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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/tree/master/data/luafiles514/lua%20files
  2. most of them are in msgstringtable.txt
  3. just rename them to its proper name as asked by client
  4. this eAmod setting is for card granted item drops, not normal drops, if you want a monster to not drop item, just remove items from its entry in mob_db
  5. what do u mean? is that a BG system?
  6. [*]Please don't edit your posts to remove your question when your problem has been solved.
  7. have u paid for harmony? if yes it got a tool to make it for you I guess
  8. http://herc.ws/board/topic/3267-harmony-patch-3312-30-mai/
  9. 1 - tenha certeza de que a data (20142312 < exemplo) no mmo.h esteja correta e que a linha #define ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE esteja comentada "//" e tenha certeza que está recompilando o emulador sempre após alterações na source 2 - vc não possui os arquivos (.bmp) necessários para a visualização desse sistema (eles não existem no bRO)
  10. --------------------------------------- *getpetinfo(<type>) This function will return pet information for the pet the invoking character currently has active. Valid types are: 0 - Unique pet ID number as stored by the char server and distinguishing it from all other pets the characters actually have. This value is currently useless, at most you can use it to tell pets apart reliably. 1 - Pet class number as per 'db/pet_db.txt' - will tell you what kind of a pet it is. 2 - Pet name. Will return "null" if there's no pet. 3 - Pet friendly level (intimacy score). 1000 is full loyalty. 4 - Pet hungry level. 100 is completely full. 5 - Pet rename flag. 0 means this pet has not been named yet. ---------------------------------------
  11. you removed a ")" in the last line
  12. if you don't mind, post your whole item_db2 in pastebin and post here so we can take a look
  13. great tutorial, hope to see more people moving into new clients
  14. put WeeThumbnail.dll into your windowssystem32 folder, open cmd as admin, go to your system32 folder and write: regsvr32 /s "WeeThumbnail.dll"
  15. you may need to register the dll manually with cmd executed as admin (as I did)
  16. no status.h troque SC_MYCUSTOM, por SC_MYCUSTOM = 590, e no const.txt use 590
  17. seems like feefty is away from RO community, what if we move those addons to git and start to get community to fix erros?
  18. não especificamente, como podemos ver no código: unsigned short status_calc_str(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int str){ if(!sc || !sc->count) return cap_value(str,0,USHRT_MAX); if(sc->data[SC_FULL_THROTTLE]) str += str * 20 / 100; if(sc->data[SC_HARMONIZE]) { str -= sc->data[SC_HARMONIZE]->val2; return (unsigned short)cap_value(str,0,USHRT_MAX); } if(sc->data[SC_BEYOND_OF_WARCRY]) str += sc->data[SC_BEYOND_OF_WARCRY]->val3; if(sc->data[SC_INCALLSTATUS]) str += sc->data[SC_INCALLSTATUS]->val1; if(sc->data[SC_CHASEWALK2]) str += sc->data[SC_CHASEWALK2]->val1; if(sc->data[SC_FOOD_STR]) str += sc->data[SC_FOOD_STR]->val1; if(sc->data[SC_FOOD_STR_CASH]) str += sc->data[SC_FOOD_STR_CASH]->val1; if(sc->data[SC_GDSKILL_BATTLEORDER]) str += 5; if(sc->data[SC_LEADERSHIP]) str += sc->data[SC_LEADERSHIP]->val1; if(sc->data[SC_SHOUT]) str += 4; if(sc->data[SC_TRUESIGHT]) str += 5; if(sc->data[SC_STRUP]) str += 10; if(sc->data[SC_NJ_NEN]) str += sc->data[SC_NJ_NEN]->val1; if(sc->data[SC_BLESSING]){ if(sc->data[SC_BLESSING]->val2) str += sc->data[SC_BLESSING]->val2; else str >>= 1; } if(sc->data[SC_MARIONETTE_MASTER]) str -= ((sc->data[SC_MARIONETTE_MASTER]->val3)>>16)&0xFF; if(sc->data[SC_MARIONETTE]) str += ((sc->data[SC_MARIONETTE]->val3)>>16)&0xFF; if(sc->data[SC_SOULLINK] && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_HIGH) str += ((sc->data[SC_SOULLINK]->val3)>>16)&0xFF; if(sc->data[SC_GIANTGROWTH]) str += 30; if(sc->data[SC_SAVAGE_STEAK]) str += sc->data[SC_SAVAGE_STEAK]->val1; if(sc->data[SC_INSPIRATION]) str += sc->data[SC_INSPIRATION]->val3; if(sc->data[SC_STOMACHACHE]) str -= sc->data[SC_STOMACHACHE]->val1; if(sc->data[SC_KYOUGAKU]) str -= sc->data[SC_KYOUGAKU]->val3; return (unsigned short)cap_value(str,0,USHRT_MAX);} mas caso vc precise tanto é só adicionar um novo SC_ pois é facilimo @edit bom tem esse tal de SC_STRUP
  19. yes http://herc.ws/board/topic/7262-guide-how-to-use-a-secondary-iteminfo-file/
  20. when you are in the editing process you should have everything uncompressed so you can edit "on the fly", but when you feel like everything is ready, just compress into a grf file and go ahead
  21. prontera - just download that file and add it to DATA.INI or extract and merge into your grf, when you extract it every file will be in their proper location already data folder - I forgot the link when posting lol, here is it: http://herc.ws/board/topic/398-client-translation-project/
  22. is your kRO fully updated? are you using any custom prontera by any chance? have you tried using this prontera? and for the first problem I recommend you to use files from this post instead of alejandra one since that one is very old already
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