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About Kido

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  1. I just got 24, HBD to me :3

  2. Retired

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kido


      From RO stuff. Hey happy late holidays :D

    3. Dastgir
    4. Kido


      I'll be back... with cats!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kido


      i know lol, just find it funny, also that explains Ind's pi.c in rAthena (?)

    3. Dastgir


      Seems like Ind is fan of hercules, that's why emulator name is hercules too. xD

    4. Kido


      Loool nice name btw o:

  3. Who dares to challenge me for a Pokemon Battle é.é ? gssss!

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Kido


      é.é !! everyone has one except me 3:

    3. Mystery


      Better get on that Kido. Sheesh

    4. Kido


      yeah, gonna us @jobchange Thief and get one /gg

  4. File Name: High Class Mall - Free& & Improved File Submitter: Kido File Submitted: 10 Jun 2014 File Category: Maps & Textures High Class Mall Free & Improved An amazing and improved map for totally free. All spaces and walkable cells are completly working. It has 3 sections for many NPCs locations and also a big and cool statue in the center. You can have a cool map like this totally free, i asked my friends "why not release it for free?" and my friend said that if i wish i can released for everyone, i didn't pay for it, yup my friend it's so cool o:! Please feel free to report any bug. Also check this cool links to make sure you won't have any problem when adding the map. http://herc.ws/board/topic/5825-adding-custom-maps/?hl=weemapcache#entry36723 Rules: You can't sell this file You can edit this file You can share this file You can mod this file (adding or removing stuff) Well, i hope you guys will enjoy this! Click here to download this file
  5. Version 1.0


    High Class Mall Free & Improved An amazing and improved map for totally free. All spaces and walkable cells are completly working. It has 3 sections for many NPCs locations and also a big and cool statue in the center. You can have a cool map like this totally free, i asked my friends "why not release it for free?" and my friend said that if i wish i can released for everyone, i didn't pay for it, yup my friend it's so cool o:! Please feel free to report any bug. Also check this cool links to make sure you won't have any problem when adding the map. http://herc.ws/board/topic/5825-adding-custom-maps/?hl=weemapcache#entry36723 Rules: You can't sell this file You can edit this file You can share this file You can mod this file (adding or removing stuff) Well, i hope you guys will enjoy this!
  6. Today is my birthday yay >:33!

  7. Today is my birthday ya >:33!

  8. Lol nice to meet you bot, teach me how to speak binary lol

  9. 1000000000% recommended he did the whole job pretty profesional, supported all of my questions, completed the job in time, everything works and gives excellent support during and after the work 100% satisfied !
  10. You ok? it's been almost 1 month since you were active DD:!

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