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About Yoshu

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  1. Hi everyone I'm not sure to be in the good section but I'll post here. There is a little problem with my client (server ?), when players make party they see all HP bar but if there is a assassin who do cloaking or hide skill his HP bar is disable, normaly a simple refresh work but here not... I would like to know how to enable HP bar under cloak/hide skill for the party player. Thanks for help!
  2. i'm still available too =)
  3. Yoshu

    disablenpc problem

    ~bump any solution ?
  4. Yoshu

    disablenpc problem

    It's warp for enter in the castle, but it's the same with normal every "disablenpc" are not hidden. We can't use it so the function work but when we go out of the sight of the npc and come back we see it (can't use it).
  5. Yoshu

    disablenpc problem

    I don't think it's a problem with the OnInit cause when i reload the warp is hide, but if i walk out of sight of the NPC and come back the warp is not hidden, i can't use it but it's not hide. It's same with the warp for geffenia dungon in geffen, i see it all time but can't use cause i never do the quest
  6. Hi! I'm not sure to know if it's a emulator problem or client but I've a problem with disablenpc function. - I load a script to hide some npc (woe warp, or geffenia warp in geffen for exemple) - I reloadscript or reboot (cause OnInit) - The npc is hide, but when I move and come back i see the npc, can't use it but I see it. I found that: http://herc.ws/board/tracker/issue-7688-disable-npc/?gopid=22446#entry22446 But no solution cause eathena is down. Please help T_T thx for watching
  7. Yeah sure! #Download Fonts If u have problem with download the fonts name: - Wolfganger (for start & close button) - Yoinks (for the rest)
  8. File Name: Free Thor Patcher - by YoshuDesign File Submitter: Yoshu File Submitted: 07 Apr 2014 File Category: Other Graphics Features: Start Button Close Button Website Button Forum Button Register Button Think to modify: Tools/config.ini Web/main.ini Click here to download this file
  9. Version 1.0


    Features: Start Button Close Button Website Button Forum Button Register Button Think to modify: Tools/config.ini Web/main.ini
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