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ROChargenPHP - Free PHP Character Viewer

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  On 7/17/2013 at 6:46 PM, unknown said:

where can i put the custom display can someone teach me


Without using the core files and controllers, you have to do this (good to build a char simulator as ratemyserver has) :

define('__ROOT__', dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); 
// Loading CORE files
require_once( __ROOT__ . 'core/class.Controller.php');
require_once( __ROOT__ . 'core/class.Cache.php');
require_once( __ROOT__ . 'core/class.Client.php');
require_once( __ROOT__ . 'core/class.DB.php');
// Initialize the client (load GRF, load DB, etc.)
// What do you want to display ?
// Full Character ?
// So include the render needed
require_once(  __ROOT__ . 'render/class.CharacterRender.php' );
// Set up the header
// Since you use class.CharacterRender, use it :
$chargen                 = new CharacterRender();
// Set your datas here
$chargen->action         = CharacterRender::ACTION_READYFIGHT;   // You can see constants in
$chargen->direction      = CharacterRender::DIRECTION_SOUTHEAST; // render/class.RORender.php
$chargen->body_animation = 0;
$chargen->doridori       = 0;
$chargen->sex            = "M";
$chargen->class          = 4002;
$chargen->clothes_color  = 0;
$chargen->hair           = 5;
$chargen->hair_color     = 12;
$chargen->head_top       = 0;
$chargen->head_mid       = 0;
$chargen->head_bottom    = 0;
$chargen->weapon         = 0;
$chargen->shield         = 0;
$chargen->robe           = 0;
$chargen->option         = 0;
// Generate the image and display it
$img = $chargen->render();

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  On 7/17/2013 at 7:26 PM, unknown said:

why i cant see the avatar of my character?


Maybe it can't connect to your DB, or you don't have any files set in the client folder ?

Try using the debug mode, uncomment the two lines in index.php to know if there is an error:

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

Edited by KeyWorld

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Ok so it's a problem of data.

You have to put a data folder with all your sprites and palette on client/data/.

Or add your GRFs in client/ and modify data.ini with your grf files to load.


If you don't have data, it can't render anything.

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GMs accounts are supported but don't render the GM skin (just the basic job).

Try to remove the cache (index.php) during the test:

Cache::$time = 15 * 60 ; // cache for 15 mins (set to 0 if you want to disable cache).


Set it to 0, so if there is a change, you will see it in an instant instead of waiting 15 minutes.

Try to check that your data files are in the proper location.


You can also add a little check on core/class.Client.php to see if some files are not properly loaded:


 return "data://application/octet-stream;base64," . base64_encode($content);

return false;



 return "data://application/octet-stream;base64," . base64_encode($content);
exit("Exiting. File not found {$local_path}.");
return false;

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  On 7/18/2013 at 4:03 AM, Hyvraine said:

Awesome! Thank you very much KeyWorld!

You're welcome !



I forget to talk about three known problems related to PHP GD (it sucks !).

I show you this problems in only one monster : The Bloody Knight !


[*]Do you see the fire ? There is a white rectangle around. this problems occurs on RGBA images in Sprite files when you try to merge them with the main image.

[*]Check the shield, there is a white border around it. When rotating an image it's possible to have this problem : the image border is merging with the transparent background (which is white) and cause this bug. I replace the transparent background by a transparent white background to avoid getting a magenta border (or other flashy border).

[*]Check the shield again, poor quality ! Due to image rotation + image scale.

The problem n°1 just occurred in some monsters (effects), I don't think there is one hat or character using RGBA frames for now in RO.

The problem n°2 and 3 can occurred in all monsters/characters, depend of the scale and rotation.



To conclude, PHP GD sucks, I have noone of this problems in javascript (<3).

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Addded a debug mode to trace errors in the latest version if you have problem installing it.

Just open index.php and uncomment the line:

// Set on the debug//Debug::enable();

Once it's done you will have access to all debugs, infos and errors:





Hope it helps :)

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awesome release Keyword ^_^ ... where to upload the grf's?

Edited by pr3p

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  On 7/31/2013 at 2:37 PM, pr3p said:

awesome release Keyword ^_^ ... where to upload the grf's?


Thank you :)

You have to upload it in the client folder (and complete the data.ini file).

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Updates :

  • [*]Correct 3rd job file name. [*]Robes are now fully working (it was missing the inherent job list). [*]Background color can be change in RORender::$background_color. [*]Add htaccess to avoid access to client directory (if you have content you don't want to share...)


Suggestions ? Bugs ? Problems ? Report it :)

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