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Everything posted by koko24

  1. koko24


    i see problably the thief is using katar since we have an NPC that converts their sprite into 1st job class,
  2. Skills doesnt have any requirements to use http://prntscr.com/7hwhhw http://prntscr.com/7hwhq5 http://upaste.me/2c89207198f3d8b92 it goes for all the skills like parrying, desperado, and so on where should i look to fix this kind of problem?
  3. 2013-08-07 i dont know the problem. but my guess is that the problem is in their kRO
  4. Yes they can see the graphics devices, yes clean kRO, they say they use it to run other RO from it, they have clean kRO backup
  5. koko24


    how do i fix this? rare occurence http://prntscr.com/7hi89v
  6. not the host problem, other can connect without problem, its just that for some reason, one out of 100 people can't run their .exe file
  7. some players can't play when they run the game.exe nothing shows up run as admin is the same what is the problem? and what are the possible solution for that?
  8. is WePrioritize and EaDev same group?
  9. yes test it on PVP/GVG it doesnt work like it suppose to do it seems off
  10. Hello i have a little problem, just asking if where should i look so i can fix it Example During PVP Player A(Devo) Player B(Champ) Player A Devo Player B Then they go into PVP Room, Player B still have devo Status where should i look so that the devo shouldnt be like that?
  11. before you requested this we already working on this script sadly we can't finish it, we are stuck on something. example Player A Bet Game 1 Player A Wins Player A Bet Game 2 Player A Lost ( he still can recieve the prize for Game 1, even tho he already claimed it ) if we try to reset the records, other players who didnt receive the prize yet will also be reset and thats my sad life
  12. my map Server Crash after installing this. oh my god
  13. cutin "arang01",2; mes "[SG Resetter]"; mes "What do you wish to reset?"; menu "Reset Feeling",feeling,"Reset Hatred",hatred;feeling: atcommand "@feelreset"; mes "Done."; close2; cutin "",255; end;hatred: set PC_HATE_MOB_MOON, 0; set PC_HATE_MOB_STAR, 0; set PC_HATE_MOB_SUN, 0; mes "Done."; next; mes "[SG Resetter]"; mes "Hatred will be reset upon relogging."; mes "Do you wish to relog now?"; menu "Relog now",relog,"Later",later;relog: atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); end;later: next; mes "[SG Resetter]"; mes "Ok then, but don't forget changes won't take effect until you relog."; close2; cutin "",255; end;} is it posible to not kick the player out of the game? because it is too much hassle for the player.. i also found this if( BaseClass == Job_Star_Gladiator ){atcommand "@hatredreset";mes "Done";close;} else {mes "You are not Star Gladiator";close;}} the problem is this is not working but it seems nice
  14. koko24

    Tarot Dispel

    How to remove Dispel from Tarot Skills? or if possible how can GTB block Dispel from Tarot? case 2: // all buffs removed status->change_clear_buffs(bl,1);
  15. i see, havent tried it because my server is running, i'll try it on other map instead thank you it only says Player has pawned Players heat at guild_vs3 Player is on MONSTER KILL is it possible to broadcast how many did he kill? like 43 kills or 20 kills then it will go back to 0 when he die ================================== its not working with prtg_cas01 ======================================= working now at prtg_cas01 is the Streak Announcement only works on pvp map? the Streak Announcment doesnt show when i test it on my Characters only shows like Player Killed Player at prt_cas01 and doesnt announce like Player is on Killing Spree
  16. does this script adds Kill count? and posible to display the guild of the player?
  17. then i can set the map only for castle siege right? thank you does this show how many the killing streak is?
  18. dota pvp script? link please
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