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Lord Ganja

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Lord Ganja last won the day on April 17 2015

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About Lord Ganja

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/17/1992

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  • Location:
    Ganja World

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  1. Thank you @@AnnieRuru. I'll try it later once I get to my computer
  2. @@AnnieRuru, I think raPalooza~ and me are looking for the same kind of answer. I was thinking this is possible? Please take a look at this topic coz I explained it here. http://herc.ws/board/topic/10844-how-do-i-get-of-an-error-like-this-npc-event-event-not-found/?p=64038 Thanks in advance!
  3. Up for this. I was looking for something like this too.
  4. Thank you! Can you tell us what exactly was the problem with the blank page?
  5. How to cap all skills cast delay to 90%? So even if using 3 kiel cards + headgear with reduce cast delay, the reduce cast delay will stick to 90%. Thanks in advance!
  6. Thank you. Btw if I wanted unfreezable clones what mode should I add? md_boss?
  7. I was using this script fight your clone. One thing I wanted to change is I don't want clones to be freezed. What mode should I change with it? The current mode of the clones there is 0x8D I just don't understand the explanation in mob_db_mode_list.txt. I don't know what mode is 0x8D has since I don't know how did it come up in the first place.. Any explanation would be highly appreciated. Thanks!
  8. I don't have idea what to change it. I used On"+getcharid(0) so when the player unequip the item it calls the function unequip_item to kill the specific clone of the user. If i'm going to change it to something not unique, like clonecheck::OnCloneDead. And someone unequip the item(calls the function unequip_item), all clones on the same map are going to die since they're on the same type of event.
  9. I use an item that has a bonus that summons a slave clone, and whenever I unequipped the item it will call this functions for the clone to die. function script unequip_item { killmonster strcharinfo(3), "clonecheck::On"+ getcharid(0); end;} Here's the script that summons the clone: clone "prontera",150,150,"clonecheck::On"+getcharid(0), getcharid(0), getcharid(0), 0x8D, 1, 40; BUT whenever another player killed the clone I got this error. [Error]: npc_event: event not found [clonecheck::On150031] Since 150031 is the clone master's id, I don't have any idea how to make the npc event for that so I can avoid the error. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
  10. You have to copy the mini map from kRO files then rename it to s_mall.bmp and put it on your grf.. datatexture유저인터페이스map For the clouds, i think you have to add a mapflag clouds or clouds2. Hope this helps. EDIT: sorry. Didn't saw the picture you posted. I thought only the cloud effect xD
  11. Is there any way to increase all boss monsters hit without modifying the dex in mob_db? Since modifying the DEX of a mob would also increase their damage. I only wanted to increase their hit coz my server is a high rate server. And characters flee are too high so the boss normal attacks miss. Anyone could tell me where to edit monsters/mobs hit in source? Thanks in advance!
  12. help me please. whenever I browse on http://localhost/cp/?module=vote, it always redirects me into a blank page. I can successfully add a banner and voting site. but whenever i am about to vote, it always redirects me into a blank page. is it because of the index. php? currently using this one -> LINK and the latest fluxcp. thanks in advance!
  13. @@raPalooza~ Alright. Thank you so much. These helped me a lot Hope someone could tell me how to boost mobs magical attack damage without altering its int
  14. How do I save a diff file of a recently patched mods? I have a src that is already modified. but I only wanted to create a diff file from the last mod that I applied. is that possible? TIA!
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