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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    SN_SHARPSHOOTING (Focused Arrow Strike)

    https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/stable/src/map/battle.c#L6815 Add this. if (src && (map->list[m].flag.gvg_castle || map->list[m].flag.gvg) && (battle->get_current_skill(src) == SN_SHARPSHOOTING)) { state |= BCT_ENEMY; state &= ~BCT_GUILD; state &= ~BCT_PARTY; }
  2. 1 point

    Few Questions Regarding Client

    6) About removing doram in character creation
  3. 1 point

    Clan System

    Aegis file clan system: tbl={ [ [[SWORD CLAN]] ] = --클랜명 { CID = 1, --클랜 ID 1번부터 시작합니다 EMBLEM_NUM = 1, MASTER_NAME = [[㉬쇽 랍⒣ㆁ보]], -- npc 이름과 동일해야됩니다 MANAGE_MAP =[[prontera.gat]], MAX_USER = 500, --클랜 최대 인원수 ALLY_CLAN={3,}, --동맹클랜 HOSTILE = {0,}, --적대클랜 EFST_ID = { [[EFST_SWORDCLAN]],}, --효과를 적용할 EFST ID 리스트 }, [ [[ARCHWAND CLAN]] ]= { CID = 2, EMBLEM_NUM = 2, MASTER_NAME = [[?? ╉보]], MANAGE_MAP =[[geffen.gat]], MAX_USER = 500, ALLY_CLAN={3,}, HOSTILE = {4,}, EFST_ID ={ [[EFST_ARCWANDCLAN]], }, }, [ [[GOLDENMACE CLAN]] ]= { CID = 3, EMBLEM_NUM = 3, MASTER_NAME = [[?벙 ╉보]], MANAGE_MAP =[[prontera.gat]], MAX_USER = 500, ALLY_CLAN={1,2,4,}, HOSTILE = {0}, EFST_ID ={ [[EFST_GOLDENMACECLAN]], }, }, [ [[CROSSBOW CLAN]] ]= { CID = 4, EMBLEM_NUM = 4, MASTER_NAME = [[?몰┢]], MANAGE_MAP = [[payon.gat]], MAX_USER = 500, ALLY_CLAN={3,}, HOSTILE = {2,}, EFST_ID = { [[EFST_CROSSBOWCLAN]], }, }, }; function main() for clanname, info in pairs(tbl) do result, msg = InsertClanInfo( clanname, info.CID, info.EMBLEM_NUM , info.MASTER_NAME, info.MANAGE_MAP, info.MAX_USER, info.ALLY_CLAN, info.HOSTILE, info.EFST_ID ); if ( not result )then return false, msg; end end return true,"success" end
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