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Everything posted by Nagad

  1. Hi Ai4rei! I do not have any opensetup.log file and I got all the files in the System folder: However I noticed that this happens just with the BGM level, effects is ok
  2. I noticed that the command @autotrade is sorting randomly all the items for sale unsless the shop is full of items (in this case the order does not change). Does anyone have any idea how this works and how to remove this automatic sorting??
  3. Also, which msgstringtable.txt should I use for 2014-04-16aRagexe that DO NOT MAKE ME CRASH when using Vending with the option "safe check over 10m" activated??
  4. Hi I got a problem: when I modifiy the sounds settings ingame, if I change map they automatically switch back as they were before (using the OpenSetup value instead). So I found this: https://rathena.org/...ly/#entry231918 where Sktolex says to modify this: data/luafiles514/lua files/optioninfo/optioninfo_f.lub to solve the problem. Do you think should I do that? Will this trick solve my issue or it will break something else?
  5. Ok perfect, thanks again Dastgir. So I did well. The problem is that when I modifiy the sound level ingame, if I change map it automatically switches back as it was before, following the OpenSetup value. So I found this: https://rathena.org/board/topic/83325-new-ragexe-clients-not-saving-optioninfo-correctly/#entry231918 where Sktolex says to modify this: lua files/optioninfo/optioninfo_f.lub to solve the problem. Do you think should I do that? Will this trick solve my issue?
  6. Just wondering is it possible to have the timestamp in front of any message sent via chat?
  7. Do I have to leave the "luafiles514" folder outside my GRF? (so keeping it in the data folder)
  8. Solved! Thank you all guys <3
  9. Ok I will try... but what about the files names guys?? Do they have to be in order like 31,32,33,34 etc??
  10. 2014-04-16a If I enable it, when I create a new char and I have to choose the hair style, I can keep cliking the arrow to change it but after about 30 styles they do not change anymore, so same issue..
  11. Tried, basically in game when I'm using the stylist it tells me that I have 68 styles but from 31 to 68 they do not change... EDIT: The no.29 is working now! But only this I think (and I think it even override the original no.29...) I did a GRF with your data and I putted it in the first position in DATA.INI
  12. Hi Dogpatch, Thanks for your answer I did it, even trying different names (https://rathena.org/wiki/Data_Folder_Structure) so Àΰ£Á· became 인간족 etc.. but it is not working. Maybe the problem is how the single sprite files are named?? Like 13_남.spr, 14_남.spr etc
  13. I want to add these hairstyles: 1) https://rathena.org/board/topic/59560-hair-style-pack/ (male + female) 2) http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=121326&view=findpost&p=1369781 But I have absolutely no idea about how to do that... I did my experiments for 2 hours then I decided to surrender and ask here Can someone help me please?
  14. I have this one: function script resetSavedSets { set paletteClothesSlot1, $RacePals[race_id*4+2]; set paletteHairSlot1, $RacePals[race_id*4]; set paletteClothesSlot2,$RacePals[race_id*4+2]; set paletteHairSlot2,$RacePals[race_id*4]; set paletteClothesSlot3,$RacePals[race_id*4+2]; set paletteHairSlot3,$RacePals[race_id*4]; return;}prontera,147,160,5 script Stylist 2_M_DYEINGER,{ callsub RaceDye,$RacePals[race_id*4],$RacePals[race_id*4+1],$RacePals[race_id*4+2],$RacePals[race_id*4+3]; RaceDye: mes "[^FF8000Stylist^000000]"; mes "You are currently wearing:"; mes "^000000Cloth color: ^0000FF"+callfunc("getlook2",7); mes "^000000Hair color: ^0000FF"+callfunc("getlook2",6); mes "^000000Hair style: ^0000FF"+getlook(1); next; mes "[^FF8000Stylist^000000]"; mes "What would you like to change?"; next; switch(select("Clothes color:Hair color:Hair style:Saved Dyes")) { case 1: mes "[^FF8000Stylist^000000]"; if (race_id){ mes "Choose a style to begin from between ^0000FF"+(getarg(2))+" and "+(getarg(3)-1)+"^000000."; }else{ mes "Choose a style to begin from between ^0000FF"+getarg(2)+" and "+(getarg(3)-1)+"^000000."; } if ((getarg(3) == 693) || (getarg(3) == 700)) { set @d,4; mes "Ro Basic Unicolor : "+(@d)+" - "+(@d+32*1); mes "Ro Basic Analogic : "+(@d+32*1)+" - "+(@d+32*2); mes "Ro Basic Complementary : "+(@d+32*2)+" - "+(@d+32*3); mes "Dark Unicolor : "+(@d+32*3)+" - "+(@d+32*4); mes "Light Unicolor : "+(@d+32*4)+" - "+(@d+32*5); mes "Gold Autumn : "+(@d+32*5)+" - "+(@d+32*6); mes "Dark Gold : "+(@d+32*6)+" - "+(@d+32*7); mes "BadBoys: "+(@d+32*7)+" - "+(@d+32*8); mes "Dark Analogic : "+(@d+32*8)+" - "+(@d+32*9); mes "Light Analogic : "+(@d+32*9)+" - "+(@d+32*10); mes "Gold : "+(@d+32*10)+" - "+(@d+32*11); mes "Silver : "+(@d+32*11)+" - "+(@d+32*12); mes "Dark Complementary : "+(@d+32*12)+" - "+(@d+32*13); mes "Light Complementary : "+(@d+32*13)+" - "+(@d+32*14); mes "Passion Red : "+(@d+32*14)+" - "+(@d+32*15); mes "Full Mix : "+(@d+32*15)+" - "+(@d+32*16); mes "Paradize : "+(@d+32*16)+" - "+(@d+32*17); mes "Snow : "+(@d+32*17)+" - "+(@d+32*18); mes "Dark Neon : "+(@d+32*18)+" - "+(@d+32*19); mes "Black And White : "+(@d+32*19)+" - "+(@d+32*20); mes "Random : "+(@d+32*20)+" - "+(@d+700); } chose1: input (.@style, getarg(2), getarg(3)); if(.@style < getarg(2) || .@style >= getarg(3)) { mes "Style chosen is out of range."; goto chose1; } browse1: callfunc("setlook2", 7, .@style); dispbottom "This is style number "+.@style+"."; switch(select("Next:Previous:I Like It!:[Save clothes]")){ case 1: set .@style, .@style+1; if (.@style >= getarg(3)) set .@style, getarg(2); goto browse1; case 2: set .@style, .@style-1; if (.@style <= getarg(2)) set .@style, getarg(3)-1; goto browse1; case 3: next; mes "[^FF8000Stylist^000000]"; mes "Perfect ! I am glad you found a style that fits you!"; close; case 4: switch(select("Set 1:Set 2:Set 3")){ case 1: set paletteClothesSlot1, .@style; break; case 2: set paletteClothesSlot2, .@style; break; case 3: set paletteClothesSlot3, .@style; break; } mes "Your style has been saved!"; goto browse1; } close; case 2: mes "[^FF8000Stylist^000000]"; mes "Choose a style to begin from between ^0000FF"+getarg(0)+" and "+(getarg(1)-1)+"^000000."; chose2: input (.@style, getarg(0), getarg(1)); if(.@style < getarg(0) || .@style >= getarg(1)) { mes "Style chosen is out of range."; goto chose2; } browse2: callfunc("setlook2",6,.@style); dispbottom "This is style number "+.@style+"."; switch(select("Next:Previous:I Like It!:[Save dye]")){ case 1: set .@style, .@style+1; if (.@style >= getarg(1)) set .@style, getarg(0); goto browse2; case 2: set .@style, .@style-1; if (.@style <= getarg(0)) set .@style, getarg(1)-1; goto browse2; case 3: next; mes "[^FF8000Stylist^000000]"; mes "Perfect ! I am glad you found a style that fits you!"; close; case 4: switch(select("Set 1:Set 2:Set 3")){ case 1: set paletteHairSlot1, .@style; break; case 2: set paletteHairSlot2, .@style; break; case 3: set paletteHairSlot3, .@style; break; } mes "Your style has been saved!"; goto browse2; } close; case 3: mes "[^FF8000Stylist^000000]"; set .@maxH, 98; // Set this to your max hair style. mes "Choose a style to begin from between ^0000FF0 and "+.@maxH+"^000000."; chose3: input .@style; if(.@style < 0 || .@style > .@maxH) { mes "Style chosen is out of range."; goto chose3; } browse3: setlook 1,.@style; dispbottom "This is style number "+.@style+"."; switch(select("Next:Previous:I Like It!")){ case 1: set .@style, .@style+1; if (.@style > .@maxH) set .@style, 0; goto browse3; case 2: set .@style, .@style-1; if (.@style <= 0) set .@style, .@maxH; goto browse3; case 3: next; mes "[^FF8000Stylist^000000]"; mes "Perfect ! I am glad you found a style that fits you!"; close; } close; case 4: mes "[^FF8000Stylist^000000]"; mes "Here are the color sets you saved:"; mes "Which one do you want to wear ?"; mes "Slot 1 : "+paletteClothesSlot1+", "+paletteHairSlot1+""; mes "Slot 2 : "+paletteClothesSlot2+", "+paletteHairSlot2+""; mes "Slot 3 : "+paletteClothesSlot3+", "+paletteHairSlot3+""; next; switch(select("Set 1:Set 2:Set 3")){ case 1: callfunc("setlook2", 7, paletteClothesSlot1); callfunc("setlook2", 6, paletteHairSlot1); break; case 2: callfunc("setlook2", 7, paletteClothesSlot2); callfunc("setlook2", 6, paletteHairSlot2); break; case 3: callfunc("setlook2", 7, paletteClothesSlot3); callfunc("setlook2", 6, paletteHairSlot3); break; } mes "[^FF8000Stylist^000000]"; mes "Here is the set that you like! See you later!"; close; } } I want to add the options "Jump to" and "Revert to original" for everything (Clothes color, Hair color and Hair style), like the official hercules stylist. Also (if possible) the possibility to save even the Hair Style with Clothes and Hair colors (actually you can save only the combination of clothe + hair color in Set 1, 2 or 3 but you can not save the hair style with them) Can someone modify it for me please??
  15. Hi evilpuncker Thanks for your answer I knew it, I just do not want that a party with 2 or 3 members only get the extra bonus that I want to add (that's why I said "4 or more members"). Do you know how to do that?
  16. I want to raise the exp at +30% if there are 4 or more members in a party, how to do that?? Thanks
  17. I always saw on internet someone saying 13.2 someone else saying 13.3, never 13.1
  18. Hi Dastgir this is what I do: http://herc.ws/board/topic/10032-mvp-tomb-how-to-do-not-show-minutes/#entry59200 However, I just tried to add errors on purpose, just to test if the compiler is compiling for real: It found all of them, so the compiler is working fine... I found the problem, my friend renamed map-server and char-server to map-server2 and char-server2 -.-'' Now everything is working fine, thank you all for your help and patience guys! <3
  19. ahahahaha ok.. actually I'm following this guide http://herc.ws/wiki/Installation_(CentOS) another guy told me to use "make server" command but is not the case I think xD
  20. In this case I think I'm doing something wrong when recompiling then... I have CentOS, to recompile I follow this procedure: After that I get this message: So no errors. Then I restart the server with ./athena-start start and I log-in... If the MvP Tomb is not changing for me, means that the code is not recompiled for real. Is it possible that because it is a sub-server (login-server is disabled, only char-server and map-server are loaded) there are conflicts? Actually my server is organized in this way: Main (login+char+map) Dev (char+map only, using the same login used by Main) Actually I'm recompiling "Dev" (and no, I'm not recompilng "Main" by mistake ahahaha I triple-checked the path)
  21. Ok I will try again and I will let you know
  22. That is exactly what I did, nothing changed... As I said, I even tried to remove the entire row just to do an experiment, I recomplied all and the tomb was exactly the same, I don't understand how it is possible
  23. Hi Oxxy I appreciate your help, I was trying to work on it 5 hours ago, but I didn't manage to do what I want... Apparently, this row : strftime(time, sizeof(time), "%H:%M", localtime(&nd->u.tomb.kill_time)); doesn't change nothing, even if you remove it
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