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Everything posted by Nagad

  1. Nagad


    Seriously?? Thank You for the info then! I will try it asap
  2. Nagad


    I found this one http://herc.ws/board/files/file/58-whosell/ (Last Updated: May 30 2014 06:03 AM) but the warning says "This file has been reported as broken because: This file is incompatible with the latest revision of Hercules." Can someone update this?
  3. When a Bard cast Bragi skill and I'm on it, after few seconds I lose the bragi effect, even if the song is still working. I have to move a little bit to receive the effect again. Is this normal??
  4. Just tried, it is really similar but is not the same Anyway, /camera is a perfect temporary solution! In the other servers, the camera is moves slower than my one
  5. I tried 2 private servers and the camera is definitely more fluid than my one. Basically on my Server, when I'm walking, the ENTIRE screen is moving (the best test to do are moving left and right quickly or walking in circle). In the other 2 servers it is more stable, it does not move so much like in my one! Is like if on my Server the camera/screen movement is more focussed on the character, meanwhile in the other servers is more focussed on the area itself (so doesn't matter how much you move around your character, the screen will not "shake/dance" but will remain stable) This is so annoying, my players hate that and I do not know how to solve it... I'm using kRO--Full_Client_2014-08-22 downloaded from http://roclients.info/ updated + this exe: 2014-04-16a I do not believe is the emulator version (eathena/rathena/hercules/etc), is something Client-related but I have no idea....
  6. The Teleportation skill says sp cost = 0 in the hotkey bar Same thing applies to many other skills (like Champion skills) The problem is only in the pre-renewal version of the file: https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/blob/master/Pre-Renewal/data/luafiles514/lua%20files/skillinfoz/skillinfolist.lub Row 208, there is not "SpAmount", it should be 10 @@zackdreaver
  7. I do not use an installer so I do not have any registry key...
  8. @@Haru What if I use this tool http://www.robrowser.com/prototype/packet-keys/ then I copy existing values (of a specific client date) but changing randomly some numbers? For example, for the 20141022 default keys are: 0x290551EA 0x2B952C75 0x2D67669B Just changing them a little bit: 0x290552EA 0x2B951C75 0x2D67679B The tool says "Passed" but my questions are: does it makes sense? are my keys strong enough?
  9. This fix is working only when the volume that I choose ingame is lower than the one chosen on RO Open Setup. For example, if the Open Setup BGM volume is 80: 1) When I modify the BGM volume ingame putting it at max and I re-open the game, it is back to 80. 2) If ingame I choose a volume level lower than 80, when I re-open the game is correctly saved. EDIT: Doing more testing, I noticed that sometimes the BGM volume is saved to a random value with this fix o.O And sometimes the RO Open Setup reads it properly, sometimes it doesn't match the (random) value. EDIT 2: I noticed that this happens only when I modify the Effect volume!
  10. Tried without success I want to let you know that I really appreciate your help Ai4rei, specially because the problem is not your software
  11. I did more testing, finally everything is more clear now: Modifying the audio settings with RO Open Setup, I noticed that it modifies the OptionInfo.lua file (the one in the savedata folder) only, it doesn't touch the System folder at all. Values are saved correctly (BGM and Effect). Then I opened the game, everything was fine. So RO Open Setup is doing his job properly. Then I changed the BGM / Effect volumes ingame and I closed the game. Checking the OptionInfo.lua again, only the Effect volume was correctly saved, the BGM was still exactly like before I opened the game. So the Client is using the same file to write/read the user settings (OptionInfo.lua file in the savedata folder), but it is unable to write the BGM volume value. I have no idea how to fix this, even with a workaround...
  12. Can someone explain to me how to do that please?
  13. @Winterfox I will test it immediately! It seems definitely better now (almost perfect ) I think I have to offer you a beer (or a pizza if you don't like beer xD)
  14. no no I'm using pre-re, however is just happened now that I received 40 base exp and 40 job exp lol I tried with level 1 char, level 98 and level 99 (job level always 1 for all of them) EDIT: Seems that it is bugged with a specific characted only, with all the others is working fine!! Is really weird because it has no equip/buffs and it is a novice but with another novice is everything ok o.o Just a quick correction, row 6 the space between "else" and "if" is missing, all the rest is perfect and tested!
  15. Thank You, that's cool I will try it immediately! Edit: Sometimes I only receive double job exp but not double base exp... This was happening since the first version of the script (I though I was doing something wrong maybe) but now I realized that there is something wrong for real. This is what I tried: 1) restarted the server 2) logged as novice 3) changed job to 12 (assassin) 4) after 60 secs, I received the double exp bonus 5) killing a poring with my rates (40x), I received 160 base exp and 80 job exp, that is correct 6) logged out and logged in with class 10 (blacksmith) 7) I can see that I have the bonus exp, but after killing a poring I received only 80 base exp ad 80 job exp o.O 8) logged again with the other char (class 10, the assassin) and still working fine I always waited more than 60secs to do every action to wait for the refresh Any idea what it could be?
  16. Sure! (data folder is empty actually) I'm using: Client: 2014-04-16a Open Setup version: System folder fresh downloaded from: https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/tree/master/System savedata folder original from kRO Full Client 2014-08-22 (updated with RO Patcher Lite
  17. I will do few tests later and I will let you know! Thank You again for your help, details and suggestions! <3 ps: I changed the 200 to 100 because I want it increased x 2 and not x 3 I did this: - script FloatingClassRates -1,{ OnRefresh: if( Class != 10 || Class != 12 || Class != 16 || Class != 4046 || Class != 4047 || Class != 4048 || Class != 4049 || Class != 23 || Class != 24 || Class != 25 ) { sc_end( SC_CASH_PLUSEXP); } OnPCLoginEvent: if( Class == 10 || Class == 12 || Class == 16 || Class == 4046 || Class == 4047 || Class == 4048 || Class == 4049 || Class == 23 || Class == 24 || Class == 25 ) { sc_start( SC_CASH_PLUSEXP, -1, 100 ); // set a timer 1 minute timer to refresh the bonus addtimer( 60000, strnpcinfo(3) + "::OnRefresh" ); }} and seems that it is working perfectly! In this way I do not have the icon in cooldown all the time neither the annoying message "your exp is increased by" spammed in chat every minute Actually I'm not sure if I need this anymore: if( !getstatus( SC_CASH_PLUSEXP, 0 ) && ( Class == 10 || Class == 12 || Class == 16 || Class == 4046 || Class == 4047 || Class == 4048 || Class == 4049 || Class == 23 || Class == 24 || Class == 25 ) ) sc_start( SC_CASH_PLUSEXP, -1, 100); In case I still need it to save resources at this stage, where should I put it now??
  18. Thank You @@Winterfox for your help! Really appreciated I have to say that I want it to be permanent and I do not (and will not) have cash shop items to boost exp on my server, so I think the code would be easier like this: - script FloatingClassRates -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if( Class == 10 || Class == 12 || Class == 16 || Class == 4046 || Class == 4047 || Class == 4048 || Class == 4049 || Class == 23 || Class == 24 || Class == 25 ) { sc_start( SC_CASH_PLUSEXP, -1, 200); end; } } Is it correct??
  19. I hope someone knows the best way to do what I'm trying to do
  20. Actually I'm using this script: - script FloatingRates -1,{OnSat0000:OnMon0000:OnInit: if ( gettime(4) == 6 || gettime(4) == 0 ) { setbattleflag "base_exp_rate", 4000; setbattleflag "job_exp_rate", 4000; } else if ( gettime(4) == 1 && gettime(3) == 0 && gettime(2) == 0 ) { setbattleflag "base_exp_rate", 2000; setbattleflag "job_exp_rate", 2000; } end;} I want to modify it in such a way that specific classes (like assassin, ninja, etc..) have: exp (base/job) 8000 instead of 4000 if ( gettime(4) == 6 || gettime(4) == 0 ) exp (base/job) 4000 instead of 2000 if ( gettime(4) == 1 && gettime(3) == 0 && gettime(2) == 0 ) Any suggestion?
  21. In my savedata folder I have only the OptionInfo.lua (without the read-only attribute) I tried to put OptionInfo.lub and even to modify OptionInfo.lua as "read only" but nothing changed + when I close the game there is an error about the client that can not modify it (because is read only)
  22. Ok... so? xD I have downloaded all (even the System folder) fresh last week from here https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation
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