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Angelmelody last won the day on February 6 2024

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About Angelmelody

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  • Birthday 08/03/1993

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  1. boa noite amigao eu criei meu server com a data 2010-07-30 criei o hexed proprio pra ele fiz tudo certinho o problema que eu peguei essa pasta que vc colocou ai pra baixar e joguei na minha pasta data continua dando mesmo erro tou usando o emulador do croonus o recente se esse for o problema vc pode disponibilizar o emulador proprio pra ele por favor fico no aguardo

  2. Sorry, I didn't clearly elaborate it , Setting the encoding to 950 will get stuck, but works fine with encoding 1252. -- An unhandled exception has been caught : 長度不可以小於零。 參數名稱: length I guess maybe the possible causes are here: Here is my grf editor version:
  3. Hi~ @Tokeiburu, dunno why grf editor can't decompile the official lub file, can you fix it? skilldescript.lub extracted from TWRO skilldescript.7z
  4. http://herc.ws/wiki/Import_folder
  5. you can try to install OnPcStatCalcEvent then 1. disable the item script of Lord of the death card in item_db.conf 2.
  6. I have never used vpn before ,dunno how....
  7. Can someone share the newest idro client ? the official website seems to bind the IP of their country,I can't download it Here is official client download link: http://dl.lytogame.com/newclient/ro/Ragnarok_full.rar
  8. you wanna triger OnPCStatCalcEvent ? if yes you should make server calculate the player's states
  9. download new Equipment and Status Window interface
  10. prontera,150,150,5 script Calculator 999,{ function Add; mes ""+Add(1,2); close; function Add { return (getarg(0)+getarg(1)); } }
  11. I also have same issue but now I use 2013 instead https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues/673
  12. bEquipmentMatk was renamed as bMatk
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