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Everything posted by Winterfox

  1. I can just point you to a tip since i can not find the information how to do it, but it has possibly to do something with that system: If you're using a client from 2011-10-10aRagexe.exe onwards, you can also use automatic navigation and open URLs in browser by using some HTML-likelabels. For example: mes "go to <NAVI>[Hat Maker]<INFO>izlude,131,148,</INFO></NAVI> to make hats";Will make the [Hat Maker] text clickable in the client and start a navigation to that point. mes "You can <URL>Google<INFO>http://www.google.com/</INFO></URL> anything";Clicking Google will open the browser and point to Google website.
  2. Well depends on where you want to host your server. At home or on a real server. I mean it is not that usefull to host a server at home since your internet connection will not be good enough to provide a lagfree environment. If you want to host it at home you will need to forward ports in your router to the computer that runs the server. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_forwarding Also you will need a way to update route a static hostname to your dynamic ip so your client can does a constant he can use to find your server. There are many solutions this for example: http://www.noip.com/ Otherwise you could rent a Virtual Private Server or a Root Server. Those are servers that run 24/7 and are connected to the internet by default with a static ip and also have the hardware and connectionspeed to provide a good server expierience. But i guess Root Servers are a bit pricey and VPS often lack the power to run a big server. If you want something like the above but with less work and maybe a bit cheaper you could look for the hosting services here that specialized in hosting ragnarok servers. Also if you host at home, a root server or vps you have to do everything alone, especially the security and stuff. You could go for a managed server too, where they take care for that, but that is quiet very expensive. You shouldn't take that lightly since it is your responsability what happens on your server and the things that can happen when they are compromised and missused. I gues thats another point where you are better of with a ragnarok hoster since they provide play ready servers where you just have to take care of what you want to achieve.
  3. Winterfox

    max hp problem...

    The set HP value is too big for your row. You could try to set the row type from int to bigint.
  4. @Neferpitou http://upaste.me/85c4210420a39acb8
  5. @@tmav94 @command: @summon <monster name/ID> {<duration>}Spawns mobs that treat you as their master.If a duration is specified, they will stay with you until the duration has ended. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/doc/atcommands.txt Script command: *summon "Monster name",<monster id>{,<Time Out>{,"event label"}};This command will summon a monster. (see also 'monster') Unlike monsters spawned with other commands, this one will set up the monster to fight to protect the invoking character. Monster name and mob id obey the same rules as the one given at the beginning of this document for permanent monster spawns with the exceptions mentioned when describing 'monster' command.The effect for the skill 'Call Homunculus' will be displayed centered on the invoking character.Timeout is the time in milliseconds the summon lives, and is set default to 60000 (1 minute). Note that also the value 0 will set the timer to default, and it is not possible to create a spawn that lasts forever.If an event label is given, upon the monster being killed, the event label will run as if by 'donpcevent'.// Will summon a dead branch-style monster to fight for the character.summon "--ja--",-1; https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/doc/script_commands.txt
  6. You mean that when you use it, it shall disguise you as a certain class?
  7. I am not sure if it does what you want but its the closest i found: http://herc.ws/board/topic/9734-class-setter-disguise-as-third-job-trans-etc/
  8. @@Neferpitou http://upaste.me/5963210361a6c6717 The sucessrate isn't modfiable in the script. You need to edit it here: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/db/re/refine_db.txt This is where you can change the sucessrate of refines.
  9. @@mrlongshen I couldn't find a command called @spawn in the atcommands documentation. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/doc/atcommands.txt
  10. @@Garr You could go for that yes, didn't think of that but it was just a quick example. Personally i think the cleanest way is to set the array at runtime, since it requires no change of the internal working of the code and is more dynamic. Especially if future conditions could arise etc.
  11. What is wrong with the storage?
  12. Well after reading the complete thing and testing it on my server i found the issue. I thought your check would run in the script itself. But in the OnInit part eaclass doesn't have a rid to attach so it failed. That is also the reason why BaseClass fails, since thats a variable that is bound to your character and doesn't exist when running OnInit. So that means it is impossible to ever check for the current class of the player in your menue, as long as it is in your OnInit part, since that is only once executed at server restart or when you use @reloadscript. Well except you define it right after the npc definition and it jumps right into the label at every start, but that makes OnInit quiet useless. To really do what you want to do, you need to build that menue when running it as player or add a copy without that skill and add a fork for that like this: OnInit:.............skill_set$[2] = "SP Rec:Sight:Napalm Beat:Saftey Wall:Soul Strike:Cold Bolt:" "Frost Driver:Stone Curse:FireBall:FireWall:Fire Bolt:" "Lightning Bolt:ThunderStorm";.skill_set$[3] = "Sight:Napalm Beat:Saftey Wall:Soul Strike:Cold Bolt:" "Frost Driver:Stone Curse:FireBall:FireWall:Fire Bolt:" "Lightning Bolt:ThunderStorm";............OnInitEndSubclass Manager NPCif subclass is mage and we need that skille menue:// if the player is mageif( ( eaclass() & EAJ_BASEMASK ) == EAJ_MAGE ) ) .@menueToUse$ = .skill_set$[3]; // Use the menue without SP Regenelse .@menueToUse$ = .skill_set$[2]; // Use the menue with SP Regen Personally for readability and code clarity i would move the defining of .skill_set$ at the beginng on the npc so it gets executed everytime and use a scope variable (.@ prefix) instead of a npc one ( . prefix ).
  13. @@Aeromesi Maybe you should show us more than this piece of code. I really cant see any mistake that could cause any problem now in that snippet.
  14. @@Basilisk as with programming in general i recommend you to read and modify scripts from others and write small ones of your own. You can learn a lot of good patterns from reading the scripts that come with Hercules. A additional good resource for script things is http://herc.ws/wiki/Scripting it explains many aspects pretty detailed.
  15. Did you fill up your cart also? Since the damage is raised by the weight oft the cart. Did you check his skills he uses before or potions? Also items effects like Ice Pick / Combat Knife work with cart termination. You could raise it by 200% with Maximum Overthrust. Other factors of damage are: Cart Weight (base damage), wATK(accounts for about 30-35% of base damage), Size (+50-70%), Element (+40%), eqATK (+20% damage).
  16. Well how a mob behaves is defined by Mode in mob_db.txt. canMove: 1Boss:32plant: 64castsensor: 16assist: 8aggresive: 4looter: 2canAttack: 128detector: 256changetarget: 512These are the basic modes. You add them up to make the ones below:64: Plant128: Immobile being, passive (Pupa)129: normal131: looter132: Immobile being, attacker (Hydra)133: aggressive137: supportive (Wolf)139: supportive & looter (Thief Bug)141: aggressive & supportive145: detectors (Giearth)149: aggresive & detectors (Hunter Fly)171: Boss type and looter (Golden Thief Bug)181: Boss type You can find more about how mobs are defined and configured here: http://herc.ws/wiki/Custom_Mobs
  17. I think the best approach is to duplicate the mobs you want to use, change their attributes to your needs and spawn them based on when you want them to use. Config wise i only found how to change their HP https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/conf/battle/monster.conf but its globally not for one special mvp. Scriptwise i believe there is no way to change a monsters stats on the fly.
  18. Just test it and revert it if it does?
  19. @@Garr Well i found the explenation a bit confusing since once its called class: But later its called job number:
  20. You should output .@royalWeaponEquipped before the if( !.@royalWeaponEquipped ) end; And also .@royalWeaponIds[ .@i ] before set .@royalWeaponEquipped,1; So you can check if your weapon id is found and if it is properly given to the if statement. You also can replace if( .@died == 1 ) with if( .@died )
  21. Doesn't it add in general or just doesn't work on the item?
  22. @@Garr That is confusing since if the number you get from eaclass is the same as class shouldn't the binary representation of both be the same and therefore the bitmask would work on both and therefore we wouldn't even need a eaclass function?
  23. Wow i didn't know it is possible to do that without a party, i allways thought it is necessary to have a guild / party.
  24. I am not sure what the issue with that script is, maybe because the command was designed for item scripts. You could try this alternate version: http://pastebin.com/xbGQXSd4
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