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Posts posted by bWolfie

  1. Honestly having a stab in the dark here. If you can make something that A. Checks if they are on the restricted map, B. Checks if they have costume equipped and C. Stops them from equipping any costumes, you should be good. I don't know how to do the third part.


    I think if you want to disable from equipping costumes on certain maps, you have to do it for each one on item_db.conf in its On_EquipScript. That's the only way I can think of doing it.

    You could put 

    OnEquipScript: <" if (strcharinfo(3) == "prtg_cas01") unequip EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW; ">





    -    script    Costume Remover    FAKE_NPC,{   
    if ((agitcheck() && agitcheck2()) && ( strcharinfo(3) == .@nocostume)) { // Check if woe is on and if you entered a castle
    if (getequipisequiped(EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW)) unequip EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW;
    if (getequipisequiped(EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_MID)) unequip EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_MID;
    if (getequipisequiped(EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP)) unequip EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP;
    if (getequipisequiped(EQI_COSTUME_GARMENT)) unequip EQI_COSTUME_GARMENT;
    set .@nocostume,"prtg_cas01";

  2. So I was messing around earlier and I noticed something strange.

    Normally when I change direction (on old eAthena emulator), I can immediately high jump in that direction (assuming instant cast).

    But upon changing direction, there is a little delay I have to wait before I can jump in the new direction.

    If I use the skill before this little delay, the server still thinks I'm facing my old direction.

    It will jump in my old direction, despite me facing a new direction.


    Example (try picture in your head):

    My character is facing North.

    I click Northwest and quickly use instant-cast high jump.

    Character high jumps North (instead of Northwest), despite the fact character is facing NW.

    Jump completes, character still facing NW, if High Jump is used again it will jump North, despite still facing NW.


    Anybody else experienced this? I don't remember it being like this on old eathena. I'll try to upload a video later.

  3. I have no idea about SQL, still a beginner at scripting. I think it's beyond me.


    Decided just to create artificial zeroes at the end of the tally by

    - Dividing total donation by 100.

    - Limiting the donation amounts to over 100z and multiples of 100.

    - Adding zeroes using text...


    Seems to do the job in a limited fashion. I'll figure out sql one day.

  4. Hi,

    I'm trying to make an NPC which players can donate zeny to, and the zeny count is for every player - as in when one player donates, it updates a tally for everyone else (stored in NPC).

    If I use .server_donate (as shown in example below), will it disappear when I restart my server?


    Thank you in advance.



    prontera,150,150,3    script    Server Donation NPC   4_F_TELEPORTER,{
    mes "Players have donated " + .server_donate + " zeny.";
    mes "How much zeny do you want to donate?";
    input .@donate;
    if (Zeny < .@donate) {
    mes "You need more zeny";
    else {
    Zeny -= .@donate;
    .server_donate += .@donate;
    mes "You donated " + .@donate + " z.";

  5. Make sure you tick "Ignore Missing Palette Errors/Resorces" in your client diff.


    Using your grf editor, rename the sprites you want to use. In this case, we will use 'donald_trump'.

    You need to edit the drop (¾ÆÀÌÅÛ) - it has .spr and .act files.

    If a headgear, edit (¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®) and do it in both folders.


    In texture folder, make sure it is the same in /collection /item.


    Basically, make sure whatever the file name in your grf is has to be the same as your resource name.


    Go to your itemInfo.lub and edit it like such.


            [8064] = {
            unidentifiedDisplayName = "Donald Trump Doll",
            unidentifiedResourceName = "donald_trump",
            unidentifiedDescriptionName = {
                "An unpopular action figure.",
                "Weight : ^7777771^000000",
            identifiedDisplayName = "Donald Trump Doll",
            identifiedResourceName = "donald_trump",
            identifiedDescriptionName = {
                "An unpopular action figure.",
                "Weight: ^7777771^000000",
            slotCount = 0,
            ClassNum = 0

  6. post it when you're done tnx


    I guess the easiest way would be to set a variable when the quest is complete. And then just use if and else.

    Probably more efficient ways to do it, but this is an easy way I've found.


    // Put this where the quest completes or wherever you want it
    quest_complete$ = 1;
    // When you are trying to stop them from warping, something like this
    if (quest_complete$ == 1) {
    mes "This is where you can continue the npc talking.";
    else {
    mes "You are not authorized to enter this map!";
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