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roBrowser - Ragnarok Online for Web Browsers

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better and better everyday *-* good job keyworld

Edited by evilpuncker

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Oh, it lagged on Safari ? Too bad. I can't test on this browser since it does not have webgl support on my OS. For now I tested without problems on Chrome, Firefox and Opera.



Thank you guys :)

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  On 5/2/2014 at 10:21 PM, Mysterious said:

Woot nice. Awesomely done <3 I played your Demo and a server that uses the browser and it's fantastic. The only issue is... roBrowser is pretty laggy with Safari but when I use Chrome it's a lot better ;3

some browser doesnt really work good with animated stuff .... ex. Safari / Maxthon ... 

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Yep, the dedicate server got some problems, it's fixed now.



There were not a lot of new features this month, mostly bug fixes : thanks to servers using roBrowser.

[*]It's now possible to use item that execute skills (fly wings, butterfly wings, scrolls, ...).

[*]Identify items using magnifier (or the skills)

[*]Possibility to see, equip/unequip ammos.

[*]Possibility to remove status ("off" button in equipment to remove falcon/cart/mount).

[*]And more importantly, the card system.

A new branch db_refactoring was created to clean up the DB files and more importantly to drop the support of lua/lub/txt/xray files.

It's still a work in progress but this branch already have new features

[*]Babies support

[*]Display the true attack animation of 2nd/3rd job.

[*]Refactoring and clean up of some parts of the code.

[*]A new user-friendly compiler tool.

For now it's just missing a converter tool to help converting lua/lub/xray/txt files to the proper DB files (work in progress).


Finally, there is a recent talk to migrate to Apache license 2.0.

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ah i was wondering why u were still using lua files when you can just put them in js format :) nice updates :D

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  On 6/15/2014 at 5:07 PM, KeyWorld said:

The trade system is now implemented in roBrowser (and fully working).



New clients have a extra checkbox saying take screenshot.

so when the deal is confirmed , it takes screenshot.

can you implement that?

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  On 6/16/2014 at 3:45 AM, Dastgir said:

New clients have a extra checkbox saying take screenshot.

so when the deal is confirmed , it takes screenshot.

can you implement that?

Never saw it, can you share a screenshot about this interface ? Does it do the same as "Print Screen" keys ?

roBrowser already have a screenshot API so it should not be a problem to add it (even if I don't really see the point to take a screenshot here).


Edit: As saw with Dastgir, the new screenshot option doesn't make sense in robrowser since it require the user to click on a link to save the screenshot.

Edited by KeyWorld

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J'ai découvert se projet hier. J'y est passé +13h pour l'installer et comprendre les bases, mais il fonctionne :D .

Je tenais également à faire un feedback ici pour le forum de robrowser. Je n'ai pas reçu de mail de validation pour confirmer mon compte... Gmail ou Hotmail = rien reçu.

Edited by rituel

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  On 6/20/2014 at 6:44 AM, rituel said:

J'ai découvert se projet hier. J'y est passé +13h pour l'installer et comprendre les bases, mais il fonctionne :D .

Je tenais également à faire un feedback ici pour le forum de robrowser. Je n'ai pas reçu de mail de validation pour confirmer mon compte... Gmail ou Hotmail = rien reçu.

C'est un peu compliqué à prendre en main au début (manque de documentation), mais une fois qu'on a compris le principe ça va tout seul.

Envoie moi ton identifiant ou email par message privé je t'activerais ton compte :)

Edited by KeyWorld

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  On 6/20/2014 at 6:44 AM, rituel said:

J'ai découvert se projet hier. J'y est passé +13h pour l'installer et comprendre les bases, mais il fonctionne :D .

Je tenais également à faire un feedback ici pour le forum de robrowser. Je n'ai pas reçu de mail de validation pour confirmer mon compte... Gmail ou Hotmail = rien reçu.



  On 6/20/2014 at 7:24 AM, KeyWorld said:

C'est un peu compliqué à prendre en main au début (manque de documentation), mais une fois qu'on a compris le principe ça va tout seul.

Envoie moi ton identifiant ou email par message privé je t'activerais ton compte :)

Please keep it in English guys.

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some questions about the demo


  1. will it be updated to latest hercules? (the emulator I mean) xD
  2. is it intended that I can not create a guild or a party? =P
  3. hotkeys don't work at all (browser fault I guess)
  4. warp npcs are invisible
  5. disable Halter Lead since it doesn't show either the status icon nor the mount sprite
  6. can't use shift+roll to change camera angle, any alternative for it?

all in all its very awesome and I plan to use it in my server :)

Edited by evilpuncker

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  On 8/13/2014 at 2:13 PM, quesoph said:

Any news about this awesome project?


pushing commits every day.

Its in active development.

Join roBrowser IRC or roBrowser forums to track the development

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Little compilation of what's were done since the last time:





Support @monsterbig / @monstersmall



Support for monster hp bar



Support for teleport / warp portal window (also identify and autocast skill).



Support for pet hunger bar



Add discount and overcharge (correct display)



Can now open users shop



Now supporting Party System (and friends /hi, /invite, /leave, /organize, change leader, expel, change configs, casting skill on names, everythings.).






Awesome memory optimization (can now render 5x more monsters on screen).



And a lot of bugfixes and clean up.

Maybe others things I forget through.

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Hi Luffy,


Update your git repo, convert your DB files with tools/converter, compile your sources (Online and Thread apps) with tools/build/.

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