41 files
By Salepate
This is a fix for an existing plugin "storagecounteitem" which does not work with the newer storage architecture.
I have simply changed the iterators for storage traversal.
Original Author: Tranquility
Original Plugin:
By Kuroe
A simple plugin that adds race_resist() into your emulator (Checks race resist of a player).
//===== Description ========================================== //= Checks how much resistance a character has to a particular // race. // //= race_resist(<type>{, <account id>}); //= E.g. race_resist(RC_Player); //= E.g. race_resist(RC_Player, getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT)); Its just actually a rip off plugin from @bWolfie's check_resist() plugin full credits goes to him.
plugin Hash table
By meko
This plugin exposes the internal hash table (strdb) to the script engine to provide a key-value store.
See documentation on hercules-hashtable/doc/script_commands.txt
Download here: https://github.com/Helianthella/hercules-hashtable
By KirieZ
NOTE: This functionality got merged into Hercules (check setquest and getcalendartime). That being said, I'm NOT maintaining this plugin anymore.
This plugin adds the setquest2 script command that allows you to add a quest with your own time limit, ignoring the one in quest_db, thus allowing you to, for example, make a quest end at a determined time next day independently of when it was originally given.
*setquest(<ID>,<Time Limit>)Place quest of <ID> that will expire at <Time Limit> in the users quest log, the state of which is "active".
- Ask the player to come back in a random number of minutes (1 ~ 3)
prontera,150,150,4 script SetQuest2 1_m_01,{ .@p = questprogress(7128,PLAYTIME); if (.@p == 1) { mes "Come back later!"; } else { if (.@p == 2) { mes "You came back!"; getitem Red_Potion, 1; erasequest 7128; } .@i = rand(1, 3); mes "Come back in " + .@i + " minutes"; setquest2 7128, gettimetick(2) + (.@i * 60); } close;}
- Ask the player to come back tomorrow (next day at 00:00)
prontera,150,152,4 script SetQuest2b 1_m_01,{ .@p = questprogress(7126,PLAYTIME); if (.@p == 1) { mes "Come back later!"; } else { if (.@p == 2) { mes "You came back!"; getitem Red_Potion, 1; erasequest 7126; } .@i = 86400 - gettimetick(1); mes "Come back tomorrow"; setquest2 7126, gettimetick(2) + .@i; } close;}
If you find any bug let me know.
By KirieZ
NOTE: Hercules now provides this functionality by itself (check unittalk). I'm not updating this anymore.
When converting iRO's Xmas event I missed a way to use npctalk to a specific player, so today I made it.
This plugin adds the npctalk2 script command that allows you to show a message like npctalk, but to a specific player only (by default the one attached to the script).
*npctalk2("<message>"{, "<npc name>",{"player name"}})This command will display a message to the a target player as if the NPC object running it was a player talking - that is, above their head and in the chat window. The display name of the NPC will get appended in front of the message to complete the effect.If NPC Name is given, the message will display on this npc's instead.If Player Name is given, the message will be displayed to that player instead of the attached one (if he's online)If the player is too far from the NPC (for example, in another map), the message will only show in the chatbox. Usage Example:
Assumming it's running in a NPC named Test and that there's a NPC named Test2 near.// Will display "I'm only talking to <Attached Player Name>" only to the attached player over NPC Testnpctalk2 "I'm only talking to "+strcharinfo(0);// Will display "I'm only talking to KirieZ" to player named KirieZ over NPC Testnpctalk2 "I'm only talking to KirieZ", "Test", "KirieZ";// Will display "Don't bother my friend, I'll talk to you" to the Attached player over NPC Test2npctalk2 "Don't bother my friend, I'll talk to you", "Test2"; If you find any bug let me know.
Channel Fee Plugin
By Murilo BiO'
With this plugin you be able to set required Zeny and/or Items to players be able to send messages on channels.
The idea came from this post, thank you @blaze.
How to configure channels:
// FIXME: make a better way to add fee on channels (directly on channels.conf) const struct { char name[HCS_NAME_LENGTH]; int zeny; int nameid; int amount; } channels_fee[] = { // -- Add channels with fee like the example: {"name", zeny, item id, item count}; {"main" , 1000, 0 , 0}, // #main - 1000z and no item }; Find 'channels_fee[]' declaration, and add an element just like the example.
If you find any bugs please report them! Hope you enjoy it.
bonus3 bAtkEnemyStat
By Guest
Hercules Plugin
bonus3 bAtkEnemyStat
Will increase Damage by z% if Enemy Stat is >= y
Repo Link:
Senpai Dastgir, for giving me inspiration
How to install?
How to use?
STR = 1
AGI = 2
VIT = 3
INT = 4
DEX = 5
LUK = 6
bonus3 bAtkEnemyStat, x, y, z;
x = Stat
y = Stat enemy must have
z = damage increase (10 = 10%);
bonus3 bAtkEnemyStat, 3, 50, 10;
Increase Damage by 10% if enemy vit >= 50.
FluxCP Credits for In-Game Shop
By Guest
Plugin for using credits from FluxCP donations in your in-game shop.
How to install?
By samsudin
-This is just atcommand emo, i just learn and try to convert it into plugin
-Original code by OnPlay
Usage: @emo <1-81>
[Script] storage{mod}item
By Tranquility
The past week I've been messing around with processing how to utilise the storage better for my in-game NPCs & scripts.
Coming from rA, I noticed we didn't have the script commands "storageadditem", "storagecountitem", "storagedelitem".
Because of that I thought I should give it a try and aim to develop a plugin or a means, to make it possible to use this functionality again.
How to use:
you can use storageadditem to add an item name or itemid to a players storage.
storageadditem <item id>, <amount>{, <account id>}
storageadditem<item name>, <amount>{, <account id>}
Example: storageadditem(501,10);
you can use storagecountitem to count a specific item name or itemid in a players storage.
returns number of items that meet the conditions
Example: .@pots = storagecountitem(501);
you can use storagedeltitem to delete a specific item name or itemid in a players storage.
storagedelitem <item id>,<amount>{,<account id>}
storagedelitem "<item name>",<amount>{,<account id>}
Deletes items from the target/attached player.
Example: storagedelitem(501,.@pots);
Read the Hercules Plugin Manager wiki page if you don't know how to add this functionality to your server.
If you have any questions, suggestions or notice any bugs, kindly let me know and I'll see what I can do about it.
Uploaded to my Git Repo now for easier access.
By Dastgir
I wanna release this awesome @arealoot plugin.
Credits to Streusel for providing the Source diff, I converted it to a plugin, for easy to install and use
For Changing the Arealoot Range: Either change it via source:
int arealoot_range = 3; //x BY x Range
Or Add this to any one of conf file in conf/battle
// Arealoot, determine the range of arealoot// Min: 1, Max: 10// Default: 3// 2 -> 2x2 range, 3 -> 3x3 rangearealoot_range: 3
- arealoot
- loot by area
- (and 1 more)
plugin Duplicate NPC Commands
By Dastgir
2 Self Explanatory Commands:
duplicatenpc("NpcName", "DuplicateName", "DupHiddenName", "map", x, y, dir{, sprite{, xs, ys}});duplicateremove({"NPCname"});
Example Script:
prontera,150,150,5 script DupTest 999,{mes strnpcinfo(0);close;OnInit:duplicatenpc(strnpcinfo(0),"Duplicated","","prontera",150,148,5,998);end;OnWhisperGlobal:duplicateremove();}
^ Above script will self-duplicate itself with name "Duplicated" to prontera,150,148 with Sprite ID 998, and upon whispering to any of those npc, the duplicate will be removed.
Requested by GMOcean @ http://herc.ws/board/topic/7718-duplicatenpc-duplicateremove/?view=getnewpost
- plugin
- duplicatenpc
- (and 4 more)
plugin Magic Critical Strike
By Dastgir
Its a plugin for Critical Strike on Skills
Critical Strike Calculation is as per normal calculations
You can have a battle_config on any of the files in conf/battle/ with
magic_critical_color: 1 or 2
1 = Red Critical Strike
2 = Blue Critical Strike
Method to Change Delay:
Either add the config in conf/battle/ as stated above or change "blue_red_critical" value in plugin
Building Plugin for Linux: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_gcc
Building Plugin for Windows: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_MSVC
P.S: You need HPMHooking Enabled.
- plugin
- magic attack
- (and 2 more)
plugin Warp Hit Delay
By Dastgir
It is warp delay plugin
Once you get a hit(not a miss) , you will be attached by a timer of x seconds, only after that you will be able to warp(be it be any wings,warp command,go command, npc or skill)
You can have a battle_config on any of the files in conf/battle/ with
warp_delay_mob: Seconds*1000warp_delay_pet: Seconds*1000warp_delay_homun: Seconds*1000warp_delay_merc: Seconds*1000warp_delay: Seconds*1000 //For Playerswarp_delay_others: Seconds*1000 //(For All Other Hits except mob/pet/homunc/merc)
Building Plugin for Linux: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_gcc
Building Plugin for Windows: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_MSVC
P.S: You need HPMHooking Enabled.
plugin Restock System
By Dastgir
It is a restock system(which I apparently made 5-6 months ago) [Also its a Plugin - Yay]
So I am just releasing it, as I feel its been useful for many servers.
Though there can be some optimizations on script-side(will be applied later on).
You need to enable plugin as well as script provided in the download.
2 commands:
@restock - Enables/Disables Restock System
@restock2 - To Add/Remove item
Usage:@restock2 <itemid> <quantity> <type1> <type2>Type 1:1 = Storage2 = GStorageType 2:1 = Add2 = Remove3 = Help4 = List5 = Empty The List@restock2 x y z 3 For Help@restock2 x y z 4 For Current Restocking List@restock2 x y z 5 For Removing All Items From Restockx,y,z Can be any number, e.g: @restock2 0 0 0 3 will give you help option,@restock2 x y z 5 will Empty your list
It Support Restocking of All Kinds of Item.
check_bound command
By GmOcean
A simple command to check if the player currently has a bound item in their inventory. Thus eliminating the need to use getinventorylist; to do the check. Additionally, you can check for a number of parameters regarding that item.
*checkbound(<item_id>{,<bound_type>{,<refine>{,<attribute>{,<card_1>{,<card_2>{,<card_3>{,<card_4>}}}}}}});This command allows you to check whether or not the attached player has the specified bound item in their inventory.Valid bound types are: 1 - Account Bound 2 - Guild Bound 3 - Party Bound 4 - Character BoundOptional Parameters: refine - checks to see if the item is refined to the given number. attribute - whether the item is broken (1) or not (0) card 1,2,3,4 - checks to see if the specified cards are compounded on the item as well.
if( checkbound(1205) ){ mes "You have a bound Cutter"; close;} else { mes "You do not have a bound Cutter"; close;}
Example 2:
if( checkbound(1205, 2) ){ mes "You have a guild_bound Cutter"; close;} else { mes "You don't have the required item."; close;}
Example 3:
if( checkbound(1205, 2, 7) ){ mes "You have a +7 guild_bound Cutter."; close;} else { mes "You don't have the required item."; close;}
Instance Check Commands
By GmOcean
Additional Instance Check Commands to go along with the existing instance_check_party.
*instance_check_guild(<guild_id>{,<amount>{,<min>{,<max>}}});This function checks if a guild meets certain requirements, returning 1 ifall conditions are met and 0 otherwise. it will only check online characters.amount - number of online guild members (default is 1).min - minimum level of all characters in the guild (default is 1).max - maximum level of all characters int he guild (default is max level in conf).Example:if( instance_check_guild(getcharid(2), 2, 1, 150) ){ mes "Your guild meets the Memorial Dungeon requirements.", mes "All online members are between levels 1-150 and at least two are online."; close;} else { mes "Sorry, your guild does not meet requirements."; close;}
*instance_check_ready(<IOT_TYPE>,<owner_id>{,amount{,min{,max}}});This function checks if the Char, Party, Guild, etc... meets certain requirements, returning 1 ifall conditions are met and 0 otherwise. It will only check online characters.IOT_TYPE: IOT_NONE - Not sure what this is, but will return 1 regardless of settings due to it being unknown. IOT_CHAR - Character ( Will only check for min or max level. Amount doesn't matter since only 1 character can enter IOT_CHAR instance ). IOT_PARTY - Party IOT_GUILD - Guildamount - number of online party members (default is 1).min - minimum level of all characters in the party (default is 1).max - maximum level of all characters in the party (default is max level in conf).Example:if( instance_check_ready(IOT_CHAR, getcharid(0), 1, 75) ){ mes "The player has met all the requirements to enter the instance.", mes "The player is at least level 75 and is online."; close;} else { mes "The player does not meet all the requirements or is offline."; close;}Example 2:if( instance_check_ready(IOT_PARTY, getcharid(1), 5, 10, 50) ){ mes "The party meets all the requirements to enter the instance.", mes "All online members are between the levels 10-50 and at least 5 members are online."; close;} else { mes "Sorry, your party does not meet all the requirements."; close;}Example 3:if( instance_check_ready(IOT_GUILD, getcharid(2), 36, 140, 150) ){ mes "The guild meets all the requirements to enter the instance."; mes "All online members are between the levels 140-150 and at least 36 of them are online."; close;} else { mes "Sorry, your guild does not meet the requirements."; close;}
[Credits: malufett for providing the base for which these commands were derived from].
Party Script Plugins
By Mhalicot
Works only in HERCULES.
Due to insistent public demand
HPM party script complete package released.
Compatible with Windows System Only
if you are using Linux, ignore other files and use only partyscript.c
1. Download and extract files using 7z or any application that can extract it.
2. extract it in your server directory ex: C:/RO Server/Hercules/
2.1. edit conf/plugins.conf and add partyscript
3. Your done. you can now try your plugins
if you are using VS2010/VS2009/vs2013 or whatsoever and you are failing to compile because of platform issue.
this is what you need to do.
In Recompiling:
If you are using other MSVS/C
Note: Recompile if you modify the script.
List of Script Commands
List of AtCommands
If you have any questions feel free to drop a comment.
NOTE: I do not own the whole script, I only convert it into plugins. Thanks to Mr. Ind, Mumbles, Haru, for making this Plugins possible.
for more info on how to to use HPM visit Here
(Tested on Hercules rev. 141**)
Special thanks to the original Author Cydh
- Party Script
- @leaveparty
- (and 1 more)
By Dastgir
For Building Plugins:
Windows: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_MSVC
Linux: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_gcc
(usage: @aura <aura1> {<aura2> <aura3>})
(aura1,aura2 are optional)
(usage: aura aura1{,aura2,aura3}
aura1 is compulsory, while aura2,aura3 are optional.
aura1,aura2,aura3 are AuraID's
NOTE: 1) This effects are permanent(unless the effect is not, which is clientside) and if you want to remove it, either do "@aura 0 0 0" or by Script (aura(0,0,0))
2) If you type aura(586,-1,240), the 2nd aura will remain same, while first and third aura will change.
You can check/set User's AuraID's by following variables
You can also change aura by changing these variables.
Some Useful aura Combinations:
{ 586, -1, -1 },{ 586, 362, -1 },{ 586, 362, 240 },{ 418, -1, -1 },{ 486, -1, -1 },{ 485, -1, -1 },{ 239, -1, -1 },{ 240, -1, -1 },{ 241, -1, -1 },{ 620, -1, -1 },{ 202, -1, -1 },{ 362, -1, -1 },{ 678, -1, -1 },{ 679, -1, -1 },{ 680, -1, -1 },{ 239, 418, -1 },{ 239, 486, -1 },{ 239, 485, -1 },{ 240, 418, -1 },{ 240, 486, -1 },{ 240, 485, -1 },{ 241, 418, -1 },{ 241, 486, -1 },{ 241, 485, -1 },{ 620, 418, -1 },{ 620, 486, -1 },{ 620, 485, -1 },{ 239, 418, 202 },{ 239, 486, 202 },{ 239, 485, 202 },{ 240, 418, 202 },{ 240, 486, 202 },{ 240, 485, 202 },{ 241, 418, 202 },{ 241, 486, 202 },{ 241, 485, 202 },{ 620, 418, 202 },{ 620, 486, 202 },{ 620, 485, 202 },{ 239, 418, 362 },{ 239, 486, 362 },{ 239, 485, 362 },{ 240, 418, 362 },{ 240, 486, 362 },{ 240, 485, 362 },{ 241, 418, 362 },{ 241, 486, 362 },{ 241, 485, 362 },{ 620, 418, 362 },{ 620, 486, 362 },{ 620, 485, 362 },{ 239, 418, 678 },{ 239, 486, 678 },{ 239, 485, 678 },{ 240, 418, 678 },{ 240, 486, 678 },{ 240, 485, 678 },{ 241, 418, 678 },{ 241, 486, 678 },{ 241, 485, 678 },{ 620, 418, 678 },{ 620, 486, 678 },{ 620, 485, 678 },{ 680, 679, 678 },
I guess no further explanation is needed.
Costume Item Plugins
By Mhalicot
HPM @costumeitem complete package.
Compatible with Windows System Only
if you are using Linux, ignore other files and use only afk.c
1. Download and extract files using 7z or any application that can extract it.
2. extract it in your server directory ex: C:/RO Server/Hercules/
2.1. edit conf/plugins.conf and add costumeitem
3. Your done. you can now try your plugins
if you are using VS2010/VS2009/vs2013 or whatsoever and you are failing to compile because of platform issue.
this is what you need to do.
In Recompiling:
If you are using other MSVS/C
Note: Recompile if you modify the script.
If you have any questions feel free to drop a comment.
NOTE: You done have to edit your src to add this custom features(Less conflict when you want to update your server). Thanks to Mr. Ind for making this Plugins possible, This Plugins will convert your items to costume(item stats/combos/bonuses will also copied)
for more info on how to to use HPM visit Here
(Tested on Hercules rev. 146**)
Script Release: Costume System
Odin Server side manner
By hemagx
~ Hello
Here's my Server side manner based on ind one with more advanced options.
~ Features
-- For Full Version
it uses regular expressions
Option to bypass by GM Level or Group Permission or by using special Variable
Auto mute
-- Full Lite Version
it uses regular expressions
Option to bypass by Group Permission
eh.. yep nothing else that why it's LITE
~ How to install
Download the File
Copy manner.c to "src/plugins"
Copy the config files to "conf/plugin"
Follow usual installation guide
~ How to customize
To change plugin options you can check "conf/plugin/manner.conf " ( Not Available in Lite Version )
To add more words to the filter you can add it to "conf/plugin/manner.txt"
~ useful information
you can know more about regex from : http://www.regular-e...quickstart.html
you can also test your regex and write your regex by this useful tools : http://www.rubular.com or http://regexp-evaluator.de/evaluator/ or http://www.weitz.de/regex-coach/ or http://regex101.com/
you have to know that one wrong regex can make no one able to talk.
~ Credits
~ Changelog
Unknow date - First Working Version v0.1
2015/12/12 v0.2 - Update to work with latest Hercules, optimized a bit for faster plugin, officially release lite version.
~ thank you
Mob Drop Qty
By Ind
HPM Plugin.
/** * Adds a 50% ( customizeable ) chance for ETC (customizeable) items to drop from mobs with double quantity * Adds a 25% ( customizeable as well ) chance for it to use tripple quantity (this dice is only played if the 50% one succeeded) * Adds a 10% ( customizeable as well ) chance for it to use quadruple quantity (this dice is only played if the 25% one succeeded) * Adds a 5% ( customizeable as well ) chance for it to use quintuple quantity (this dice is only played if the 10% one succeeded) * For example, after a player succeeds at dropping a jellopy (at any rate), theres a 50% chance it'll be 2 jellopies instead of 1, * and if that 50% succeeds, there'll be another 25% chance for it to be 3 instead of 2, and if that 25% succeeds, * there will be another 10% chance for it to drop 4 instead of 3, and if that 10% succeeds, there will be a 5% chance to drop 5 instead of 4. * - MvP drops are not affected * - Items looted by monsters are not affected **/ - Requires HPM Hooking
Easy to Customize
switch( data->type ) { /** * uncomment those you wanna affect, don't even try adding gear or non-stackable types -- they are not meant to have qty higher than 1! **/ //case IT_HEALING: //case IT_USABLE: //case IT_CARD: //case IT_AMMO: //case IT_DELAYCONSUME: //case IT_CASH: case IT_ETC: /** * Feel free to modify the formula here! **/ if( rand()0 > 50 ) /* if rand > 50, break and do not affect the qty */ break; *qty += 1;//from 1 to 2 if( rand()0 > 25 ) /* if rand > 25, break and do not affect the qty further */ break; *qty += 1;//from 2 to 3 if( rand()0 > 10 ) /* if rand > 10, break and do not affect the qty further */ break; *qty += 1;//from 3 to 4 if( rand()0 > 5 ) /* if rand > 5, break and do not affect the qty further */ break; *qty += 1;//from 4 to 5 break; } You may also use the *nameid variable if you wish to further enhance the mechanic, for example
if( *nameid == 604 ) /* if dead branch, qty + 2 */ *qty += 2; How to Install
Check the wiki page on 'Building a Plugin' http://herc.ws/wiki/HPM#Building_a_plugin
Contribute / Customize
Its available at our Staff Plugins Repo, pull requests are more than welcome.
Visible Monsters HP
By Ind
HPM Plugin.
- Monsters HP is visible to all players, instead of only those who hit it.
- Monsters spawned with 'boss' flag have a greater bar (2-3x normal size, check screenshot in download page view)
- Requires PACKETVER >= 20120404
Whats the 'boss' flag?
For example, gef_dun.txt's Doppelganger
gef_dun02,0,0,0,0 boss_monster Doppelganger 1046,1,7200000,600000,1 How to Install
Check the wiki page on 'Building a Plugin' http://herc.ws/wiki/HPM#Building_a_plugin
Contribute / Customize
Its available at our Staff Plugins Repo, pull requests are more than welcome.
Server Side Manners.txt
By Ind
HPM Plugin.
- Implements the 'server-side' manners.txt aka ability to blacklist words.
- Ability to read 'conf/manners.txt' (you have to create the file, you can fill as you like, and use '//' to create commands as well).
- The @reloadmanners command
- Implements the 'mouthful' group permission, which allows individual groups to bypass the badwords filter.
- HPM Hooking to be enabled.
How to Install
Check the wiki page on 'Building a Plugin' http://herc.ws/wiki/HPM#Building_a_plugin
Contribute / Customize
Its available at our Staff Plugins Repo, pull requests are more than welcome.
rentitem2 plugins
By Mhalicot
HPM (Script command: rentitem2) (AtCommand: @rentitem) complete package.
Compatible with Windows System Only
if you are using Linux, ignore other files and use only rentitem2.c
1. Download and extract files using 7z or any application that can extract it.
2. extract it in your server directory ex: C:/RO Server/Hercules/
2.1. edit conf/plugins.conf and add rentitem2
3. find rentitem2/rentitem2.sln and recompile it.
4. You can now start using your ready made plugins
if you are using VS2010/VS2009/vs2013 or whatsoever and you are failing to compile because of platform issue.
this is what you need to do.
Note: Recompile if you modify the script.
Sample Script:
// Structure*rentitem2 <Item_ID>,<time>, <identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>;*rentitem2 "<Item_Name>",<time>, <identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>;// Scriptrentitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@item],.rentime,@inventorylist_identify[.@item],@inventorylist_refine[.@item],@inventorylist_attribute[.@item],@inventorylist_card1[.@item],@inventorylist_card2[.@item],@inventorylist_card3[.@item],@inventorylist_card4[.@item];
Note: cannot rent pet eggs/armor, stackable items.
// AtCommand Structureusage: @rentitem <item name/ID> <Minutes>
*getequipexpiretick(<equipment slot>)
Returns the number of seconds before the item expires.0 means it never expires (not a rental item)-1 means no item is equipped
Sample Script:
if (getequipexpiretick(.@part)) { mes "Sorry. I don't sign rental items."; emotion e_sry; close; }
If you have any questions feel free to drop a comment.
for more info on how to to use HPM visit Here
(Tested on Hercules rev. 137**)
Credit: Original file by Brian and converted by Me
- rentitem2
- rentitem2 plugins
- (and 2 more)