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Everything posted by Winterfox

  1. Winterfox

    user limit

    @ I recommend you make yourself familiar with the config files. You can find what you are asking for in /conf/char-server.conf. Checkout the option max_connect_user: // Maximum users able to connect to the server.// Set to 0 to disable users to log-in. (-1 means unlimited)max_connect_user: -1
  2. Well sadly that is because it is easy to basically setup a server but is hard to maintain and extend it if you have no idea of the basics how it works. The self-assassment of people and mainstreaming of things is to blame basically. Everyone can get a vhost and setup anything with a guide, but as soon as there is a small error or something that isn't covered by a guide they are lost. But it is not only that people are illusive about their own knowledge and how much goes into working on some big project as a ro server, but also they get told everyhwere it actually isn't that hard so people sell more stuff. Only if you ask in respective circles you will get told what effort goes really into working on some big project especially in it environments. So making things look easy or making it easy to setup for people that know what they are doing opens the market for many wannabes that are actually too lazy and just want fast results or profit is basically the biggest reason for this. I doubt as long as you can make money with ro it will change. Goldminers will still try to get big bucks for less efforts and people that don't have the knowledge will still try to do it, even if you put up a fat warning sign on every download page and a sticky on the board etc.
  3. I don't think he wrote that to push others to like anything. I think he just hoped to get more response to give something away that others notify as a contribution to the community. I don't really see a problem with asking for a comment or a upvote to remind people, as long as it isn't extremly annyoing and begging since there are many people that would do that but just plainly tend to forget. I mean sure, if you give something away for free, you can't really whine if people just come for that and leave, but i think if i take something for free, i could atleast thank that person. If it is possible in a quick and practical manner. Especially so in a familial environment like here on herc.ws.
  4. @@Alexandria Sure, just a stupid mistake i made .@chance = rand( 1,100 ); if( .@chance <= 60 ) { .@reward = 0; } else if( .@chance <= 90 ) { .@reward = 2; } else { .@reward = 4; } .@reward = .rewardIds[ ( .@reward + rand( 2 ) ) ]; getitem .@reward, 1; announce strcharinfo( PC_NAME ) + " has been rewarded with " + getitemname( .@reward ) + "!", bc_all; end; OnInit: setarray .rewardIds, 5474, 5137, 5766, 5786, 5074, 5132; .
  5. Why dispose it after one use? You could make the portal to leave the map be placed randomly on every event start. You also could warp the people on a random start position on every event too.
  6. It was the predecessor of the Prometheus Project that Coldbird made. It was when GE was pretty new and it only supported this game. But it part of gave Coldbird the idea to broaden the approach i think. I wasn't a dev directly on the software, but worked on stuff around it, basically the community and website i had was used as the plattform to promote it. I am a close friend of Coldbird, so i'll let him know that you love his work, i think that will make him happy to hear. If you are interested you could check out his current stuff here: http://www.coldbird.net/ I am involved with the Sound Nexus thing so if you have any suggestions about that you could write me a PM.
  7. @@Aeromesi That is kind of common, i once had a pretty interesting project with a good friend of mine that allowed to play God Eater on PSP via internet together. As soon as we released it we had about 3000 downloads per day but noone cared to leave a message / register to the board to say something about that. Sadly many people are leechers that just pop up if something is not working out for them. But if you passed away sadly it wouldn't matter at all at a great run. If we say that the complete timeframe the world exists in is only a second compared to the time the universe exists a human live is basically nothing. Even if people kept you in their history it would get lost sooner or later. I would say thinking about it that way is just a bit too emotional and dark, especially given that you only released it today and people are still testing it out. I can see why you got frustrated but maybe some will come back to give you feedback about it. Also keep in mind while 129 may seem a lot, it actually isn't. Only a fragment actually will respond to it. That is part of why people on youtube beg for upvotes for example, because people that agree / like something tend to be silent, while people that disagree / dislike are pretty loud about it. I guess i was kinda off topic. Personally i do free releases when i have developed something i find interesting and don't know what to do with it afterwards. I release it free to give something back to the community and hope it helps someone out. It is nice if there is something coming back, but i wouldn't use it to boost my self confidence. I use it to grow as a person and learn some new stuff from the feedback and ideas some people come up with.
  8. @@mrlongshen So you removed it from the npc i posted? Of course it can't work then. You should add atleast that: .blacklist$ = getvariableofnpc( .blacklist$, "HUNTINGMISSIONNPCNAME");
  9. @@Alexandria How about something like this: .@chance = rand( 1,100 );if( .@chance <= 60 ) { .@reward = 0;} else if( .@chance <= 90 ) { .@reward = 2;} else { .@reward = 4;}.@reward = .rewardIds[ ( .@reward + rand( 2 ) ) ];getitem .@reward, 1; announce strcharinfo( PC_NAME ) + " has been rewarded with " + getitemname( .@reward ) + "!", bc_all; end; OnInit:.rewardIds = 5474, 5137, 5766, 5786, 5074, 5132;
  10. @@mrlongshen Did you use the exact script i posted or did you change something to it? Maybe renamed .blacklist$ or made it empty or something? The problem occurs since your .blacklist$ variable seems to be empty for some reason.
  11. @@mrlongshen Without the script noone can help you.
  12. You are here for so long and you still wonder about weird questions / requests? Thats cute.
  13. @@deadzero Which emulator? Which client? Do you run source mods/addons and if you do, which?
  14. @@minx123 Keep in mind when using mobcount(): This is no bugfix but a slight update for better readability and a conversion to hercules syntax: http://pastebin.com/pVdpp50y
  15. @@Lord Ganja Depends on what you want to do. If you wan't to use the index to check for a specific value you could do it like this: setarray .@mob_ids, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005;.@mob_id = 1004;for(.@i=0; .@i < getarraysize(.@mobIds); .@i++) { .@blacklist[.@mobIds[.@i]] = 1;}if(!.@blacklist[.@mob_id]) { // Do something} But thats only worth if you want to have some kind of black/white list. Since if you iterate trough it depending on what you store you will get a pretty high index and will have to iterate over tons of empty values. You also could do something like this: setarray .@mob_ids$, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005;.@mob_id$ = 1004;if(strcmp(":" + .@mob_id$ + ":", implode(.@mob_ids$, ":"))) { // Do something.} If you really want a way to easily get the index to a value you would need to do it like that i guess: setarray .@mob_ids, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005;.@mob_id = 1005;for(.@i=0; .@i < getarraysize(.@mob_ids); .@i++) { .@mob_ids_lookup[.@mob_ids[.@i]] = .@i;}mes getmonsterinfo(.@mob_ids[.@mob_ids_lookup[.@mob_id]], 0);close;
  16. Don't you mean setcashmount; instead of setmounting()? There is no setmounting command on hercules.
  17. @@Lord Ganja The only methode i know would be: setarray .@mob_ids, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005;.@mob_id = 1004;for( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@mob_ids); .@i++ ) { if(.@mob_ids[.@i] == .@mob_id) { .@index = .@i; break; }}
  18. @@Garr I see, thanks for clarifying things. That will make it easier for me in the future. @@mrlongshen I updated the last post, test if it works with that script.
  19. @@Garr I used sleep in loops, but i am not sure if it was sleep or sleep2 and it worked. Might it be possible that sleep2 returns something while sleep doesn't? @@mrlongshen Try this change please: - script GLOBAL_LOOT -1,{ OnInit: // Config // // ItemID, Rate ( [1:10000], Example: 1000 = 0,1%, 100 = 1%... ) setarray .drops, 7539, 100, 7227, 100; .blacklist$ = "1062,1088,1183,1186,1200,1212,1220,1221,1234,1235," + "1244,1245,1250,1268,1290,1293,1294,1296,1298,1299," + "1300,1301,1303,1304,1305,1306,1308,1309,1311,1313," + "1515,1588,1618,1676,1677,1678,1679,1796,1797,1974," + "1975,1976,1977,1978,1979"; .dropCount = getarraysize(.@drops); // Main Code while( 1 ) { cleararray .@mobIds[0], 0, 128; .@rc = query_sql("SELECT ID FROM `mob_db` WHERE ID NOT IN( " + .blacklist$ + " ) LIMIT " + .@currentOffset + ", 128", .@mobIds); for(.@i = 0; .@i < .@rc; .@i++) { for(.@y = 0; .@y < .dropCount; .@y += 2) addmonsterdrop(.@mobIds[.@i], .drops[.@y], .drops[(.@y + 1)]); } if( .@rc < 128 ) break; .@currentOffset += .@rc; sleep(1); } end;}
  20. @@mrlongshen Try this: - script GLOBAL_LOOT -1,{ OnInit: // Config // // ItemID, Rate ( [1:10000], Example: 1000 = 0,1%, 100 = 1%... ) setarray .drops, 7539, 100, 7227, 100; .blacklist$ = "1062,1088,1183,1186,1200,1212,1220,1221,1234,1235," + "1244,1245,1250,1268,1290,1293,1294,1296,1298,1299," + "1300,1301,1303,1304,1305,1306,1308,1309,1311,1313," + "1515,1588,1618,1676,1677,1678,1679,1796,1797,1974," + "1975,1976,1977,1978,1979"; .dropCount = getarraysize(.@drops); // Main Code while( sleep( 1 ) ) { cleararray .@mobIds[0], 0, 128; .@rc = query_sql("SELECT ID FROM `mob_db` WHERE ID NOT IN( " + .blacklist$ + " ) LIMIT " + .@currentOffset + ", 128", .@mobIds); for(.@i = 0; .@i < .@rc; .@i++) { for(.@y = 0; .@y < .dropCount; .@y += 2) addmonsterdrop(.@mobIds[.@i], .drops[.@y], .drops[(.@y + 1)]); } if( .@rc < 128 ) break; .@currentOffset += .@rc; } end;}
  21. @@ShadowLight I thought from game to a real email box.
  22. @@mrlongshen 1000 = 0.1%, so 10000 = 0.01%. Did you make changes to the script or did you run it in it's current form? If you changed something please post it.
  23. @@ShadowLight I think best way to do this currently is is to store the emailaddress and messages in a mysqltable and use a cronjob to run a php script that grabs, sends and aftewards deletes the messages from the table.
  24. @@mrlongshen Add this NPC: - script ZENY_TO_MITHRIL_COIN -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd("convert", "ZENY_TO_MITHRIL_COIN::OnConvert"); end; OnConvert: if( Zeny < 10000000 ) { dispbottom "You need atleast 10.000.000z to get Mithril Coins."; end; } .@coinCount = Zeny / 10000000; Zeny -= .@coinCount * 10000000; getitem Mithril_Coin, .@coinCount;}function script convert { .@coinCount = countitem(Mithril_Coin); if( !.@coinCount ) { dispbottom "You need atleast 1 Mithril Coin to get 10.000.000z."; end; } delitem Mithril_Coin, .@coinCount; Zeny += .@coinCount * 10000000;} afterwards make Mithril Coin usable and use this as item script: callfunc("convert");
  25. @@mrlongshen - script GLOBAL_LOOT -1,{ OnInit: // Config // // ItemID, Rate ( [1:10000], Example: 1000 = 0,1%, 100 = 1%... ) setarray .drops, Poring_Coin, 100 , TCG_Card, 100; .blacklist$ = "1062,1088,1183,1186,1200,1212,1220,1221,1234,1235," + "1244,1245,1250,1268,1290,1293,1294,1296,1298,1299," + "1300,1301,1303,1304,1305,1306,1308,1309,1311,1313," + "1515,1588,1618,1676,1677,1678,1679,1796,1797,1974," + "1975,1976,1977,1978,1979"; .dropCount = getarraysize(.@drops); // Main Code while( sleep( 500 ) ) { .@rc = query_sql("SELECT ID FROM `mob_db` WHERE ID NOT IN( " + .blacklist$ + " ) LIMIT " + .@currentOffset + ", 128", .@MobIds ); for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@rc; .@i++ ) { for( .@y = 0; .@y < .dropCount; .@y += 2 ) addmonsterdrop( .@MobIds[.@i], .drops[.@y], .drops[(.@y + 1)] ); } if( .@rc < 128 ) break; .@currentOffset += .@rc; } end;}
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