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Everything posted by Nagad

  1. Like title says, I want to delete the minutes from the MvP Tomb, showing just the hour. How to do that? Thanks
  2. Thank You for your explanation Dastgir
  3. http://herc.ws/wiki/Searchstores http://herc.ws/wiki/Buyingstore Can someone explain to me how to use these commands please?
  4. I want to do that but... I can not locate where is it, I looked everywhere ahahahah
  5. The button "Register" makes the client crash with some langtypes. Is there a way to complete remove it with all langtypes? I do not want my users click on it. Thanks
  6. Thanks to everyone, I managed to edit the map with Browedit successfully
  7. http://prntscr.com/7lt7lf Sometimes mobs spawn there (even the Ifrit). Is it possible to have a fix for this please?? Thanks
  8. Does Hercules includes this stuff now?
  9. Thanks zack and dastgir for your excellent work and a special one to zack for taking care about pre-re <3 Is there still lot of work to do with the cleanup??
  10. Nagad

    Reverse zoom

    Actually I found the solution: Find: 66 66 C2 41 66 66 C2 C1 Replace: 66 66 C2 C1 66 66 C2 41
  11. I'm using the proper PRE-RENEWAL "idnum2itemdesctable.txt" file (63921 rows, updated today), do you know why in game all the descriptions are still from Renewal?? For example, Chain mail (ID: 2314) description in game should say 8 DEF but it says 55. When equipped, it gives me the correct amount of DEF (8). My exe reads GRF first and my GRF is before data.grf and rdata.grf. I srsly do not know how to fix this... ps: when you PM someone, the syntax is: ( To nickname () : is possible to fix this?? I use langtype 1 and 2014-04-16aRagexe.
  12. no I'm not however I tried to change something few days ago and now seems better, I will check your link too! Thank you very much Mewi
  13. Nagad


  14. I want to report this: "you acquired... gained" in the same sentence
  15. If I'm using pre-renewal, do I have to copy "data" first and then override it using the pre-renewal data folder? Thanks for your help
  16. Nagad

    bgm 01.mp3

    Thank You all guys! Appreciated
  17. all the other cards in the same row have the same font...
  18. Nagad

    bgm 01.mp3

    Why it is not present in mp3nametable.txt ?? How can I change the login music?
  19. How is this possible?? How to fix it? Thanks in advance
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