Hello peoples,
This post is more a "link to others" than a post in itself.
As I stated some ago that I never really wrote a script for PvP (in the most basic meaning of it), I decided last week-end to start writing some.
But as I'm a bit...let's say 'mad', I didn't wrote one or two, but 15.
This includes a non exhaustive list of:
-8 PvP scripts (Battle Royal, Royal Rumble, Deus Ex, PvPvM, Vampire Bal, Clone Defense, Rotative Hunt and Mistery Case)
Battle Royal
Vampire Bal
Deus Ex
-5 Battle ground scripts, based over the games in S4 League (Captain, Death Match, Captain, Siege, TouchDown)
Death Match
-1 Reaper, based over the game of the same name in S4 League too.
-1 'improved' battleground, as it's a 4 team fight.
I'll start to release those scripts in the week end (need some time for small edits before releasing them), and I'll all the scripts in this one and only topic, to ensure the access will be centralized for those who may want to get several.
I don't know yet if I'll make it paid scripts, as the initial goal was to provide it for free, but the hardest took me a bunch of time to write and debug. So I guess some will be free, and some will be paid ones.
Hope you'll like it, peoples!
Edit: Here we go, first link added