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Everything posted by mleo1

  1. yes, I used it together with thor
  2. mleo1

    Customize NPC Shop

    please include this to herc. xD.
  3. I'm using the latest herc. @reloadscript still crashes when map_cache.dat is custom /sob.
  4. I'm using official RO maps. I just rename and copy eg. izlude, morocc - > pvpizlude, pvpmorocc It crashes when @reloadscript when I use custom map_cache.dat. I'm not gonna use custom maps for now xD thanks
  5. yes Edit: it does not crash when I reverted the following to default conf/maps.conf db/.../map_cache.dat db/map_index.txt
  6. is this working in vista,win 7, win 8? do you need compatibility? do you need to run as admin? I only got xp
  7. I also encounter this when packet_obfuscation: 2 but I'm lazy to report haha edit: wtf it crashes now, even without that. still testing brb.
  8. use myster's botkiller 6
  9. /docs/script_commands.txt *cutin "<filename>",<position>;This command will display a picture, usually an NPC illustration, alsocalled cutin, for the currently attached client. The position parameterdetermines the placement of the illustration and takes following values: 0 - bottom left corner 1 - bottom middle 2 - bottom right corner 3 - middle of screen in a movable window with an empty title bar 4 - middle of screen without the window header, but still movable
  10. Please share your sprite if fix thanks.
  11. Use paint or photoshop haha make a new illustpic illustpic3 = illustpic1 and illustpic2 cutin illustpic3 nvertried
  12. I'm getting trolled by 2013 clients, just sharing /showname type 2 = disables bold font, show guild /mineffect disabled = shows skill effect jackfrost wave /effect enabled = shows effects (including buff effects etc)
  13. the answer was /showname. I'll restudy basic RO options. I dunno what happened to RO beyond 2011
  14. Please show codes of the new proj. I wanna lurn more c++ (i know only basic c++) .
  15. I still dunno how to use grf.dll lol. For the mean time ill just use rsumerge.exe
  16. no customizations for now, maybe in the future.; transparent 255 0 255 = ok; maybe flash for more fagotry in the future xD. can anyone design this? I'm using thor's buttons as test http://imgur.com/9VXFCw1 can you donate designs 1 bg 2 startbutton , startbuttonhover, starbuttonclicked 3 exitbutton , exitbuttonhover, exitbuttonclicked
  17. the first post does it. its a configurable seller npc. set .@charid, getcharid(0);query_sql("SELECT `puntos` FROM `char` WHERE `charid_id`=" +.@char_id, .@points);query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET puntos=(puntos-" +@points+ ") WHERE char_id="+.@char_id);getitem 502, @points;
  18. You're gonna make 608 to be points? set .@count, countitem(608); if (.@count == 0) end; delitem 608, .@count; query_sql("UPDATE `chars` SET puntos=(puntos+" +.@count+ ") WHERE char_id="+.@char_id);
  19. maybe edit jaypee's v4p https://github.com/mandark022/VoteForPoints/blob/master/npc%20script/rAthena/voteforpoints.txt function updatePoints {set .@char_id,getarg(0);set .@usedPoints,getarg(1);query_sql("UPDATE `chars` SET puntos=(puntos-"+.@usedPoints+") WHERE char_id='"+.@char_id+"'");return;}function getPoints {set .@char_id,getarg(0);query_sql("SELECT `puntos` FROM `char` WHERE charid_id="+.@char_id+" LIMIT 1",.@points);if(getarraysize(.@points)==0)return 0;return .@points[0];} change also updatePoints(getcharid(0),.@rpoints); getPoints(getcharid(0); Did not test mwahah
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