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Everything posted by Zopokx

  1. Zopokx

    Group Search System

    Using 2012-04-18 I think this was the .exe that I used https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/56371708/2012-04-18aRagexe.exe
  2. I have already tested it. And yes, renaming the palettes works like a charm. That means that is a problem with the emulator/client. Tested with ±â»ç palettes (Knight) Before: ±â»ç_³²_0.pal -> @dye 0 -> Default ±â»ç_³²_1.pal -> @dye 1 -> Default (too) ±â»ç_³²_2.pal -> @dye 2 -> Golden ±â»ç_³²_3.pal -> @dye 3 -> Light Purple ±â»ç_³²_4.pal -> @dye 4 -> Dark Default (Brown) After: (from official grf) -> @dye 0 -> Default ±â»ç_³²_1.pal -> @dye 1 -> Default ±â»ç_³²_2.pal -> @dye 2 -> Dark Purple ±â»ç_³²_3.pal -> @dye 3 -> Golden ±â»ç_³²_4.pal -> @dye 4 -> Light Purple ±â»ç_³²_5.pal -> @dye 5 -> Dark Default (Brown) The ±â»ç_³²_1.pal is overlapping by default with the palette 0
  3. Zopokx

    Group Search System

    It is not the same (Although I am using a custom skin)
  4. Zopokx

    Group Search System

    FYI: Using 2012-04-18 and it is not working :3~ (Although it doesn't get disconnected)
  5. BTW you are right, it is noticeable with the RK, for example. But why when I use SPR_Conview and I load both palettes in a normal character (with no mount) they are 2 different colours? The 2nd, the 3rd and the 4th (if exists) palettes match the same colour ingame that in SPR_Conview. But the 0 and the 1st palettes doesn't match.
  6. They are not the same. My *0.pal and *1.pal states that. But ingame I see both of them the same palette. (Not important in this issue, but is good to have the link on hand: http://calsmash.seesaa.net/article/115642104.html & http://calsmash.seesaa.net/article/115644885.html)
  7. Zopokx

    Group Search System

    This would be great. Please, +1 I remember that some time ago (2 years) this feature was working perfectly...
  8. rAthena is gone? AFAIK, they are only 'having a rest' because of a HDD failure...
  9. I'm sorry vans29, but that doesn't means anything. I don't have any problem with custom palettes or with the configuration. The problem is that the emulator is treating like the same, palette 0 and the palette 1.
  10. I'm using default official palettes (from official .grf), so that mean that I only have a max of 5 palettes (0, 1, 2, 3 and 4) with a 2012-04-18 client. I have tested the palettes, file by file, and all are different among them. However, ingame, the palette num 0 and the palette num 1 are exactly the same (@dye 0 & @dye 1) Why is this happening? Is this a Client problem or an emulator bug?
  11. Zopokx


    It is working for me, so...
  12. Zopokx


    /*========================================== * Recall all characters on your map to your location *------------------------------------------*/ACMD(maprecall){ struct map_session_data* pl_sd; struct s_mapiterator* iter; int count; nullpo_retr(-1, sd); memset(atcmd_output, '0', sizeof(atcmd_output)); if (sd->bl.m >= 0 && map[sd->bl.m].flag.nowarpto) { clif->message(fd, "You are not authorized to warp someone to your actual map."); return false; } count = 0; iter = mapit_getallusers(); for( pl_sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_first(iter); mapit_exists(iter); pl_sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_next(iter) ) { if (sd->status.account_id != pl_sd->status.account_id && pc_get_group_level(sd) >= pc_get_group_level(pl_sd) && pl_sd->bl.m == sd->bl.m) { if ( pl_sd->vender_id || pl_sd->chatID ) //Skip recalling players who are vending or in a chatroom count++; else { // atcommand_raise_sub(pl_sd); //Ressurect dead people pc_setpos(pl_sd, sd->mapindex, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, 2); } } } mapit_free(iter); clif->message(fd, "All characters on your map recalled!"); if (count) { sprintf(atcmd_output, "%d player(s) have not been recalled because they are vending or in a chatroom.", count); clif->message(fd, atcmd_output); } return true;} Remember to add ACMD_DEF(maprecall), in the atcommand_basecommands section, at the bottom.
  13. Me parecen geniales. Siento no haber dicho nada antes Enhorabuena!
  14. Did you read this? http://rathena.org/board/topic/81457-hardcoded-script-commands-improvement/#entry193535 What do you think?
  15. Zopokx

    Mob Behaviour

    What about having more mob modes than normal ones? canMove: 1Boss:32plant: 64castsensor: 16assist: 8aggresive: 4looter: 2canAttack: 128detector: 256changetarget: 512 I miss a mode where the monster escapes when player is in range of vision, for example. Or another one for ranged mobs, that would always try to take distance from the player. Or maybe one for mobs that escape when 'castsensor'. Or another one for mobs that are timid but 'assist' at the same time, I mean, monsters that escape from players but they attack when they make a group of 5 or more. It would be funny for events Anyone have another idea? What do you think about this suggestion?
  16. Use this: http://herc.ws/board/topic/398-client-translation-project/?hl=translate
  17. And another proposal more: How to make autojoin for a specific player/group. It would be great if GM could autojoin to #support channel ^^.
  18. It's possible to have an option like 'map_local_channel_autojoin' but for every other default_channel? I would like to convert the 'main' channel into an autojoin one.
  19. Ok, It was my fault. Take care to do not put a big value in MAX_QUEST_DB Thanks to Ind for the help :3 Close~~
  20. What are the reasons for the char server (or login, or the map) get disconnected? I have a problem without apparent reason, the char is disconnected. Although I reconnect it again, the char get disconnected over and over again. - MySQL connection failed ? (firewall or whatever) - Bug ? Here you can see a dump from gdb about my issue: http://piratenpad.de/yWilKDD2xT
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