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Everything posted by MikZ

  1. Is there a work around for the script. please help me. wanted to have registered guild only during WOE.
  2. Hello, May I know how to convert this script to hercules. Tried to google addrid in hercules but per this TOPIC it was already pulled/merged with Hercules get. Also tried if was included in Deprecation. I can't find any idea how to fix it. please help. thanks! but has error in addrid [Error]: script error in file '(DIRECT INPUT)' line 148 column 5 parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function 145: if( getcharid(2) == $App_Guilds[.@i] ){ 146: .count = 0; 147: .@origin = getcharid(3); * 148: addrid(3,0, getcharid(2)); ~~~~^ 149: if ( strcharinfo(3) == .checkmap$ ) 150: .count++; 151: if ( !.@origin ) end; [Error]: npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown syntax in file '(DIRECT INPUT)', line '169'. Stopping... * w1=- script kjdhfkjshf -1,{ * w2= * w3= * w4= Script below. //Modified by - PandaLovesHamster //Custom Guild Limiter //Credits to the owners of the individual makers of the script, I just tied them all together to create this script ayothaya,171,144,5 script Guild Limiter 4_M_JOB_KNIGHT2,{ // this part registers the guild function sf { function s; .@a = getarg(2); .@len = getarg(3); return ( sprintf( getarg(0), s(.@a, .@len, getarg(1)), s(.@a++, .@len, getarg(1)), s(.@a++, .@len, getarg(1)), s(.@a++, .@len, getarg(1)), s(.@a++, .@len, getarg(1)), s(.@a++, .@len, getarg(1)), s(.@a++, .@len, getarg(1)), s(.@a++, .@len, getarg(1)), s(.@a++, .@len, getarg(1)), s(.@a++, .@len, getarg(1)) ) +(( .@a+1 < .@len )?":Next":":") +(( .@a-11 > 0 )?":Back":":") +":Cancel" ); function s { if( getarg(0) >= getarg(1) ) return ""; else { .@name$ = getguildname(getelementofarray(getarg(2),getarg(0))); return .@name$=="null"?"":.@name$; } }; }; function nex { return((getarg(0)+10)<getarg(1)?getarg(0)+10:getarg(1)-(getarg(1)%10)); }; function bac { return((getarg(0)-10)>=0?getarg(0)-10:0); }; if(getgmlevel()>=80 ) { mes .Npc_Name$; mes "Hello Mr. GM what would you like to do?"; next; switch( select("Add/Remove Guilds:Clear Guild Data:Player Menu:Cancel") ) { case 1: mes .Npc_Name$; mes "Would you like to add or remove a guild?"; .@a_len = getarraysize($App_Guilds); .@format$ = "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s"; next; if( select("Remove:Add") == 1 ) { while( .@a != 9999 ) { select( sf( .@format$, $App_Guilds, .@a, .@a_len ) ); switch( @menu ) { case 11: .@a = nex( .@a, .@a_len ); break; case 12: .@a = bac( .@a ); break; case 13: end; default: .@select = .@a+@menu-1; mes .Npc_Name$; mes "You've selected ^0000FF["+getguildname($App_Guilds[.@select])+"]^000000 guild. Would you like to remove them from the accepted guilds?"; next; if( select("Yes:No") == 1 ) { deletearray($App_Guilds[.@select],1); mes .Npc_Name$; mes "The guild has been removed!"; } close; } } } else { mes .Npc_Name$; mes "Please input guild name or masters name."; next; input(.@input$); .@len = query_sql( "Select `guild_id` from `guild` where `name` like '%"+escape_sql(.@input$)+"%' or `master` like '%"+escape_sql(.@input$)+"%';",.@guild_id ); while( .@a != 9999 ) { select( sf( .@format$, .@guild_id, .@a, .@len ) ); switch( @menu ) { case 11: .@a = nex( .@a, .@len ); break; case 12: .@a = bac( .@a ); break; case 13: end; default: .@select = .@a+@menu-1; .@a_len = getarraysize($App_Guilds); for(.@b=0;.@b<.@a_len;.@b++) if( $App_Guilds[.@b]==.@guild_id[.@select] ) { mes .Npc_Name$; mes "You've selected ^0000FF["+getguildname(.@guild_id[.@select])+"]^000000 guild. I'm sorry but that guild has already been added to the accepted list."; close; } mes .Npc_Name$; mes "You've selected ^0000FF["+getguildname(.@guild_id[.@select])+"]^000000 guild. Would you like to add them to the accepted guilds?"; next; if( select("Yes:No") == 1 ) { .@a_len = getarraysize($App_Guilds); if( .@a_len>=128 ) { mes .Npc_Name$; mes "I'm sorry but the accepted list is full please make some room and try again..."; } else { mes .Npc_Name$; mes "The guild was successfully added!"; $App_Guilds[.@a_len] = .@guild_id[.@select]; } } close; } } } case 2: mes .Npc_Name$; mes "Are you sure you want to clear the guild data?!"; next; if( select("Yes!:No!")==1 ) { mes .Npc_Name$; mes "This is you last chance. Are you surely sure as sure can be?"; next; if( select("Surly!:No, wait... Where am I?!!")==1 ) deletearray($App_Guilds); } if( @menu==1 ) { mes .Npc_Name$; mes "The deed is done..."; } else { mes .Npc_Name$; mes "Wow that was a close one... Have a nice day!"; } close; case 3: break; case 4: mes .Npc_Name$; mes "Alright, have a nice day!"; close; } } .@len = getarraysize($App_Guilds); for( .@i=0; .@i <= .@len; .@i++ ) { if( getcharid(2) == $App_Guilds[.@i] ) set .@Guild_Check, .@Guild_Check+1; } // This part ejects players when they are in the map OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( getcharid(2) == $App_Guilds[.@i] ){ .count = 0; .@origin = getcharid(3); addrid 3, 0, getcharid(2); if ( strcharinfo(3) == .checkmap$ ) .count++; if ( !.@origin ) end; if ( .count > 5 ) { // 5 means only 5 players per guild allowed in a map. message strcharinfo(0), "Your guild members are over the limit"; sleep2 2000; warp "SavePoint", 0,0; } } end; OnInit: setarray .@checkmap$, "arug_cas01", "arug_cas02", "arug_cas03", "arug_cas04", "arug_cas05", "schg_cas01", "schg_cas02", "schg_cas03", "schg_cas04", "schg_cas05"; .@len = getarraysize( .@checkmap$ ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ ) { setmapflag .@checkmap$[.@i], mf_loadevent; setd "."+ .@checkmap$[.@i], 1; } end; } - script kjdhfkjshf -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: if ( getmapflag( strcharinfo(3), mf_gvg_castle ) && ( agitcheck() || agitcheck2() )) { .@len = getarraysize($App_Guilds); for( .@i=0; .@i <= .@len; .@i++ ) { if( getcharid(2) == $App_Guilds[.@i] ) set .@Guild_Check, .@Guild_Check+1; } if( .@Guild_Check < 1 ) { dispbottom "Your guild has not yet been approved, please contact the GMs"; sleep2 3000; warp "SavePoint",0,0; end; } if( !getcharid(2) ) { dispbottom "Sorry only members of a guild may enter a castle."; sleep2 3000; warp "SavePoint",0,0; end; } } end; OnInit: setarray .castles$[0], "prtg_cas01","prtg_cas02","prtg_cas03","prtg_cas04","prtg_cas05", "payg_cas01","payg_cas02","payg_cas03","payg_cas04","payg_cas05", "gefg_cas01","gefg_cas02","gefg_cas03","gefg_cas04","gefg_cas05", "aldeg_cas01","aldeg_cas02","aldeg_cas03","aldeg_cas04","aldeg_cas05", "arug_cas01","arug_cas02","arug_cas03","arug_cas04","arug_cas05", "schg_cas01","schg_cas02","schg_cas03","schg_cas04","schg_cas05"; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < 30; .@i++ ) setmapflag .castles$[.@i], mf_loadevent; end; }
  3. Good day! May I request additional script here please. Wanted to have Admin to register the GUILD first to get the reward not open to all Guild and will only provide the Supply every WOE TIME only. prontera,155,180,5 script Daily Supply 4_M_UNCLEKNIGHT,{ setarray .@item_id, 671,1,672,2; // <Item_ID>,<Item_Amount>,{...}; .@n$ = "["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]"; .@GID = getcharid(2); .@GM = (getguildmaster(.@GID) == strcharinfo(0))?1:0; mes .@n$; mes "Welcome!"; mes (.@GM)?"Have you claimed your supplies today?":"You have no business with me."; next; if (select(((.@GM)?"Claim Supplies":"")+":Leave") == 2) close; query_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `guild_member` WHERE `guild_id`="+.@GID, .@count); if (.@count < 10) { mes .@n$; mes "You have not enough guild members to claim the supplies."; close; } .@d$ = gettimestr("%Y%m%d",9); .@p = .@GID / 128; .@g = .@GID % 128; if (getd("$GS_"+.@p+"$["+.@g+"]") != .@d$) { mes .@n$; mes "Here you go!"; close2; setd "$GS_"+.@p+"$["+.@g+"]", .@d$; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@item_id); .@i += 2) getitem .@item_id[.@i],.@item_id[.@i+1]; end; } mes .@n$; mes "You have taken your supplies today."; close; }
  4. Good day! May I know how to make this getitembound in guild package exclusive in WOE map only? //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= GuildPack NPC with Gepard Function Supported //===== By: ================================================== //= BeWan //https://rathena.org/board/profile/62232-bewan/ //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Description: ========================================= //= GuildPack NPC supported of gepard function " unique_id " //= Minimum of 10 members online //= Guild Leader and Member Reward Supported //============================================================ prontera,155,182,4 script GuildPack NPC 10191,{ .@unique_id$ = get_unique_id(); if( !getcharid(2) ){ mes "You Don't Have Guild."; close; } mes "[Master Krane]"; mes "Good day!"; mes "Do you want to claim Guild-Pack?!"; next; menu "Yes Please",yes,"Nope",no; yes: query_sql "SELECT `guild_id`, COUNT(`online`) FROM `char` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+getcharid(2)+"' AND `online` = '1'", .@Gid, .@online; getinventorylist; .@weight = 100 * Weight / MaxWeight; if ( .@online < 10 ) { mes "[Master Krane]"; mes "Sorry not enough online members"; mes "You must have 10 members online to claim Guild-Pack"; close; }else if ( @inventorylist_count > 30 ) { mes "[Master Krane]"; mes "You have 30 different items in your inventory."; close; }else if((.@weight) > 50){ mes "[Master Krane]"; mes "^FF0000You must atleast have 50 percent extra weight to receive guildpack.^000000"; mes " "; mes "You are currently at " + .@weight + " percent of your maximum weight."; close; }else if(getd("$GpackID_" + .@unique_id$) > 0 || #GuildPackReward > 0){ mes "[Master Krane]"; mes "You have already claimed your GuildPack."; close; }else if (getguildmasterid(getcharid(2)) == getcharid(0)) { mes "[Master Krane]"; mes "Hello Guild Leader."; next; mes "Here's your GuildPack. Have a nice day!"; setd "$GpackID_" + .@unique_id$,1; #GuildPackReward = 1; $gpack_count -= 1; /////GuildMaster REWARD //getitembound 1202,1,Bound_Account; //getitembound 1202,1,Bound_Guild; //getitembound 1202,1,Bound_Party; //getitembound 1202,1,Bound_Char; getitem 2311,1; //// if ($gpack_count == 0) $reward_status = 1; end; }else{ mes "[Master Krane]"; mes "Hello Guild Member."; next; mes "Here's your GuildPack. Have a nice day!"; setd "$GpackID_" + .@unique_id$,1; #GuildPackReward = 1; $gpack_count -= 1; /////GuildMember REWARD //getitembound 1601,1,Bound_Account; //getitembound 1601,1,Bound_Guild; //getitembound 1601,1,Bound_Party; //getitembound 1601,1,Bound_Char; getitem 2319,1; //// if ($gpack_count == 0) $reward_status = 1; end; } no: mes "Well Okay"; close; OnInit: waitingroom "Guildpack!",0; end; }
  5. /sob I have Gepard. I don't know but per functor its not from gepard. Wonder if this can be fixed. So irritating to see. /sob
  6. Hi I got much more specific error. how can i fixed this?
  7. Hi I updated my GIT and got this error. Please help me. ExtendedBG.c: In function \u2018skill_notok_pre\u2019: ExtendedBG.c:2084:11: error: \u2018struct map_session_data\u2019 has no member named \u2018skillitem\u2019 if ((*sd)->skillitem == *skill_id) { ^ ExtendedBG.c: In function \u2018unit_guild_skill\u2019: ExtendedBG.c:4052:35: error: \u2018struct map_session_data\u2019 has no member named \u2018skillitem\u2019 if (skill_id < GD_SKILLBASE || sd->skillitem) ^ ExtendedBG.c:4089:9: error: \u2018struct map_session_data\u2019 has no member named \u2018skillitem\u2019 if (sd->skillitem != skill_id) { ^ ExtendedBG.c:4102:4: error: \u2018struct map_session_data\u2019 has no member named \u2018skillitem\u2019 sd->skillitem = sd->skillitemlv = 0; ^ ExtendedBG.c:4102:20: error: \u2018struct map_session_data\u2019 has no member named \u2018skillitemlv\u2019 sd->skillitem = sd->skillitemlv = 0; ^ ExtendedBG.c: In function \u2018record_requirement\u2019: ExtendedBG.c:5466:18: error: \u2018struct <anonymous>\u2019 has no member named \u2018autocast\u2019 if (sd->state.autocast) ^
  8. Good day! I am using this script for @go command for easy editing. However script cannot trigger mapflag nowarp nowarpto and noteleport. how can I trigger the mapflag on this command /*========================================================= @go command Original concept by jTynne Revised by Mumbles =========================================================== Description: Alternative @go command. Allows for unlimited aliasing, as well as level and group restrictions for each destination. Additional options to add a delay, prevent use when dead, and charge per use are available; default cost is defined with '.cost', but this parameter can be set manually with 'go()'. These extra features are disabled by default. Be mindful that the delay uses a temporary player variable, '@go_delay'; if the player logs out, this variable will be cleared. If you would like for a more secure delay, replace all instances of '@go_delay' with 'go_delay'. =========================================================== Compatibility: Optimised for Hercules emulators. =========================================================== Changelog: v1.0 - First version. [jTynne] v2.0 - Added additional parameters for locations. [jTynne] v3.0 - Optimised for Hercules emulators. [Mumbles] v3.0.1 - Introduced limitless aliasing. [Mumbles] v3.0.2 - Added go() function. [Mumbles] v3.1 - Added option to charge per use. [Mumbles] v3.1.1 - Added option to limit use when dead. [Mumbles] v3.1.2 - Added option to limit use to towns. [Mumbles] v3.1.3 - Added changelog. [Mumbles] =========================================================*/ - script at_go -1,{ /*----------------------------------------------------- Configuration -----------------------------------------------------*/ OnInit: .delay = 1; // Delay per use, in seconds (default: 0) .cost = 0; // Default cost to use command if '.charge' is enabled .charge = 0; // Charge to use command? 0 = no, 1 = yes (default: 0) .deadlock = 1; // Prevent usage when dead? 0 = no, 1 = yes (default: 0) .town = 0; // Require 'mf_town'? 0 = no, 1 = yes (default: 0) bindatcmd "go", strnpcinfo(3) +"::OnAtcommand", 0, 2; end; /*----------------------------------------------------- Function: go() ------------------------------------------------------- Description: Warps player and checks prerequisites. ------------------------------------------------------- Usage: go(<"map_name">, <x>, <y>, <level>, <group>, <cost>) -----------------------------------------------------*/ function go { if (.deadlock && !Hp) { message strcharinfo(0), "You may not use @go when you are dead."; } else if (.town && !getmapflag(strcharinfo(3), mf_town)) { message strcharinfo(0), "You may only use @go in towns."; } else if (.delay && @go_delay > gettimetick(2)) { message strcharinfo(0), "You must wait "+ (@go_delay - gettimetick(2)) +" seconds before warping again."; } else if (BaseLevel < getarg(3)) { message strcharinfo(0), "You must be at least level "+ getarg(3) +" to warp to this map."; } else if (getgroupid() < getarg(4) || getmapflag(getarg(0), mf_nowarp)) { message strcharinfo(0), "You are not authorised to warp to this map."; } else if (.charge && Zeny < getarg(5)) { message strcharinfo(0), "You must have at least "+ getarg(5) +" zeny to warp to this map."; } else { if (.delay) { @go_delay = gettimetick(2) + .delay; } if (.charge) { Zeny -= getarg(5); } warp getarg(0), getarg(1), getarg(2); end; } message strcharinfo(0), "@go failed."; end; } /*----------------------------------------------------- Function: alias() ------------------------------------------------------- Description: Determines if input matches alias. ------------------------------------------------------- Usage: alias(<"number">, <"name1">{, <"name2">, <...>}) -----------------------------------------------------*/ function alias { for (.@i = 0; .@i < getargcount(); .@i++) { if (@input$ == getarg(.@i)) { @input$ = ""; return true; } } return false; } /*----------------------------------------------------- Script -----------------------------------------------------*/ OnAtcommand: @input$ = .@atcmd_parameters$[0]; if (alias("0", "pro", "pront", "prontera")) { go("prontera",156, 184, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("1", "moc", "mor", "morocc", "morroc")) { go("morocc", 160, 100, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("2", "gef", "geffen")) { go("geffen", 120, 70, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("3", "pay", "payo", "payon")) { go("payon", 174, 98, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("4", "alb", "alberta")) { go("alberta", 192, 147, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("5", "izl", "izlude")) { go("izlude", 127, 109, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("6", "ald", "alde", "aldebaran")) { go("aldebaran", 140, 114, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("7", "xmas", "lutie")) { go("xmas", 148, 132, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("8", "com", "comodo")) { go("comodo",189, 151, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("9", "juno", "yuno")) { go("yuno", 157, 182, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("10", "ama", "amat", "amatsu")) { go("amatsu", 197, 84, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("11", "gon", "gonr", "gonryun")) { go("gonryun", 159, 116, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("12", "umb", "umbala", "umbrella")) { go("umbala", 90, 154, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("13", "nif", "niflheim")) { go("niflheim", 195, 175, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("14", "lou", "louyang")) { go("louyang", 218, 99, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("15", "nov", "ng", "novice")) { go("new_1-1", 53, 111, 0, 10, .cost); } else if (alias("16", "jail", "prison")) { go("sec_pri", 23, 61, 0, 10, .cost); } else if (alias("17", "jaw", "jawaii")) { go("jawaii", 221, 221, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("18", "ayo", "ayotaya", "ayothaya")) { go("ayothaya", 151, 165, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("19", "ein", "einbroch")) { go("einbroch", 64, 200, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("20", "lhz", "light", "lighthalzen")) { go("lighthalzen", 158, 92, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("21", "einbe", "einbech")) { go("einbech", 176, 125, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("22", "hug", "hugel")) { go("hugel", 96, 145, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("23", "rach", "rachel")) { go("rachel", 130, 110, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("24", "ve", "veins")) { go("veins", 216, 123, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("25", "mosc", "mosk", "moscovia")) { go("moscovia", 223, 184, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("26", "camp", "mid", "midgard")) { go("mid_camp", 180, 240, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("27", "man", "manuk")) { go("manuk", 282, 138, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("28", "spl", "splend", "splendide")) { go("splendide", 197, 176, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("29", "br", "bra", "brasil", "brasilis")) { go("brasilis", 182, 239, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("30", "el", "eldic", "dic", "dicastes")) { go("dicastes01", 198, 187, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("31", "mora")) { go("mora", 44, 151, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("32", "dew", "dewata")) { go("dewata", 200, 180, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("33", "mal", "malang", "malangdo")) { go("malangdo", 140, 114, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("34", "port", "malay", "malaya")) { go("malaya", 242, 211, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("35", "ecl", "ecla", "eclag", "eclage")) { go("eclage", 110, 39, 0, 0, .cost); } else if (alias("36", "eve", "event")) { go("prontera", 190, 173, 0, 0, .cost); } else { message strcharinfo(0), "Invalid location number, or name."; message strcharinfo(0), "Params: <city name|number>"; message strcharinfo(0), "Warps you to a city."; message strcharinfo(0), "0: Prontera 1: Morroc 2: Geffen 3: Payon 4: Alberta"; message strcharinfo(0), "5: Izlude 6: Al De Baran 7: Lutie 8: Comodo 9: Yuno"; message strcharinfo(0), "10: Amatsu 11: Gonryun 12: Umbala 13: Niflheim 14: Louyang"; message strcharinfo(0), "15: Novice Grounds 16: Prison 17: Jawaii 18: Ayothaya 19: Einbroch"; message strcharinfo(0), "20: Lighthalzen 21: Einbech 22: Hugel 23: Rachel 24: Veins"; message strcharinfo(0), "25: Moscovia 26: Midgard Camp 27: Manuk 28: Splendide 29: Brasilis"; message strcharinfo(0), "30: El Dicastes 31: Mora 32: Dewata 33: Malangdo 34: Malaya"; message strcharinfo(0), "35: Eclage"; message strcharinfo(0), "@go failed."; } end; }
  9. MikZ


    Hi annie, Good day! Hope everything is okay with you. Anyways any update on your to do list?
  10. I tried adding this function script H_VIPBuff -1,{ then use Herc script check and got this error. Does the error had to do with GEPARD SHIELD 3.0 im getting above? [Error]: npc_parse_function: Missing left curly '%TAB%{' in file '(DIRECT INPUT)', line '1'. Skipping the rest of the file. * w1=function * w2=script * w3=H_VIPBuff * w4=-1,{
  11. Good day! Please confirm does bard Poem of Bragi Skill gives faster casting time effect vs Clowns Poem of bragi skill?
  12. don't know why, but its getting worse is this bug? or does the script below cause this error? function script H_VIPBuff { query_sql( "SELECT CAST( `vip` AS DATE ),DATEDIFF( IFNULL(`vip`,NOW()),NOW() ), TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, NOW(), `vip`) FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3)+" LIMIT 1", .@vip_date$, .@day, .@vip_second); if ( .@day > 0 || .@vip_second > 0) { return true; end; } return false; } - script Healer FAKE_NPC,{ .@price = 0; // Zeny required for heal .@Buffs = 1; // Also buff players? (1: yes / 0: no) .@Delay = 2; // Heal delay, in seconds if (@HD > gettimetick(2)) end; if (.@price) { message strcharinfo(PC_NAME),"Healing costs "+.@price+" Zeny."; if (Zeny < .@price) end; if(select("^0055FFHeal^000000", "^777777Cancel^000000") == 2) close; Zeny -= .@price; } specialeffect(EF_HEAL2, AREA, playerattached()); percentheal 100,100; if (.@Buffs) { if (callfunc ("H_VIPBuff")) { //sc_start SC_CASH_PLUSEXP,.exp_bonus_duration,.bonus_vip_exp_rate; //sc_start SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM,.bonus_duration,.bonus_vip_drop_rate; specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI,240000,10; specialeffect(EF_BLESSING, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; specialeffect(EF_KYRIE, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_KYRIE, 120000, 0; specialeffect( EF_IMPOSITIO, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO, 60000, 0; specialeffect(EF_GLORIA, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_GLORIA, 30000, 0; sc_end SC_STONE; sc_end SC_FREEZE; sc_end SC_STUN; sc_end SC_SLEEP; sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_CURSE; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; sc_end SC_BLIND; sc_end SC_BLOODING; sc_end SC_DPOISON; sc_end SC_FEAR; sc_end SC_COLD; sc_end SC_BURNING; sc_end SC_DEEP_SLEEP; sc_end SC_DEC_AGI; sc_end SC_BROKENARMOR; sc_end SC_BROKENWEAPON; sc_end SC_NOEQUIPWEAPON; sc_end SC_NOEQUIPSHIELD; sc_end SC_NOEQUIPARMOR; sc_end SC_NOEQUIPHELM; sc_end SC__STRIPACCESSARY; sc_end SC_PROPERTYUNDEAD; sc_end SC_ORCISH; sc_end SC_BERSERK; sc_end SC_SKE; sc_end SC_SWOO; sc_end SC_SKA; sc_end SC_SLOWDOWN; sc_end SC_FROSTMISTY; sc_end SC_ILLUSION; sc_end SC_BITESCAR; if( getbrokenid(1) ) repairall; getinventorylist; while( .@i < @inventorylist_count ){ getinventorylist; freeloop(true); for( .@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++ ) { if ( @inventorylist_identify[.@i] == 1 ) continue; else if ( getskilllv(MC_IDENTIFY) == 1 && Sp >= 10 ) heal 0,0; // lol... this is supposed to reduce their SP by 10, whatever else if ( countitem(Spectacles) ) delitem Spectacles,1; else if ( getskilllv(RG_COMPULSION) && Zeny >= ( 100 - ( 5 + 4 * getskilllv(RG_COMPULSION) ) )* 2/5 ) Zeny -= ( 100 - ( 5 + 4 * getskilllv(RG_COMPULSION) ) )* 2/5; else if ( getskilllv(MC_DISCOUNT) && Zeny >= ( 100 - ( 5 + 2 * getskilllv(MC_DISCOUNT) ) )* 2/5 ) Zeny -= ( 100 - ( 5 + 2 * getskilllv(MC_DISCOUNT) ) )* 2/5; else if ( Zeny >= 40 ) Zeny -= 40; else break; delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i], 1, 0, @inventorylist_refine[.@i], @inventorylist_attribute[.@i], @inventorylist_card1[.@i], @inventorylist_card2[.@i], @inventorylist_card3[.@i], @inventorylist_card4[.@i]; getitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i], 1, 1, @inventorylist_refine[.@i], 0, @inventorylist_card1[.@i], @inventorylist_card2[.@i], @inventorylist_card3[.@i], @inventorylist_card4[.@i]; .@icount++; } freeloop(false); if ( .@icount ) message strcharinfo(0), "Identified "+ .@icount +" Items."; } } else { specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI,240000,10; specialeffect(EF_BLESSING, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; } if (.@Delay) @HD = gettimetick(2)+.@Delay; end; } OnInit: setarray .debuffs[0], SC_LEXAETERNA, SC_DEC_AGI, SC_POISON, SC_CURSE, SC_SILENCE, SC_BLIND, SC_VENOMBLEED, SC_DPOISON, SC_BURNING; } Please help me with this errors.
  13. Is this correct under clif.c? static void clif_useSkillToIdReal(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd, int skill_id, int skill_lv, int target_id) __attribute__((nonnull (2))); static void clif_useSkillToIdReal(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd, int skill_id, int skill_lv, int target_id) if (skill_id == 5423) { ShowError("Wrong skill 5423 from account_id: %d\n", sd->status.account_id); } { int64 tick = timer->gettick(); if (skill_lv < 1) skill_lv = 1; //No clue, I have seen the client do this with guild skills :/ [Skotlex] int tmp = skill->get_inf(skill_id); if (tmp & INF_GROUND_SKILL || !tmp) return; //Using a ground/passive skill on a target? WRONG. if (skill_id >= HM_SKILLBASE && skill_id < HM_SKILLBASE + MAX_HOMUNSKILL) { clif->pUseSkillToId_homun(sd->hd, sd, tick, skill_id, skill_lv, target_id); return; } if (skill_id >= MC_SKILLBASE && skill_id < MC_SKILLBASE + MAX_MERCSKILL) { clif->pUseSkillToId_mercenary(sd->md, sd, tick, skill_id, skill_lv, target_id); return; } // Whether skill fails or not is irrelevant, the char ain't idle. [Skotlex] pc->update_idle_time(sd, BCIDLE_USESKILLTOID); if (sd->npc_id || sd->state.workinprogress & 1) {
  14. sorry. which file? Im new to this.
  15. If someone is cheating is there a way to trace whose that person is? Already updated my Hercules git. still got the same error.
  16. how about in @mi? Drops: 1239: Please enter a monster name/ID (usage: @mobinfo <monster_name_or_monster_ID>). 1240: MVP Monster: '%s'/'%s'/'%s' (%d) 1241: Monster: '%s'/'%s'/'%s' (%d) 1242: Lv:%d HP:%d Base EXP:%u Job EXP:%u HIT:%d FLEE:%d 1243: DEF:%d MDEF:%d STR:%d AGI:%d VIT:%d INT:%d DEX:%d LUK:%d 1244: ATK:%d~%d Range:%d~%d~%d Size:%s Race: %s Element: %s (Lv:%d) 1245: Drops: 1246: This monster has no drops. 1247: MVP Bonus EXP:%u 1248: MVP Items: 1249: This monster has no MVP prizes.
  17. Good day! May I know if this possible. wanted to show @rates in 500x and @mobinfo in 5% display but werereally at 300x and 3%. Is this possible how?
  18. Good day! May I know how to get rid of error infinity loop in this script. or where to add this *freeloop(<toggle>). thanks! //===== Hercules Script ====================================== //= Healer //===== By: ================================================== //= Euphy //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.2 //===== Description: ========================================= //= Basic healer script. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 Initial script. //= 1.1 Aligned coordinates with @go. //= 1.2 Fix variables and character stuck at healing //============================================================ function script H_VIPBuff { query_sql( "SELECT CAST( `vip` AS DATE ),DATEDIFF( IFNULL(`vip`,NOW()),NOW() ), TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, NOW(), `vip`) FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3)+" LIMIT 1", .@vip_date$, .@day, .@vip_second); if ( .@day > 0 || .@vip_second > 0) { return true; end; } return false; } - script Healer FAKE_NPC,{ .@price = 0; // Zeny required for heal .@Buffs = 1; // Also buff players? (1: yes / 0: no) .@Delay = 0; // Heal delay, in seconds if (@HD > gettimetick(2)) end; if (.@price) { message strcharinfo(PC_NAME),"Healing costs "+.@price+" Zeny."; if (Zeny < .@price) end; if(select("^0055FFHeal^000000", "^777777Cancel^000000") == 2) close; Zeny -= .@price; } specialeffect(EF_HEAL2, AREA, playerattached()); percentheal 100,100; if (.@Buffs) { if (callfunc ("H_VIPBuff")) { //sc_start SC_CASH_PLUSEXP,.exp_bonus_duration,.bonus_vip_exp_rate; //sc_start SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM,.bonus_duration,.bonus_vip_drop_rate; specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI,240000,10; specialeffect(EF_BLESSING, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; specialeffect(EF_KYRIE, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_KYRIE, 120000, 0; specialeffect( EF_IMPOSITIO, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO, 60000, 0; specialeffect(EF_GLORIA, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_GLORIA, 30000, 0; sc_end SC_STONE; sc_end SC_FREEZE; sc_end SC_STUN; sc_end SC_SLEEP; sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_CURSE; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; sc_end SC_BLIND; sc_end SC_BLOODING; sc_end SC_DPOISON; sc_end SC_FEAR; sc_end SC_COLD; sc_end SC_BURNING; sc_end SC_DEEP_SLEEP; sc_end SC_DEC_AGI; sc_end SC_BROKENARMOR; sc_end SC_BROKENWEAPON; sc_end SC_NOEQUIPWEAPON; sc_end SC_NOEQUIPSHIELD; sc_end SC_NOEQUIPARMOR; sc_end SC_NOEQUIPHELM; sc_end SC__STRIPACCESSARY; sc_end SC_PROPERTYUNDEAD; sc_end SC_ORCISH; sc_end SC_BERSERK; sc_end SC_SKE; sc_end SC_SWOO; sc_end SC_SKA; sc_end SC_SLOWDOWN; sc_end SC_FROSTMISTY; sc_end SC_ILLUSION; sc_end SC_BITESCAR; if( getbrokenid(1) ) repairall; getinventorylist; while( .@i < @inventorylist_count ){ // if ( !@inventorylist_identify[.@i] ){ // delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i],1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0; // getitem @inventorylist_id[.@i],1; // } // .@i++; // } // end; getinventorylist; for( .@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++ ) { if ( @inventorylist_identify[.@i] == 1 ) continue; else if ( getskilllv(MC_IDENTIFY) == 1 && Sp >= 10 ) heal 0,0; // lol... this is supposed to reduce their SP by 10, whatever else if ( countitem(Spectacles) ) delitem Spectacles,1; else if ( getskilllv(RG_COMPULSION) && Zeny >= ( 100 - ( 5 + 4 * getskilllv(RG_COMPULSION) ) )* 2/5 ) Zeny -= ( 100 - ( 5 + 4 * getskilllv(RG_COMPULSION) ) )* 2/5; else if ( getskilllv(MC_DISCOUNT) && Zeny >= ( 100 - ( 5 + 2 * getskilllv(MC_DISCOUNT) ) )* 2/5 ) Zeny -= ( 100 - ( 5 + 2 * getskilllv(MC_DISCOUNT) ) )* 2/5; else if ( Zeny >= 40 ) Zeny -= 40; else break; delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i], 1, 0, @inventorylist_refine[.@i], @inventorylist_attribute[.@i], @inventorylist_card1[.@i], @inventorylist_card2[.@i], @inventorylist_card3[.@i], @inventorylist_card4[.@i]; getitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i], 1, 1, @inventorylist_refine[.@i], 0, @inventorylist_card1[.@i], @inventorylist_card2[.@i], @inventorylist_card3[.@i], @inventorylist_card4[.@i]; .@icount++; } if ( .@icount ) message strcharinfo(0), "Identified "+ .@icount +" Items."; } } else { specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI,240000,10; specialeffect(EF_BLESSING, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; } if (.@Delay) @HD = gettimetick(2)+.@Delay; end; } OnInit: .exp_bonus_duration = 3600000; .bonus_duration = 3600000; .bonus_vip_exp_rate = 100; .bonus_vip_drop_rate = 100; setarray .debuffs[0], SC_LEXAETERNA, SC_DEC_AGI, SC_POISON, SC_CURSE, SC_SILENCE, SC_BLIND, SC_VENOMBLEED, SC_DPOISON, SC_BURNING; } //===============// //set .@Price, 100; // Zeny per identify //getinventorylist; //for(set .@i,0; .@i<@inventorylist_count; set .@i,.@i+1) { // if (@inventorylist_identify[.@i]) continue; // if (Zeny < .@Price) { // dispbottom? "It costs "+.@Price+" to identify an item."; break; } // set Zeny, Zeny-.@Price; // delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i],1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0; // getitem @inventorylist_id[.@i],1; // setarray .@Total[0], .@Total[0]+1, .@Total[1]+.@Price; } //if (!.@Total[0]) { // message strcharinfo(0),"No items identified."; end; } //specialeffect2 154; //message strcharinfo(0),"Identified "+.@Total[0]+" items"+((.@Total[1])?" for "+.@Total[1]+" Zeny":"")+"."; //end; //} // Duplicates //============================================================ alberta,25,240,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#alb 4_PORING aldebaran,135,118,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#alde 4_PORING amatsu,200,79,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#ama 4_PORING ayothaya,207,169,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#ayo 4_PORING comodo,184,158,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#com 4_PORING einbech,57,36,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#einbe 4_PORING einbroch,57,202,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#einbr 4_PORING geffen,115,72,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#gef 4_PORING gonryun,156,122,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#gon 4_PORING hugel,89,150,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#hug 4_PORING izlude,125,118,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#izl 4_PORING jawaii,250,139,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#jaw 4_PORING lighthalzen,152,100,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#lhz 4_PORING louyang,226,103,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#lou 4_PORING manuk,272,144,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#man 4_PORING mid_camp,203,289,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#mid 4_PORING moc_ruins,72,164,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#moc 4_PORING morocc,153,97,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#mor 4_PORING moscovia,220,191,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#mos 4_PORING niflheim,212,182,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#nif 4_PORING payon,179,106,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#pay 4_PORING prontera,163,185,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#prt 4_PORING rachel,125,116,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#rac 4_PORING splendide,201,153,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#spl 4_PORING thor_camp,249,74,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#thor 4_PORING umbala,105,148,3 duplicate(Healer) Healer#umb 4_PORING veins,217,121,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#ve 4_PORING xmas,143,136,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#xmas 4_PORING yuno,164,45,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#yuno 4_PORING // Duplicates (Renewal) //============================================================ brasilis,194,221,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#bra 4_PORING dewata,195,187,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#dew 4_PORING dicastes01,201,194,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#dic 4_PORING ecl_in01,45,60,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#ecl 4_PORING malangdo,132,114,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#mal 4_PORING malaya,205,205,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#ma 4_PORING mora,55,152,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#mora 4_PORING
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