist"){ dispbottom "--------------Black Listed Items--------------"; for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.blackList);.@i++){ dispbottom " " + getitemname(.blackList[.@i]) + " (" + .blackList[.@i] + ")"; } dispbottom "---------------------------------------------"; end; } if(.@command$[0] == "info"){ if(@autopot_hp_Active || @autopot_sp_Active){ message strcharinfo(0), "Auto-Potion information is displayed below."; callsub L_Info; }else{ message strcharinfo(0), "Auto-Potion is not enabled."; } end; } if(.@command$[0] == "help"){ message strcharinfo(0), "List of commands is displayed below."; callsub L_Help; end; } message strcharinfo(0), "Invalid syntax."; callsub L_Help; end; OnStart: if (!getstatus(SC_BERSERK) && !getstatus(SC_SATURDAYNIGHTFEVER) && !getstatus(SC_GRAVITATION) && !getstatus(SC_TRICKDEAD) && !getstatus(SC_HIDING) && !getstatus(SC__SHADOWFORM) && !getstatus(SC__INVISIBILITY) && !getstatus(SC__MANHOLE) && !getstatus(SC_KAGEHUMI) && !getstatus(SC_HEAT_BARREL_AFTER) && !getstatus(SC_STONE) && !getstatus(SC_FREEZE) && !getstatus(SC_STUN) && !getstatus(SC_SLEEP)) { if(Hp){ if(@autopot_hp_Active && Hp * 100 / MaxHp < @autopot_hp_Min) { if (countitem(@autopot_hp_ID)) { delitem @autopot_hp_ID,1; consumeitem @autopot_hp_ID; specialeffect2 207; } } if(@autopot_sp_Active && Sp * 100 / MaxSp < @autopot_sp_Min) { if (countitem(@autopot_sp_ID)) { delitem @autopot_sp_ID,1; consumeitem @autopot_sp_ID; specialeffect2 208; } } } } if(@autopot_hp_Active || @autopot_sp_Active) addtimer @autopot_delay,strnpcinfo(3) + "::OnStart"; end; }
  7. Good day! Where can I edit this? Please let me know how to make it in Hercules. thanks!
  8. Good day! May I request assistance please. I have training dummy script but I also have hourly event like treasure box that has command @killmonster2 command. So everytime the event find the treasure enable the training dummy will be forever gone. how can I have the training dummy back after command @killmonster2? - script Punching Bag FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit: setmapflag( "prontera",mf_monster_noteleport ); OnDummyKill: monster "prontera",208,182,"Punching Bag",1905,1,"Punching Bag::OnDummyKill"; end; OnPCAttackEvent: if ( !@test_punch ) end; @dps_damage += @damage; end; } - script Punching Bag2 FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit: setmapflag( "prontera",mf_monster_noteleport ); OnDummyKill2: monster "prontera",208,171,"Punching Bag",1905,1,"Punching Bag2::OnDummyKill2"; end; OnPCAttackEvent: if ( !@test_punch ) end; @dps_damage += @damage; end; } Treasure Chest Event: // --- Exteria Ragnarok Online [ExRO] 's Property --- // --- Please visit http://www.exteriaro.com --- // --- Scripted By: ARTHistic --- // --- Do Not Revomed the Credits --- prontera,183,172,5 script Treasure Box Summoner::Tbox 4_M_JOB_WIZARD,{ //prontera,165,142,3 script Treasure Box Summoner::Tbox 4_M_JOB_WIZARD,{ mes "[^0000FFTreasure Hunt Event^000000]"; mes "Hello, I'm a new mage here in Midgard. Every hour, I tried to cast my summoning spells and there a chance that i can summon a Treasure Box that will give you items once you destroy it. I only cast my spell on main city and I immediately announce to everyone once I perfectly cast my spells. Anyways, I will give you a little hint..."; if( $@tboxevent == 0 ){ mes "I ^ff0000failed^000000 to summoned the Treasure Box last time.^000000"; }else { mes " "; mes "^I successfully summoned the Treasure Box last time."; } close; OnStartTbox: set $@tboxevent,1; announce "[Treasure Chest Event: Treasure Chest Event 'I perfectly cast my summoning skills'.]",0,0x00FFFF; sleep2 5000; announce "[Treasure Chest Event: 2 rare Treasure Box will be spawned in 30 seconds at Prontera.]",0,0x00FFFF; sleep2 10000; announce "[Treasure Chest Event: Every Treasure Box gives you 5 Event Coins and a chance to drop 1 TCG.]",0,0x00FFFF; sleep2 20000; announce "[Treasure Chest Event: 2 rare Treasure Box has spawned in Prontera and will disappear in 45 minutes.]",0,0x00FFFF; monster "prontera",0,0,"Treasure Box",1344,2,"Tbox::OnTBoxKilled"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1800000: stopnpctimer; killmonster .eventMapTbox$,"all"; set $@tboxevent,0; announce "[Treasure Chest Event: Rare Treasure Chest has disappear.]",0,0x00FFFF; end; OnTBoxKilled: announce "[Treasure Chest Event: The rare Treasure Box has been found and destroyed by "+strcharinfo(0)+"!]", bc_all,0x00FFFF; set $@tboxevent,0; if( rand( 100 ) < .tboxrate ){ getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,0 ); makeitem 7227,2,.@map$,.@x,.@y; }else{ getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,0 ); makeitem 25046,10,.@map$,.@x,.@y; } end; OnInit: // craft settings .tboxrate = 70; set .eventMapTbox$, "prontera"; waitingroom "[Treasure Box Summoner]",0; end; }
  9. Opps, maybe Im just sleepy while looking for it. BTW, how to enable/disable MVPs?
  10. Hi! Where can I enable/disable abracadabra summoning skill? Can't seem to find the abra_db.txt thanks!
  11. Good day! Is there a way, to make first aid skill an IDLE? I mean they just spam first aid or skill for hourly points and not moving at all. Thank you!
  12. MikZ


    Any update on this please? Thanks!
  13. up please. Where can I edit in src. Wanted to remove the HP of the Emperium only. thanks!
  14. Good day! Where can I enable taekwon rank status? Reset time of taekwon mission? I'm not quite familiar with taekwon. Please anyone to provide mi info where to and what to. Thanks!
  15. Noted! Thanks a lot. Will just wait for the update of ExtendedBG.
  16. up please. how to source edit? thanks!
  17. I'm using these: "HPMHooking", "db2sql", "koe", "ExtendedBG", "ExtendedBG-char", //"sample", //"other", "mapcache", "costumeitem", "security", "restock", // "hit-delay", // "noinvitation", "sleep", "whosell",
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