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Everything posted by koko24

  1. Sir Dastgir and sir Poison said its not wise to use that script because its messy and stuff
  2. Requesting Simple Script that announce guild who is owning at the active castle and character who is owning at the active castle for example Hercules Guild is on Killing Streak at Kriemhild Player Hercules is on 10 Killing Streak please kill him player Hercules is on 11 Killing Streak please kill him
  3. Hello i would like to request a script that allows GM to see Characters from their account id Characters and Deleted Characters for example account_id = 200000 show characters of 200000
  4. zones: ({ /* All zone is a dynamic (very special) zone that is forcebly inherited by ALL maps automatically */ name: "All" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_ALL_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */ disabled_skills: { //both examples below disable napalm beat (id 11) to players //MG_NAPALMBEAT: "PLAYER" //ID11: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { //Both examples below disable apple (id 501) //Apple: true //ID501: true } mapflags: ( "adjust_skill_damage CR_ACIDDEMONSTRATION 25" "adjust_skill_damage AS_SONICBLOW 25" ) is this correct i want to reduce the damage to all maps including pvp,gvg ============= not working ============= Reduce Damage Calculation is not working Properly please test for Magic, Physical skills pre-re server / Base:255 Job:120
  5. // Skill Damage Adjustment Database//// Structure of Database:// SkillName,Caster,Map,Damage against Players{,Damage against Mobs{,Damage against Bosses{,Damage against Other}}}//// Caster: The groups for which the adjustment takes effect. (bitmask)// 1 = Player// 2 = Monster// 4 = Pet// 8 = Homunculus// 16 = Mercenary// 32 = Elemental//// Map:// 1 - Normal (the maps that aren't classified as these maps below)// 2 - PVP// 4 - GVG// 8 - Battlegrounds// 16 - 'skill_damage' mapflag// Restricted zones - they're configured by 'restricted <number>' mapflag// 32 - Zone 1// 64 - Zone 2// 128 - Zone 3// 256 - Zone 4// 512 - Zone 5// 1024 - Zone 6// 2048 - Zone 7//// Notes:// Damage is a percentage between -100 and 100000.// Negative values decrease damage and positive values increase it (0 = no change).//// Examples:// MC_MAMMONITE,1,1,50 // In normal maps, players deal +50% damage to other players with Mammonite.// MO_EXTREMITYFIST,1,6,-50 // In PVP and GVG, players deal -50% (half) damage to other players with Asura Strike.// AB_ADORAMUS,1,6,50,0,10,15 // In PVP and GVG, players deal +50% damage to other players, +0% to mobs, +10% to bosses, and +15% to other with Adoramus. why dont we have this? easy to balance stuff
  6. koko24

    GM Shop

    im getting error http://prntscr.com/7c0n6x
  7. When Soul link is on. after cast delay will be reduce by 40% if( sd->sc.data[sC_SOULLINK] && sd->sc.data[sC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_KNIGHT ){ time /= 10; } is this correct? where should i put it?
  8. Requesting Soul Link Modification for Creator skill FCP When Soul Link FCP can Cure Strip Status
  9. koko24

    Soul Link Strip

    i want the behaviour to be if Stalker is in Soul Link Status very Strip Skill consume 1 glist even if fail or succed heres the source code i found // By pass FCP when using single strip skills by 15%(requires Glistening Coat). if ( sd && tsc && sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK] && sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_ROGUE && rand()%100 < 15 && ( skill_id == RG_STRIPWEAPON && tsc->data[SC_PROTECTWEAPON] || skill_id == RG_STRIPSHIELD && tsc->data[SC_PROTECTSHIELD] || skill_id == RG_STRIPARMOR && tsc->data[SC_PROTECTARMOR] || skill_id == RG_STRIPHELM && tsc->data[SC_PROTECTHELM] ) ) { int item_id = 7139; // Glistening Coat int ii; ARR_FIND( 0, MAX_INVENTORY, ii, sd->status.inventory[ii].nameid == item_id ); if ( ii < MAX_INVENTORY ) { pc->delitem( sd, ii, 1, 0, 0, LOG_TYPE_CONSUME); switch ( skill_id ) { case RG_STRIPWEAPON: status_change_end( bl, SC_PROTECTWEAPON, INVALID_TIMER ); sc_start( NULL, bl, SC_NOEQUIPWEAPON, 100, skill_lv, d ); break; case RG_STRIPSHIELD: status_change_end( bl, SC_PROTECTSHIELD, INVALID_TIMER ); sc_start( NULL, bl, SC_NOEQUIPSHIELD, 100, skill_lv, d ); break; case RG_STRIPARMOR: status_change_end( bl, SC_PROTECTARMOR, INVALID_TIMER ); sc_start( NULL, bl, SC_NOEQUIPARMOR, 100, skill_lv, d ); break; case RG_STRIPHELM: status_change_end( bl, SC_PROTECTHELM, INVALID_TIMER ); sc_start( NULL, bl, SC_NOEQUIPHELM, 100, skill_lv, d ); break; } clif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,1); break; } } Done thanks Sir Ancyker
  10. this doesnt work for me, i copy and paste in the right section
  11. Archieve Corrupted File Relink please ==================== Turned off Anti-Virus = Works How do i revert back to the old Formulas? using eA Formula what are the Multiplicator and Factor for each job?
  12. Hello can anyone share their table? when i download this http://herc.ws/board/topic/9687-hercules-hpsp-table-generator/ it gives error "Archive is corrupt" Tried extracting with .rar .7z and still corrupt need badly
  13. what do you mean you'll lose all the renewal settings? base / job 175/60 your server is using 3rd job? as maluffet said, currently there is no settings for it
  14. koko24

    Request @sameip

    and @sameip cannot be use by normal players to avoid the ip privacy of the players
  15. yep just comment // those that define RENEWAL
  16. Hello i already did all the steps and the status is showing when i use @displaystatus the problem is when ever i use the sc_start SC_i_RESIST_COLD into itemscript my character will get stone curse, db/const.txt SC_MDEFSET 582SC_NO_SWITCH_EQUIP 583SC_I_RESIST_COLD 2002SC_I_RESIST_EARTH 2003SC_I_RESIST_FIRE 2004SC_I_RESIST_THUNDER 2005// 2014 Halloween EventSC_MTF_MHP 584 db/item_db.conf { Id: 12119 AegisName: "Resist_Water" Name: "Coldproof Potion" Type: 2 Buy: 2 Weight: 10 BuyingStore: true Script: <" sc_start4 SC_ARMORPROPERTY,1200000,0,20,-15,0; sc_start SC_I_RESIST_COLD,1200000,1; ">}, mapserver: [Error]: status_change_start: invalid status change (2002)
  17. When Linked. Lord Knight: Parrying can also be used with One Hand Swords with a block chance of 3*SkillLV%. All skills have their after delay reduced by 50%. Spear Boomerang does an additional 200% ATK damage (i.e. 550% at level 5). Whitesmith: Parrying can also be used with Axe/Mace with a block chance of 3*SkillLV% Star Glad: Parrying can also be used with Book with a block chance of 3*SkillLV%, level 10 Lord of vermilion skill Sage The Sage's HP will also increase by BaseLvl * 100 HP and his/her Vit will increase by 35. Wizard: increase by BaseLvl * 200 HP and his/her Vit will increase by Int/5 (For example, 255 Int will give you an additional bonus of 255/5 = 51 Vit). Priest: boosting the power of Holy Light by +400% but also increasing its SP Cost by +400% for the skills duration. Stalker: can divest through Full Protection by consuming one Glistening Coat for each attempt (only when the target has Full Protection activated). 3% chance Sinx: boosting the damage from Throw Venom Knife by 100%. Paladin: It will also increase the damage of Shield Chain by 200% and add a HIT bonus of 50.
  18. how do i enable the status of Reflect shield and Auto Guard Skills Status into the player given the devotion Buff? like defending aura
  19. why is it not posible for npc? i tried those, not working no idea why
  20. Hello im requesting a NPC that can change your Sprite from 2nd - 3rd and vice versa but without the skills changing my server is trans base and i only want the 3rd job sprite i found this on rathena but its not working here in hercules credits to F0xxy crystilia,49,92,5 script Class Suits 485,{// Settings set .mode, 1; // Set it as following: 0 - Transcendent 2nd to 3rd class suits ; 1 - Transcendent 2nd to normal and baby 3rd class, also 3rd to baby 3rd; 2 - Transcendent 2nd to 3rd class suits and xmas, summer suits; 3 - 2nd to normal and baby 3rd class, also normal 3rd to baby 3rd plus xmas,summer. if (.mode == 0) goto normal; if (.mode == 1) goto babies; if (.mode == 2) goto misc; if (.mode == 3) goto babymisc;normal: mes "[Suit Provider]"; mes "So, wanna change your appearance?"; menu "Change to 3rd class suit",thirdclass,"Reset appearance",reset;babies: mes "[Suit Provider]"; mes "So, wanna change your appearance?"; menu "Change to 3rd class suit",thirdclass,"Change to 3rd class baby suit",babythirdclass,"Reset appearance",reset;misc: mes "[Suit Provider]"; mes "So, wanna change your appearance?"; menu "Change to class suit",thirdclass,"Extra suits",miscsuits,"Reset appearance",reset;babymisc: mes "[Suit Provider]"; mes "So, wanna change your appearance?"; menu "Change to class suit",thirdclass,"Change to 3rd class baby suit",babythirdclass,"Extra suits",miscsuits,"Reset appearance",reset;thirdclass: if(class == Job_Lord_Knight) { changebase 4060; close; end; } if(class == Job_Assassin_Cross) { changebase 4065; close; end; } if(class == Job_Paladin) { changebase 4073; close; end; } if(class == Job_Whitesmith) { changebase 4064; close; end; } if(class == Job_Creator) { changebase 4078; close; end; } if(class == Job_Stalker) { changebase 4079; close; end; } if(class == Job_Professor) { changebase 4074; close; end; } if(class == Job_Gypsy) { changebase 4076; close; end; } if(class == Job_Champion) { changebase 4077; close; end; } if(class == Job_Sniper) { changebase 4062; close; end; } if(class == Job_Clown) { changebase 4075; close; end; } if(class == Job_High_Wizard) { changebase 4061; close; end; } if(class == Job_High_Priest) { changebase 4063; close; end; } else { next; mes "[Suit Provider]"; mes "I'm sorry, but your class is not supported."; close; end; }babythirdclass: if(class == Job_Lord_Knight) { changebase 4096; close; end; } if(class == Job_Assassin_Cross) { changebase 4101; close; end; } if(class == Job_Paladin) { changebase 4102; close; end; } if(class == Job_Whitesmith) { changebase 4100; close; end; } if(class == Job_Creator) { changebase 4107; close; end; } if(class == Job_Stalker) { changebase 4108; close; end; } if(class == Job_Professor) { changebase 4103; close; end; } if(class == Job_Gypsy) { changebase 4105; close; end; } if(class == Job_Champion) { changebase 4106; close; end; } if(class == Job_Sniper) { changebase 4098; close; end; } if(class == Job_Clown) { changebase 4104; close; end; } if(class == Job_High_Wizard) { changebase 4097; close; end; } if(class == Job_High_Priest) { changebase 4099; close; end; } if(class == Job_Rune_Knight_T) { changebase 4096; close; end; } if(class == Job_Guillotine_Cross_T) { changebase 4101; close; end; } if(class == Job_Royal_Guard_T) { changebase 4102; close; end; } if(class == Job_Mechanic_T) { changebase 4100; close; end; } if(class == Job_Genetic_T) { changebase 4107; close; end; } if(class == Job_Shadow_Chaser_T) { changebase 4108; close; end; } if(class == Job_Sorcerer_T) { changebase 4103; close; end; } if(class == Job_Wanderer_T) { changebase 4105; close; end; } if(class == Job_Sura_T) { changebase 4106; close; end; } if(class == Job_Ranger_T) { changebase 4098; close; end; } if(class == Job_Minstrel_T) { changebase 4104; close; end; } if(class == Job_Warlock_T) { changebase 4097; close; end; } if(class == Job_Arch_Bishop_T) { changebase 4099; close; end; } else { next; mes "[Suit Provider]"; mes "I'm sorry, but your class is not supported."; close; end; }reset: changebase Class; close; end;miscsuits: next; mes "[Suit Provider]"; mes "Which of the suits would you like to use?"; menu "Xmas suit",xmas,"Summer suit",summer;xmas: changebase 26; close; end;summer: changebase 27; close; end;}
  21. thank you sir mhalicot but i found bug, example Headgear A is in the inventory and i have Costume Headgear A equiped if i restore Costume Headgear A, it doesnt restore because theres a same Headgear in the inventory but the Required items to convert is gone, how do i prevent them or warn them for example if the player have the same item, npc will warn them and put the item in the storage first
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