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Everything posted by mleo1

  1. remove this + " AND `balance` <> 0;"
  2. its the new effect. not a bug.
  3. Some people like me use pre-re with 3rds. but as if I can control this, I'll just go with the project and trust the admins and devs' decision, I just leech lol.
  4. You can't, using wireless in PH. Maybe you can use vpn.
  5. NO man, Think how many hours the devs tried to make this configurable to re and pre-re. and Why not both? xD
  6. Your smile looks like someone in a commercial. Nevermind. (Don't think I'm creepy or gay lol, I'm not making fun). It's just my brain.
  7. Please use English. You can use Filipino in Filipino Community forums. check access.php?
  8. WTF, I just imagined your avatar holding a mentos bar (no negatives), peace.
  9. Happy Birthday Emistry, and thanks for always answering our questions xD
  10. Please don't tease us that much xD~.
  11. Maybe change the smileys to something ROish, so we could spam smileys /heh /heh /heh /heh /heh /heh /heh /heh /heh, and feel the lulz all day. Every body will be happy posting. Maybe use this http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2919-forum-ro-emoticons/ or http://irowiki.org/wiki/Emotes
  12. What Windows are you using?
  13. I LOLed (at myself) because I don't get it. xD.
  14. edit your control panel(eg flux) i 'MailerFromAddress' => '[email protected]', // The e-mail address displayed in the From field. 'MailerFromName' => 'PogiRO'', // The name displayed with the From e-mail address. 'MailerUseSMTP' => true, // Whether or not to use a separate SMTP server for sending mail. 'MailerSMTPUseSSL' => false, // Whether or not mailer should connect using SSL (yes for GMail). 'MailerSMTPUseTLS' => false, // Same as above SSL setting, but for TLS. This setting will override the SSL setting. 'MailerSMTPPort' => null, // When MailerUseSMTP is true: SMTP server port (mailer will default to 25). 'MailerSMTPHosts' => null, // When MailerUseSMTP is true: A string host or array of hosts (e.g., 'host1' or array('host1', 'backuphost')). 'MailerSMTPUsername' => null, // When MailerUseSMTP is true: Authorized username for SMTP server. 'MailerSMTPPassword' => null,
  15. Win 7? some of my beta testers say that also, they use rocred too, it does not shell out. dunno win7 win8
  16. GROBOLD_0.ttf from chocoleyt xD
  17. mleo1

    Open setup problem

    wala kang optioninfo.lua or Don't use HKLM To HKCU patch
  18. mleo1

    Suggestion :D

    A_PaladinA_Champion (devo) VS. B_Paladin (reflect) A_Champion attacks B_Paladin Old A_Paladin takes damage New A_Champion takes damage
  19. In thortoolsconfig.ini ClientEXE='loki.exe'ClientParameter=''
  20. I thought they say skill_amotion_leniency prevents skill effect delay cheating? I dunno, just checking.
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