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Everything posted by Winterfox

  1. @@Dastgir I actually wondered what the benefit of switching to text files is? Usability wise its far easier to manage the items in a database than in the config format. Even though its far more readable than the format eathena uses. Also shouldn't it be faster performance wise to find a item in a database than in a text file?
  2. @@Aurora if you want to use <yellow> you need to do it like this: <yellow> <admin>2000001</admin> <admin>2000002</admin> <admin>2000003</admin></yellow> <aid> is a replacement for yellow that has the same effect as yellow but also grants a right click menu for gms. Using both at the same time like this should work though: <aid> <admin>2000000</admin> <admin>2000001</admin> <admin>2000002</admin></aid><yellow> <admin>2000000</admin> <admin>2000001</admin> <admin>2000002</admin></yellow>
  3. @@Mysterious i solved that problem via pm with him/her so there isn't a post that s/he could mark as right answer. What did the trick was to setup the server anew following a guide from here on the forum.
  4. @@Aurora it could also be an issue with the patch you applied with a diff hexing tool. Maybe you could post what patches you applied to your client?
  5. @@Aurora Could be a problem with the clientinfo.xml, atleast a while ago it was quiet likely for clients with a somewhat wrong clientinfo.xml to not show up etc.
  6. @Tio Akihama you could try to check how it is done in other skills that have a AoE effect and try to replicate that.
  7. @@eKoh You can try the /effect command. I am not sure if it doesn't disable too many other effects. You also could search for a diff to disable the effect or try if the NEMO Patcher option "Disable Quake skill effect" solves that problem.
  8. @@RagnarokOnline2015 2014-10-22
  9. @@eurays Update your sql database with the files you get shown when you start up the server.
  10. @@eurays Did you delete the char you created before and made a new one? Are you sure you compiled it properly? Did you update your database like the server asks you to?
  11. @@eurays Follow this guide: http://herc.ws/wiki/Compiling#Windows
  12. @@eurays You can recompile your server with: ./configuremake
  13. @@eurays Did you edit the packet version in your mmo.h to reflect your client version? It also seems like you need to update your servers mysql database.
  14. @@mrlongshen You also can use the according number. EQI_HEAD_TOP is a constant that is replaced with the according number anyway.
  15. @@mrlongshen It needs to be in the Script part.
  16. @ What is wrong with that tool? http://herc.ws/board/topic/7263-server-database-editor/
  17. @@mrlongshen if( BaseLevel == 255 && JobLevel == 120 ) unequip <equipment slot>; <equipment slot> has to be the slot where the equipment is applied. Possible slots are: EQI_HEAD_TOP (1) - Upper head gearEQI_ARMOR (2) - Armor (Where you keep your Jackets and Robes)EQI_HAND_L (3) - What is in your Left hand.EQI_HAND_R (4) - What is in your Right hand.EQI_GARMENT (5) - The garment slot (Mufflers, Hoods, Manteaus)EQI_SHOES (6) - What foot gear the player has on.EQI_ACC_L (7) - Accessory 1.EQI_ACC_R (8) - Accessory 2.EQI_HEAD_MID (9) - Middle Headgear (masks and glasses)EQI_HEAD_LOW (10) - Lower Headgear (beards, some masks)EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW (11) - Lower Costume HeadgearEQI_COSTUME_HEAD_MID (12) - Middle Costume HeadgearEQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP (13) - Upper Costume HeadgearEQI_COSTUME_GARMENT (14) - Costume GarmentEQI_SHADOW_ARMOR (15) - Shadow ArmorEQI_SHADOW_WEAPON (16) - Shadow WeaponEQI_SHADOW_SHIELD (17) - Shadow ShieldEQI_SHADOW_SHOES (18) - Shadow ShoesEQI_SHADOW_ACC_R (19) - Shadow Accessory 2EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L (20) - Shadow Accessory 1
  18. @@Dastgir Both points might be true, that is why i said in the second post i did: I experimented with that a bit it is possible to do the first part in a script. Might be buggy though, didn't really test it but it should be able to do what you want. Even though i think performance wise it will be too taxing to be really of use in a live environment. But thanks for reminding me to reset that variable. I tend to forget the weird behaviour of not resetting a array completly but to just update as far as the values go when used in functions.
  19. @@crossxxx What client do you use? Did you put the right packet version into mmo.h?
  20. @@crossxxx Please show the script you use.
  21. @@aznguy212 I found out that NEMO has it on the issues list, maybe it will get implented there. https://github.com/MStr3am/NEMO/issues/42 @@Neo
  22. @@Anisotropic Defixation You can use the last parameter of warpparty: *warpparty "<to_mapname>",<x>,<y>,<party_id>,{"<from_mapname>"};Warps a party to specified map and coordinate given the party ID, which you can get with getcharid(1). You can also request another party id given a member's name with getcharid(1,<player_name>).If you specify a from_mapname, warpparty will only affect those on that map.
  23. @@criseleusis /conf/import/log_conf.txt needs to be enable_logs: 0xFFFFF
  24. Did you enable them in the config files?
  25. @@almarket23 prontera,214,77,6 script Test 4_M_SEAMAN,{ .@resCount = query_sql( "SELECT `name` FROM `char` WHERE online = 1", .@names$ ); mes "[Demo]"; mes "Online Players:"; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@resCount; .@i++ ) { mes .@names$[ .@i ]; sleep2( 100 ); } mes "Choose one."; next; .@option = select( implode( .@names$, ":" ) ) - 1; mes "[Demo]"; mes "You selected player: " + .@names$[ .@option ]; close;}
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