Hey everyone, I'm getting an error clif_parse: Received unsupported packet (packet 0x7f57 (0x022d), 19 bytes received), disconnecting session #3.
I'm using 2013-08-07a Ragexe Client
Here are the things I've done:
#ifndef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20130807#endif // PACKETVER//Uncomment the following line if your client is ragexeRE instead of ragexe (required because of conflicting packets in ragexe vs ragexeRE).//#define ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE#ifdef ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE // #define PACKETVER_RE #undef ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE#endif // DISABLE_PACKETVER_RE
// Whether to enable the official packet obfuscation support (good vs WPE)// 0: disabled// 1: optional (not recommended) -- identifies whether it is required// 2: enabled (recommended)packet_obfuscation: 2
And also I've diffed my client (using NEMO) with these options:
Hey everyone,
I'm getting an error clif_parse: Received unsupported packet (packet 0x7f57 (0x022d), 19 bytes received), disconnecting session #3.
I'm using 2013-08-07a Ragexe Client
Here are the things I've done:
for the conf/battle/client.conf
And also I've diffed my client (using NEMO) with these options:
For the clientinfo.xml
Found a similar post but didn't solve my problem
Any idea on how to fix this? What I did wrong?
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