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Everything posted by sbk_
convert bmp to ebm But I have already decided to use binary instead of emb. Thank you.
Does anyone know any bmp to ebm converter? Formerly the emulators had this if I'm not mistaken. Thank you.
Rebellion skills working?
sim... yes xD
the difference is simple, the label has to be set in the script, these commands would be to benefit dynamic scripting, ie it would be same as the label and will work as it, more is created through a script command. thinking of the community scripts, create an event with a fixed time system is the user who has no experience editing of course is no problem that the more you can facilitate and precisely that neither the label, because if you do loop ontimer for example, not going to have the server load delay. This is only a suggestion, is that not bind atcmd, ai ta made only from onhour more easily adapts to support the other label.
It's like the Onclock, will be more dynamic will defenir one Onclock on a label, precise and without defenir one label onclock or several which usually becomes a problem. That is dynamism. bindclock "hh:mm",NPC:LABEL; unbindclock "hh:mm",NPC::LABEL; checkbindclock "hh:mm",NPC::LABEL; no plobem set again bindclock.diff
Bem lembrado. Eu lembrei da equipe do hercules dizendo que aguardaria uma source mais precisa e completa para adicionar a classe.Na verdade acho que foi porque a do rAthena não é tão oficial, parece que é baseado em informações do Sakray e KRO e o Hercules é focado mais no iRO, há essas classes no iRO?kRO apenas, talvez no jRO mas sem certeza Então tá longe de chegar isso aqui no Hercules.
Bem lembrado. Eu lembrei da equipe do hercules dizendo que aguardaria uma source mais precisa e completa para adicionar a classe. Na verdade acho que foi porque a do rAthena não é tão oficial, parece que é baseado em informações do Sakray e KRO e o Hercules é focado mais no iRO, há essas classes no iRO?
Apenas as classes as habilidades não foram implementadas.
Thank you, very good.
to add abilities have to be added to a patch file? I'm trying to add more not appear on the skill tree
Well, I was creating a village function style anime Naruto and the part of registration is functioning normally, and maybe I'm not sure that the Emblem loading too, would this code here: /*================================================== * Author: CreativeSD - Romulo de Sousa Mangueira * Description: Naruto Village. *-------------------------------------------------- */void vlgregemblem(int village_id){ struct village_data *vlgd = vlg->search(village_id); char* data; size_t len; char* p; int i; if (vlgd == NULL) return; if (SQL_ERROR == SQL->Query(map->mysql_handle, "SELECT `emblem_len`, `emblem_id`, `emblem_data` FROM `village_system` WHERE `village_id`='%i'", village_id)) { Sql_ShowDebug(map->mysql_handle); return; } if (SQL_SUCCESS != SQL->NextRow(map->mysql_handle)) { ShowDebug("Village ID (%i) does not exist!n", village_id); return; } SQL->GetData(map->mysql_handle, 0, &data, &len); vlgd->emblem_len = atoi(data); SQL->GetData(map->mysql_handle, 1, &data, &len); vlgd->emblem_id = atoi(data); if ( !vlgd->emblem_len) { ShowInfo("Village ID (%i) has no emblem!n", village_id); return; } SQL->GetData(map->mysql_handle, 2, &data, &len); // convert emblem data from hexadecimal to binary //TODO: why not store it in the db as binary directly? [ultramage] for (i = 0, p = vlgd->emblem_data; i < vlgd->emblem_len; ++i, ++p) { if (*data >= '0' && *data <= '9') *p = *data - '0'; else if (*data >= 'a' && *data <= 'f') *p = *data - 'a' + 10; else if (*data >= 'A' && *data <= 'F') *p = *data - 'A' + 10; *p <<= 4; ++data; if (*data >= '0' && *data <= '9') *p |= *data - '0'; else if (*data >= 'a' && *data <= 'f') *p |= *data - 'a' + 10; else if (*data >= 'A' && *data <= 'F') *p |= *data - 'A' + 10; ++data; } return;}void read_village(void) { vlg = &village_s; struct village_data *vlgd; SqlStmt* stmt = SQL->StmtMalloc(map->mysql_handle); char name[NAME_LENGTH]; int village_id, hokage_id; unsigned int counter = 0; if (SQL_ERROR == SQL->StmtPrepare(stmt, "SELECT `village_id`, `name`, `hokage_id` FROM `village_system`") || SQL_ERROR == SQL->StmtExecute(stmt) ) { SqlStmt_ShowDebug(stmt); SQL->StmtFree(stmt); return; } SQL->StmtBindColumn(stmt, 0, SQLDT_INT, &village_id, 0, NULL, NULL); SQL->StmtBindColumn(stmt, 1, SQLDT_STRING, &name[0], sizeof(name), NULL, NULL); SQL->StmtBindColumn(stmt, 2, SQLDT_INT, &hokage_id, 0, NULL, NULL); ShowStatus("Initializing Village System Created by © Creative Services and Development.n"); vlg->vl_db = NULL; vlg->vl_counter = 0; vlg->search = village_search; vlg->vl_db = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA); while (SQL_SUCCESS == SQL->StmtNextRow(stmt)) { vlg->vl_counter++; CREATE(vlgd, struct village_data, 1); vlgd->village_id = village_id; vlgd->hokage_id = hokage_id; safestrncpy(vlgd->name, name, sizeof(vlgd->name)); //memcpy(vlgd->emblem_data, emblem_data, emblem_len); //vlgd->emblem_len = emblem_len; //vlgd->emblem_id = emblem_id; ShowInfo("Read Village (ID: %i, Hokage %i, Name %s).n", village_id, hokage_id, name); idb_put(vlg->vl_db, vlg->vl_counter, vlgd); //vlgregemblem(village_id); }} Through the system simulate fakename I can send the village name and clan in place of position and clan name, the more I suffer when sending clan badge. Could someone tell me how to do this?
thank you, my friend run perfectly.
well, I will leave a picture submit my questions: Already tested since version 5 xx, all I try to add texture presents it. Can someone explain to me why that?
We will be eagerly awaiting his return Ind.
yes but with custom/non official formulae I understand, thank you, I might do an adaptation for their own use and there is no make available here in the forum for other users to be interested in these unofficial formula. make it as plugin if possible So far I could not quite understand this layout plugins. well..maybe I can convert mine...at least herc will have rebellion skills in non official way...hehehe It's a good, at least not so vague is the emulator. issue set rathena? : https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/507f047
yes but with custom/non official formulae I understand, thank you, I might do an adaptation for their own use and there is no make available here in the forum for other users to be interested in these unofficial formula.
Right, was not added in rAthena, excuse the question? And thanks for the reply.
Rebellion skills are functional?
Browedit.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "FOLDERbroweditpackageBrowedit.exe" at 0023:00F1E472 Image dump:
[ MainThread][08:34:13:013] Loading configuration...[ MainThread][08:34:13:016] Unable to find configuration file, please type the configuration filename
assim tu me ofende =/
fd? who is waging uses. work: BUILDIN(next2){ TBL_PC* sd; sd = script->rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return true; clif->scriptclear(sd,sd->npc_id); return true;}
O proposito do hamachi já não é abrir as portas do modem, se fosse assim recomendaria o no-ip '-'