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Posts posted by Ind

  1. I failed to figure on my own, does the client display any issues when utilizing a map greater than 512*512? I understand map server poses a restriction (which can be increased) for size purposes, but does the client impose any? knowing this would help me work on a feature for the herc.


  2. Wooonderful people I expect you to know by now that reports do not go in the forum, they go in the bug tracker. Michieru and I have tested this system prior to release under many settings, I suspect all the issues mentioned so far are environment-related and thus I need the proper venue to pose questions on the setup and such, and I can't do it properly on this topic, so I reiterate, reports should go in the tracker. and no, you should not reply here with links to the bug tracker. Thank you.



    (it might be destroyed even before you warp into it) -- I'm not sure why you can't reproduce.

    oh yeah ... now I just remember something about getmapusers behaviour

    apparently the way server calculate map->list[m].users and sd->bl.m a little bit inconsistent

    because the map->list[m].users doesn't count the player when that player still in the loading screen

    means, if the player loads the map for more than 1 second, the map is consider empty

    and my instance_time_out says only wait for 1 second, so it gets destroyed

    its my scripting problem


    there's some clue around at *maprespawnguildid script command




    Its intentional, when a player moves out of a map the server removes it and keeps it in memory-limbo, it is only placed back within map bounds when its done loading -- so that a number of things only take effect when you are really visible in the map, otherwise things like aoe damage would be able to hit you -- as well as monsters, while you werent even able to be visible, that also guarantees that other packets are not sent to you while you're into loading screen

  4. with IOT_CHAR type (confirmed), they say when set the instance_time_out like this

    instance_set_timeout 3600, 1, .@ins; // 1 hour for the map, 1 second to destroy
    they say the Memorial Dungeon is destroyed in 1 sec

    though, I'm not able to reproduce this bug even once



    I think that makes sense, you're setting idle for 1 second, meaning if the instance is left empty for 1 second or more it is destroyed (it might be destroyed even before you warp into it) -- I'm not sure why you can't reproduce.

  5. its a bit late for me to test so I'll be doing the testing when I wake up, I'll be replying now though:

    1. is there some kind of map name that is invalid to use ?

    because if accountID is 2001234, map name will be "2001234FYC" <-- string length :10, should be safe

    not to my knowledge, I have never played with map names that start with numbers though.

    2. I wonder is there a limit to how many maps that the server can create ?

    there is one limitation left on that which is mapindex.h MAX_MAPINDEX (might be soon dropped), which is currently 2000

    but when I reloadscript, there is no lag -> the map is still available and didn't unload ?

    I thought those instance map should be destroyed the moment that instance_id destroy

    the instances have been made to be reload-persistent, they reset and the script can acknowledge this action on OnInstanceInit: which is run when the instance starts and when reloadscript happens -- you can use *instance_set_respawn(<map_name>,<x>,<y>{,<instance_id>}); to control the progress of the instance and where to teleport the users when reload happens ( e.g. if endless tower kept a instance var of the progress, i.e. 'Room, you could update instance_set_respawn on every room users clear, and when restart happens you just warp them to the begin of the room in question and respawn the monsters (as reloadscript clears the mobs, unfortunately) )

    funny about this is ... I asked Hadeszeus to change the instance_set_timeout

    hum O__O to my best memory permanent instances shouldn't call instance_set_timeout at all
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