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Everything posted by buczak

  1. Hunmn thanks for the help. Players are complaining that equips with great defense, for example, sets + 30def, helmet + 10def, combat knife, shell with thara frog, adding a defensive 0 + 70, are "immortal." All physical attack miss, even with an atk and high precision ... From what I saw is giving damage zero even with a very high attack ... !! ?? This does not solve, I will lose all my RenewAll settings, Base / Job 175/60, etc ... I just wanted to clean up the Renewal DEF mechanics to Pre-Renewal, because the defense is very high and very low attack ...
  2. But there is a way to increase the attack and decrease the defense using the Renewal formulas? I was seeing the battle.conf if I change these settings will solve? min_hitrate: 90 // 5 max_hitrate: 100 weapon_defense_type: 50 // 0 magic_defense_type: 50 //
  3. Hello, my players are complaining about the attack and defense RENEWAL formula. I wonder if I can just use the attack and defense formula PRE-RENEWAL? I was looking at renewal.h file, if I comment only #define RENEWAL, it will cause the server which use formulas PRE-RENEWAL? For example, will use the atk/def formula, refining formula, create potion, etc ... Or have a way to just change the formula attack and defense? Any help is welcome ...
  4. As the client read both types of characters? Is there a way?
  5. Please help ... After updating my itemInfo.lua with the last itemInfo.lua available, I can not see any .bmp item without error ... !!! In the old file was unidentifiedResourceName »¡° £ Æ ÷ ¼Ç and new is 빨간 포션 theoretically would be the same, but my client can not read the sprite ... I'm going crazy .... lol Help !!
  6. Hunmnm. That's what I thought! lol I'm doing an update in "storage" to change the account_id item, but have to log out to update the player he no longer has the item ... Know if you change the account_id item in storage will corrupt anything?
  7. But it would be possible only by SQL or native command there?
  8. Is there a way to send an item from the player's inventory online to the player's storage offline? I wanted to make a npc that does this, but I find as ...
  9. buczak


    Perfect Owww !! From what I saw the command via script would aura (0,0,0), right? Could someone tell me how I put the id of the char that will receive the aura?
  10. buczak


    A doubt, I can add the aura only for a specific char?
  11. My updated my folder date and now it seems to be normal. Thank you!
  12. Someone could tell me why some costumes not appear in char?
  13. buczak


    I can use sprite or only effects aura? Thks!
  14. Hello, I was having these errors: Error 3 error C2039: 'base_pc_maxhp' : is not a member of 'status_interface' c:usersandredocumentsherculeshercules-mastersrcpluginscostumeitem.c 552 1 costumeitemError 4 error C2039: 'base_pc_maxsp' : is not a member of 'status_interface' c:usersandredocumentsherculeshercules-mastersrcpluginscostumeitem.c 577 1 costumeitem So I changed those lines: sd->status.max_sp = status->base_pc_maxsp(sd, bstatus);sd->status.max_sp = status->base_pc_maxhp(sd, bstatus); for this sd->status.max_sp = status->get_base_maxsp(sd, bstatus);sd->status.max_sp = status->get_base_maxsp(sd, bstatus); With the changes, the errors are gone and compiled But I do not know if my changes are correct Is this right?
  15. Tested and everything working on: Fixed 2014 April client (2014-04-16aRagexe.exe). Thanks for the tutorial! It helped a lot!
  16. Funcionou perfeito!!! Muito obrigado pela ajuda, realmente é bem simples, porém o wiki tem algumas falhas na explicação. Obrigado, abraço!
  17. evilpuncker, saberia me dizer o porque desse erro no map-server: [Error]: status_change_start: invalid status change (2999) Esses foram os passos que eu fiz: No status.c eu adicionei as seguintes linhas para meu novo SC_ com o nome de SC_MYCUSTOM: //Other SC which are not necessarily associated to skills. status->ChangeFlagTable[SC_CHASEWALK2] |= SCB_STR; status->ChangeFlagTable[SC_MYCUSTOM] |= SCB_STR; status->ChangeFlagTable[SC_INCAGI] |= SCB_AGI;/*==========================================* Apply shared stat mods from status changes [DracoRPG]*------------------------------------------*/unsigned short status_calc_str(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int str){ if(sc->data[SC_STOMACHACHE]) str -= sc->data[SC_STOMACHACHE]->val1; if(sc->data[SC_KYOUGAKU]) str -= sc->data[SC_KYOUGAKU]->val3; if (sc->data[SC_MYCUSTOM]) str += sc->data[SC_MYCUSTOM]->val1; return (unsigned short)cap_value(str,0,USHRT_MAX);} No status.h // Status changes listing. These code are for use by the server.typedef enum sc_type { SC_NONE = -1, . . . // This is our custom status effect SC_MYCUSTOM, // 2999 SC_MAX, //Automatically updated max, used in for's to check we are within bounds.} sc_type; E no dbconst.txt // 2014 Halloween EventSC_MTF_MHP 584SC_MTF_MSP 585SC_MTF_PUMPKIN 586SC_MTF_HITFLEE 587SC_MYCUSTOM 2999e_gasp 0e_what 1e_ho 2 Porém não incrementa o status str e ocorre o erro relatado no inicio do post. Faltou algo ou eu fiz algo errado? Obrigado! @Edit Pelo que eu vi meu SC_MYCUSTOM Type é maior que o SC_MAX type segundo essa função: if( type <= SC_NONE || type >= SC_MAX ) { ShowError("status_change_start: invalid status change (%d)!n", type); return 0; } Mas não importa o valor que eu coloque no dbconf.txt (ex. 2000, 2001, 2999), da sempre esse erro. Saberia me dizer se é por isso? E qual o arquivo que eu vejo o total do SC_MAX?
  18. Obrigado pela resposta, vou ver então como adiciona um novo SC_ para a funcionalidade de incrementar a STR. Saberia me dizer um wiki ou site sobre o assunto? Desde já agradeço! Encontrei esse wiki http://herc.ws/wiki/Adding_new_statuses, seria esses os passos para adicionar um SC_ como eu quero?
  19. Olá, estou criando um script para buffs de atributos do char e percebi que não existe o comando para aumentar o atributo da força, que seria (teoricamente) o SC_INCSTR. Todos os outros atributos possuem seus comandos para aumentar: SC_INCAGI,SC_INCVIT,SC_INCINT,SC_INCDEX e SC_INCLUK. Pelo que eu entendi o comando que executa o buff na FOR(STR) seria o SC_CHASEWALK2, porém este comando mostra um StatIcon na tela, o que eu não queria que aparecesse, pois vou usar meu próprio StatIcon. Existe algum outro comando para executar buff na FOR(STR), como por exemplo: SC_INCSTR? Ou eu estou totalmente equivocado, rsrsrs. Obrigado desde já.
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