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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. change: #define RENEWAL_DROP to //#define RENEWAL_DROP
  2. I don't think so... Hope Ind and/or maluffet solve it soon!
  3. try another langtype at clientinfo.xml
  4. remove the percentheal part and just warp them to prontera there is no need to kill them and warp
  5. try if(killerrid >= 1001 && killerrid <= 3109)
  6. if you mean the sql, just go to your phpmyadmin and execute the file called rAthena-main-upgrade.sql and those two if you use sql logs: -- Upgrades to table `picklog`ALTER TABLE `picklog` MODIFY `type` enum('M','P','L','T','V','S','N','C','A','R','G','E','B','O','I','X','D','U') NOT NULL default 'P';-- Drop table `cashlog` since it's not used in HerculesDROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cashlog`; as for our different item_db structure, convert the old item_db.txt into our new item_db.conf using this: http://haru.ws/hercules/itemdbconverter/
  7. <3

    1. Angelmelody


      I was infatuated with korean tv drama recently


      You Who Came From the Stars


    2. evilpuncker
  8. just change the number 7 to the desired number
  9. just change all occurrences of level into group_id in ur addon
  10. IT IS BROKEN AND NOT COMPATIBLE WITH LATEST HERCULES AS OF (29/05/2016) ANY DEV IS FREE TO POST THE UPDATED CODE By Ryuuzaki NOTE, do backups of your src folder AND your login mysql database. 1. Download the file I attached. 2. Place mac_check.patch into your hercules folder and apply the patch via GIT (or add it manually if you got problem with GIT). 3. Recompile the server, do NOT start the server yet! 4. Open your mysql tool (or phpMyAdmin) and select your ragnarok (server) database. 5. Copy the below text into the query window ALTER TABLE `login` ADD COLUMN `last_mac` VARCHAR(18) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `pincode_change` ; 6. Click run / apply to add the new last_mac to your login database. You are set serverwise!! What do you need to send the mac? 1. Your client must have the "Use SSO login packet" diff enabled. 2. You need to use a launcher to run your client, like ROCred. 3. That's all. 4. Enjoy! last_mac.patch [mirror¹] [mirror²]
  11. that is nice, I hope he really returns
  12. I've seen some info about them back in rA times, @Rytech might know, and even something about them is written at some kRO update topic, I'm just posting this to gather some info from you guys and not letting this be forgotten BA_POEMBRAGI2 and DC_FORTUNEKISS2
  13. maybe he want twice what it is now, so change 5 to 10
  14. Sorry for posting on this topic, but can you make a tool that makes the inverse? I need it because I use bRO files and they still use idnum tables, and I want to convert them to itemInfo
  15. I'm afraid that 2012 clients doesn't use keys yet
  16. that client doesn't read iteminfo.lub if I recall correctly, so you need a translated idnum2itemdesctable.txt and idnum2itemdisplaynametable in ur data file, if that is not the problem, let me know.
  17. são paulo :D

    1. Angelisk


      Morar com meu pai lá, mas eu gosto daqui :P

    2. Angelisk


      Depois eu volto pra casar e ir morar no Paraná ASPOKAOK

    3. evilpuncker
    4. Show next comments  222 more
  18. isn't it free if used in localhost?
  19. I disagree since those are mainly changed/used in weapons/armors/cards, so having them separated would make weapons/armors/cards that modify them, useless. Btw that is just my opinion.
  20. 1. <header> OnNPCKillEvent: switch(killedrid) { case 1086: announce "" + strcharinfo(0) + " has killed "+getmonsterinfo(1086,MOB_NAME)+",0; end; case 1039: announce "" + strcharinfo(0) + " has killed "+getmonsterinfo(1039,MOB_NAME)+",0; end; default: end; } end; 2. you may spawn them with a specific label and use this script command:
  21. enable the diff "disable service select" or something like this when diffin your client
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