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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/31/24 in Files

  1. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Pack made by ToZorMan. Don't forget to like/react. ❤️
  2. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Pack made by ToZorMan. Don't forget to like/react. ❤️
  3. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Pack made by ToZorMan. Don't forget to like/react. ❤️
  4. 1 point

    File pack #4

    Version 1.0.0


    Hi i have been working on many ragnarok stuff lately and am going to release what ive completed, its theme is north american horror, although the mapping is 100% complete for 7/8 maps the warps, and gat are not Tons of models that wont break your game but feel free to ask if you have an issue with gravity errors Also included a bunch of monsters I made and edited Some textures here are real life images , so please dont zoom in on weird things and do weird stuff , not much of it is in here but dont be annoying thanks
  5. 1 point

    Mob Element View

    Version 1.0.0


    A small mod that allows you to display a custom icon and a title referring to the element and element level of the mob. It can be disabled by changing it in monster.conf // Show Element Info [Hyroshima] // 0= Off, 1= On mob_ele_view: 1 I have an observation to inform, if any of the information related to show_mob_info is enabled the mod will behave as disabled. // Display some mob info next to their name? (Note 3) // (does not works on guardian or Emperium) // 1: Display mob HP (Hp/MaxHp format) // 2: Display mob HP (Percent of full life format) // 4: Display mob's level show_mob_info: 0 The video quality is not very good (sorry), watch the preview video in fullscreen 😅
  6. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Since RO starting point in renewal changed several times, and finding those files are getting increasingly hard, I decided to group them all and release here. This only includes the original map files, no changes, no NPCs adjustments. When downloading, you will find 6 options, pick the ones that you need. Hercules is currently (as of v2024.08) using 2012 Academy and 2015 Start Point (or 2018 with wrong map cache?). Files: - academy_2012 -- Criatura Academy 2012 version. Corridors in both floors, everything linked together - academy_2015 -- Criatura Academy 2015 version. 2nd floor changed to have rooms separate from the corridor ("making it smaller") - academy_2017 -- Criatura Academy 2017 version. 1st floor changed to a big open area - start_2012 -- iz_int is a boat for players to leave to izlude (NPCs not included) - start_2015 -- iz_int is a sunken ship; int_land is a island linking the sunken ship to the new one. Players can walk over the ship. - start_2018 -- the ship at int_land is no longer walkable Usage: - Download the ones that you need, - extract it somewhere - copy the content of the data folder to your data folder or GRF - you may need to regenerate your map cache and adjust the NPCs if the map is not the one for your Hercules version
  7. 1 point

    High-Res DamageFont

    Version 1.0.0


    High-Res Damagefont Here is a new damage font i've cooked for you guys. Alot simpler than the other ones ive uploaded, wen't for a more minimalistic design. I've tried not to kill the pixelated vibe that we all love from the original one, but still improving its resolution. Was pretty happy with the result ;] Hope you all like it. CyA
  8. 1 point

    Version 1.4.0


    Special Room (s_room) Map created by TioAkima and distributed (without any cost) by the author himself. It is a customized room that can have several functions, such as room for Quest's, Market (shop's), VIP room, meetings, etc ... The trade in this map is permanently prohibited. [I have not yet tested the map .. I have finished recently so .. Any mistake, please let me know.] Att, TioAkima
  9. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    All jRO Exclusive, Event and Special Episode monsters. This file was originally posted by @fxfreitas at Midgard-Community. The archive contains the following monster sprites: abyss_arthur (corridor of abyss special instance boss) AMELIT (ghost carring a gemstone) ANGLERFISH (Mini-boss) CHAOS_DEVIL_DRAGON deviruchi_w (a white deviruchi, event) domovoi (custom pet, based on RO2 domovoi) ECHIDNA EMELIT (ghost carring a gemstone) giant_deviruchi (event monster) giant_deviruchi_w (event monster) headless_mule (remake of original brasilis monster, last kRO already implemented) HERA (Episode Monster) j_taini (tiny, event monster and pet) kraken_baby (marse edit) LILITH (Episode Monster) M_DARK_KNIGHT (Mercenary monster) M_FLAME_KNIGHT (Mercenary monster) M_ICE_KNIGHT (Mercenary monster) M_LIGHT_KNIGHT (Mercenary monster) M_STONE_KNIGHT (Mercenary monster) merman_se (merman edit) METAL_DRAGON (Pet and dungeon monster) MYTHLIT (ghost carring a gemstone) pad_fafnir (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_helheim (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_horai (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_ifrit (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_kinggold (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_kingmetal (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_leviathan (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_muspelheim (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_mythlit (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_niraikanai (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_shangrila (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_tamadora (Pet) pad_zaerog (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_zerog (Can't Move, Can't Attack) poseidon (strouf edit) RUBYLIT (ghost carring a gemstone) SAPPHLIT (ghost carring a gemstone) seiren (obeaune edit) SIREN (Episode Monster) tacnu (Mini-boss) TOPALIT (ghost carring a gemstone)
  10. 1 point

    Hairstyle Package

    Version 1.0.0


    Introduction: This package are currently contains around 90~100 hairstyles for both male/female character. I obtained these from various sources like old eAthena, rAthena, Hercules, TheSpriteRepository and other member who shared these sprites with me etc. I don't remember who exactly made each of the sprites, or who even shared these... tell me if you know who are them. If any of these hairstyles are custom work that are meant for private use, kindly contact me, so that I could remove it from the listing. I do have more than this amount, but since my current test client (2018-06-20) can only support up to 100 sprites, so I randomly picked 100 and only upload it here. It included the default 31 hairstyle from kRO, but I think I replaced the 1~20+ hairstyles from JRO which dyed the hair in dark color, the rest are custom hair styles. How to use: You can either merge the provided GRF into your own GRF Load it as another individual GRF using the DATA.ini file Extract it and put it in your Data folder * Depend on your client hexed with whatever settings. Search forum for all these guides. Disclaimer: You're free to share with everyone but do not monetize the contents in any way! These materials are meant for study or research purpose. Use these at your own risk, and always give credit to original author. If there exists issue with sprite file, for example: sprite misalignment, error, etc, kindly ask help from any member who have knowledge with sprite edit. If there exists issue with palette color file, for example: messed up color, error, etc, kindly ask help from any member who have knowledge with palette color edit. Fun Fact: Do you know you can actually combine all male and female hairstyle (including doram) to create a list of universal hairstyles that could be used by any gender of player and doram?
  11. 1 point


    These are the old versions of Izlude and Alberta. Including map files (.gat | .gnd | .rsw) and minimaps (.bmp) NOTE: Remember to remake your mapcache file.
  12. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    illust's for a system of daily rewards, created by me, based on the official theme of ragnarok online. It works with the script [rathena]: Daily_Reward_System PS: If you like it, and give me reputation, it's important to me and encourages me to continue with my work! best regards, ZelosAvalon
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