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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. I used to have a diff about it in my PC some years ago, now it is gone, anyone willing to share a source modification that prevents chat and vending in a 7x7 range from any NPC placed in a map (invisible NPCs doesn't count)
  2. http://herc.ws/board/topic/3554-ragnarok-episode-timeline/ removing 13.2 and onward is kinda easy, but a little time consuming, most of it is outside source files, that is why I said "easy"
  3. and this can be done easily with bindcommand as well xD
  4. you put the "inventory" spr/act files in the "equipped" folder
  5. evilpuncker


    I found it if you want to "fix" by yourself in the meantime
  6. fico contente q deu certo, mas sua resposta foi um tanto confusa pra ser a marcada como "solved", sugiro q poste o script q realmente deu certo no post abaixo / e explique brevemente pra quem possa vir a ter esta dúvida/problema no futuro pra ter onde encontrar xD
  7. evilpuncker


    that happens here as well, maybe post in bugtracker?
  8. please dude don't pretend that we know what you are talking about xD when asking for support, specify everything that we need to know in order to help you, like are you talking about what? cp? which one?
  9. setcell "prt_fild01",210,125,114,121,cell_basilica,1; vc só precisa das coodernadas do topo esquerdo e do inferior direito que já é formado um quadrado, e o último valor após o cell_basilica deve ser "1", o valor "0" é para remover o efeito, já o "1" é para ativar
  10. based on all info here, I want to suggest the addition of itemID in that warning message so we can know which item is the one that we should fix instead of looking everywhere with no clue on where to start! here is a diff that Cydh made for rA, I guess we can adapt it to Hercules as well... pc_bonus_warnings.diff
  11. vc pode tentar com setcell: OnInit: setcell "arena",140,140,160,160,cell_basilica,1; só alterar o mapa e coordenadas
  12. I guess that is how it works in renewal, are you using renewal?
  13. não é por causa do GID não, deve ser algo a ver com o timer da skill, vale a pena reportar no bugtracker pra ter um esclarecimento dos devs
  14. you missed the proper GID: unitskilluseid getnpcid(0),"HP_BASILICA",5;
  15. only prontera city :/ i'll see later if I can get those as well
  16. evilpuncker

    Please Help

    please be more specific, which part of it doesn't work, any error in console?
  17. set the proper permission to the necessary flux folders
  18. many tried, many failed, so I would say: no, there is no guide and no, a novice can't do it :/
  19. if you want to help hercules having support to 2015 clients help here
  20. they are packed with something called "Themida"
  21. change pc->getzeny(sd, (int)z, LOG_TYPE_NPC, NULL); to pc->getzeny(sd, 0, LOG_TYPE_NPC, NULL);
  22. that warning is because the selling price is higher than the buying price, just fix your npcs txt files to sell the item for a higher price or remove the line that shows the warning (that line is in npc.c file as well)
  23. that is not an error, but a warning, you can just ignore it, and the question is, does it worked ingame?
  24. buy or sell price? if you are talking about npc sell items, try in npc.c changing this line: items.value = value; to items.value = 20; and recompile
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