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About Dark8008

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  1. Dark8008

    Bug Npc Soul

    So you tested this script on rathena and WS got FULL Adrenaline Rush right ? But Clown and Dancer are not ?
  2. Dark8008

    Bug Npc Soul

    i use this script prontera,162,180,3 script Soul Linker 719,{ OnLink:switch ( BaseJob ) { case Job_Alchemist: set .@spirit, 445; break; case Job_Monk: set .@spirit, 447; break; case Job_Star_Gladiator: set .@spirit, 448; break; case Job_Sage: set .@spirit, 449; break; case Job_Crusader: set .@spirit, 450; break; case Job_SuperNovice: set .@spirit, 451; break; case Job_Knight: set .@spirit, 452; break; case Job_Wizard: set .@spirit, 453; break; case Job_Priest: set .@spirit, 454; break; case Job_Bard: case Job_Dancer: set .@spirit, 455; break; case Job_Rogue: set .@spirit, 456; break; case Job_Assassin: set .@spirit, 457; break; case Job_Blacksmith: set .@spirit, 458; break; case Job_Hunter: set .@spirit, 460; break; case Job_Soul_Linker: set .@spirit, 461; break; default: if ( Upper == 1 && BaseLevel < 70 ) set .@spirit, 494; break;} if ( .@spirit ) { sc_start4 SC_SOULLINK, 360000, 5, .@spirit,0,0; skilleffect .@spirit, 5;} end; OnInit:defpattern 1, "link","OnLink";activatepset 1;end;} After soul, the WhiteSmish Job not display "Full Adrenaline Rush" skill and The Clown Job not display skill of Gyps too -> so can't use these skill, please help !
  3. After soul, the WhiteSmish Job not display "Full Adrenaline Rush" skill and The Clown Job not display skill of Gyps too -> so can't use these skill, please help !
  4. Example: i have a folder call "effectabc" in data/texture/ -> so it is data/texture/effectabc, in this folder it have three small folders, like folder 1, folder 2, folder 3 So it look like - data/texture/effectabc/1 - data/texture/effectabc/2 - data/texture/effectabc/3 In folder 1 it has: many .bmp file In folder 2 it has: many .tga file In folder 3 it has: many .bmp file So you will know they are actually Custom Aura Sprite ! Now i want make a script for the Item can read these folder above to have multi aura ( some server use this way to make Custom Aura System ) Thank all and please help !
  5. Any client 2014 can use both iteminfo and idnum2itemdesctable.txt ? Because in description of item i have some special character in UTF 8 but iteminfo not support! I can pay for that client !
  6. 2012-04-10 can't display rebellion sprite, anyone know ?
  7. Mean can use idnum2itemdesctable.txt , idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt, idnum2itemresnametable.txt ... I see some server can use these item with 2014 client, is it right ?
  8. /aura will hide other player aura, but mine: Aura show first time up 99, but relog now show anymore ( other player still can see my aura and i can see them too , but they can't see themself look like me ) !
  9. Aura show first time up 99, but relog now show anymore ( other player still can see my aura and i can see them too , but they can't see themself look like me ), i use 2014-10-22 client !
  10. Still really in debate mode. Like, as to what things should even be in the app... how the app should work, etc. =/ Where i can download github like rathena and hercules sir ?
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