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Truly last won the day on January 31 2022

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About Truly

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  • Birthday 09/21/1993

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  1. Nope, they are all official RO textures!
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Hey there everyone, long time no see! So it's been a very long time since I have been on these boards and I do miss it all. Feeling a little nostalgia looking through these all, I decided to release them all to the public, completely free. Going in no particular order after the first few, they are just my favorites. I hope you guys love them as I have. Sanctum Main town oriented map. My absolute favorite and latest work (When I was mapping). The idea I had for this was a chuck of a mountain broke off and landed here, subsequently creating a waterfall from atop and surrounding the town. Giving it protection and a perfect center for life. I never got around to finishing the outside of the map, I don't even know what I thought for the surroundings, perhaps just trees. Sanctum In And here is the inside map for Sanctum. The first picture is the general area where various NPC's can be placed. The second picture is where I planned to use an script to automatically place anyone who wished to vend in the one walkable/edited Gat. It would cycle through and remove those vending for a prolonged period of time and also anyone not vending at all. Guild Base This map was designed for the top guilds or just those who hold castles to have a domain of their own. The first picture is just a hangout spot for anyone in the guild. The second picture is for any combat/training/monster summoning to be done. The third picture is for the guild master where special NPC's can be placed as the server owners desire.  Novice Starter Grounds PvP Valkyrie A little small for a PvP map but I enjoyed making it and like how it turned out. Trinity The first main town I made some time back around 2010. Don't judge me on some of the rookie mistakes I made with lighting and such haha. The following Trinity ___ maps are connected via a warp on the edges of the map. Trinity In Trinity Courtyard Before the Sanctum maps, this was my favorite creation. I just liked the feel of this one. Trinity Vending Similar to the Sanctum In vending idea, I wanted to limit vending to only those tiles with the colored objects on it. Trinity Port Anexus A simple instance based map with a boss at the end. Another one of my earlier works. Works The beginnings of my templates map. I would urge any current mapper to use this technique to create unique model compilations and copy it over to the map in progress. I have used this to create a forest that looks completely customized in a matter of minutes. Well there they are, open to any and all. I hope to hear your feedback on these! Thanks, Truly ~
  3. View File Truly Map Collection Hey there everyone, long time no see! So it's been a very long time since I have been on these boards and I do miss it all. Feeling a little nostalgia looking through these all, I decided to release them all to the public, completely free. Going in no particular order after the first few, they are just my favorites. I hope you guys love them as I have. Sanctum Main town oriented map. My absolute favorite and latest work (When I was mapping). The idea I had for this was a chuck of a mountain broke off and landed here, subsequently creating a waterfall from atop and surrounding the town. Giving it protection and a perfect center for life. I never got around to finishing the outside of the map, I don't even know what I thought for the surroundings, perhaps just trees. Sanctum In And here is the inside map for Sanctum. The first picture is the general area where various NPC's can be placed. The second picture is where I planned to use an script to automatically place anyone who wished to vend in the one walkable/edited Gat. It would cycle through and remove those vending for a prolonged period of time and also anyone not vending at all. Guild Base This map was designed for the top guilds or just those who hold castles to have a domain of their own. The first picture is just a hangout spot for anyone in the guild. The second picture is for any combat/training/monster summoning to be done. The third picture is for the guild master where special NPC's can be placed as the server owners desire.  Novice Starter Grounds PvP Valkyrie A little small for a PvP map but I enjoyed making it and like how it turned out. Trinity The first main town I made some time back around 2010. Don't judge me on some of the rookie mistakes I made with lighting and such haha. The following Trinity ___ maps are connected via a warp on the edges of the map. Trinity In Trinity Courtyard Before the Sanctum maps, this was my favorite creation. I just liked the feel of this one. Trinity Vending Similar to the Sanctum In vending idea, I wanted to limit vending to only those tiles with the colored objects on it. Trinity Port Anexus A simple instance based map with a boss at the end. Another one of my earlier works. Works The beginnings of my templates map. I would urge any current mapper to use this technique to create unique model compilations and copy it over to the map in progress. I have used this to create a forest that looks completely customized in a matter of minutes. Well there they are, open to any and all. I hope to hear your feedback on these! Thanks, Truly ~ Submitter Truly Submitted 07/05/18 Category Maps & Textures  
  4. Hey there everyone, long time no see! So it's been a very long time since I have been on these boards and I do miss it all. Feeling a little nostalgia looking through all of these, I decided to release them all to the public, completely free. Going in no particular order after the first few, they are just my favorites. I hope you guys love them as I have. Sanctum Main town oriented map. My absolute favorite and latest work (When I was mapping). The idea I had for this was a chunck of a mountain broke off and landed here, subsequently creating a waterfall from atop and surrounding the town. Giving it protection and a perfect center for life. I never got around to finishing the outside of the map, I don't even know what I thought for the surroundings, perhaps just trees. Sanctum In And here is the inside map for Sanctum. The first picture is the general area where various NPC's can be placed. The second picture is where I planned to use a script to automatically place anyone who wished to vend in the one walkable/edited Gat. It would cycle through and remove those vending for a prolonged period of time and also anyone not vending at all. Guild Base This map was designed for the top guilds or just those who hold castles to have a domain of their own. The first picture is just a hangout spot for anyone in the guild. The second picture is for any combat/training/monster summoning to be done. The third picture is for the guild master where special NPC's can be placed as the server owners desire. Novice Starter Grounds PvP Valkyrie A little small for a PvP map but I enjoyed making it and like how it turned out. Trinity The first main town I made some time back around 2010. Don't judge me on some of the rookie mistakes I made with lighting and such haha. The following Trinity ___ maps are connected via a warp on the edges of the map. Trinity In Trinity Courtyard Before the Sanctum maps, this was my favorite creation. I just liked the feel of this one. Trinity Vending Similar to the Sanctum In vending idea, I wanted to limit vending to only those tiles with the colored objects on it. Trinity Port Anexus A simple instance based map with a boss at the end. Another one of my earlier works. Works The beginnings of my templates map. I would urge any current mapper to use this technique to create unique model compilations and copy it over to the map in progress. I have used this to create a forest that looks completely customized in a matter of minutes. Well there they are, open to any and all. I hope to hear your feedback on these! Thanks, Truly ~
  5. You need to add a comma after the first GRF location (since you specify more than one GRF). Might not resolve all of the issues, but iirc that's the way it's supposed to be. Change: "C:/ValRO/ValRO/data.grf" To: "C:/ValRO/ValRO/data.grf", Notice the added comma... lol.
  6. Ah very very true. Thanks, it makes a lot more sense now why it wasn't put in and probably won't as it would cause additional work and potential headaches haha.
  7. Well, it was an addition to the post as a possibility for getting some additional money for the site. The main point was to let creators publish their work and earn from it. Releasing things for free is great I agree, but some work is very tedious and not exactly intended to be given away But I understand! And yeah their version took a while to payout due to the probability of chargebacks and such. Hoping it will happen in the future though!
  8. Hello everyone, I wanted to suggest that there be a section fused with the current downloads section which allows for selling of downloadable content. rAthena had this implemented and I was quite happy with it as i'm sure many were. There was a requirement for purchasing a map, and a purchase there was a few weeks of pending time to ensure there was no charge-back or fraud from the purchase. After that period, you were able to get the money sent to you via paypal. Just wondering what everyone's thoughts were on this! That's all! Truly ~ P.S. Maybe Hercules could make any purchase have a tax/commision % so there would be income to the team running the show. I'm sure that would be very beneficial.
  9. Truly

    map size

    Guessing you are this person: https://rathena.org/board/topic/101282-map-size/#entry282104 Just incase you didn't see it lol.
  10. It isn't my work, I implemented the system after tedious source edits to get it to work, but I believe this is the link (google'd it): http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=194375
  11. I believe there was a custom system some time ago for controlling mobs called Mob Controller. I actually implemented it and got it to work pretty well. I made a complex set of actions to perform for fighting yourself, it would essentially do the most "optimal" tasks and react to when you change gear (notice a difference in damage, or no damage at all) and act accordingly. I loved the system, I just never dove into it as much as it had potential. Not sure if it would replace the unit commands, but it could definitely benefit from it!
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