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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. I don't have any 2010 client, but you may want to try another langtype at clientinfo in order to see if it fixes your problem, try 12 for example
  2. diff your client with "Ascii & Arial on All Langtypes" if you are using NEMO
  3. Also add a option for custom tables, for displays like pvp ladder position, kills, deaths, cashpoint amount, etc
  4. any news on this? he really did anything yet? I'm really interested in buying a license
  5. Topic can be found here: http://herc.ws/board/topic/3886-hercules-1st-2014-megapatch/?hl=autotrade Commit: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/82b583b5ef4e729ad2c3c74b26adce16a145605a Note: We were actually first to introduce this. this one actually https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/b79a9d7efa9213e3c791ec356bf21b712878d1aa
  6. rathena implemented their own src vending db(also web part they should do or already did dont know), my mod is not actual anymore we also implemented vending db for autotrade consistency, that is why we wanted you also we like yours better xD
  7. if someone can reach him and see if he still got interest on this project, would be awesome! try: [*][email protected] [*]Website URLhttp://sanasol.ws [*]ICQ749061 [*]Skypesanasol2008
  8. if(readparam(bStr)>=90) bonus bAllStats,1;bonus bMaxHPrate,1;bonus bMaxSPrate,1;bonus bStr,getrefine();sc_start SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM,-1,10;sc_start SC_CASH_PLUSEXP,-1,10; and on unequip add those: sc_end SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM;sc_end SC_CASH_PLUSEXP; PS: I'm not sure of the green value, you need to test it @edited thanks mumbles
  9. { Id: example AegisName: "example" Name: "example" Type: example Buy: example Weight: example Loc: example Script: <" example "> OnEquipScript: <" doevent "item_soullink::OnSoulLink"; "> OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_SOULLINK; "> },
  10. are you using sql item_db or item_db.conf?
  11. *stalks everyday*

  12. for alliance we got guild_alliance table, doesn't we need a new table for this if client can really handle this, I suggest the creation of the whole system and release it as plugin
  13. due to your latest patch to hercules, it will not be necessary anymore, right?
  14. go ahead annie, both ideas are good and got support from community! they will be accepted for sure
  15. se está dando erro é por causa que vc está usando um RO desatualizado, aconselho que atualize seu kRO (ou bRO) para poder ficar livre desses erros, mas enfim aqui está a pasta item com todos os bmps relacionados a skills: http://depositfiles.org/files/r4mjpz8kw
  16. thanks for your input Haru, now lets just wait for Ind's one btw how is your rAthena merge issue going? seems like it stalled too
  17. tente um langtype diferente, ou tente o diff "Use Normal Guild Brackets"
  18. veja se no groups.conf vc tá com all_skill: true caso seja sim, basta usar a janela de skill no modo compacto (ela pequena) pra aparecer todas as skills
  19. I do know their purposes what I want to know is how is the development goal, if they will continue (for example, gepard started the bcrypt but seems like he is retired) or drop them, what will be done to them
  20. I want to know the current state (not the state, but what you guys are going to do) of the three branches we have atm (rAthena, zones, bcrypt), preferable by some dev admin like @Ind or @Haru PS: I am not the only one that wants to know it
  21. remove os dois { } eles são apenas para mostrar q os parâmetros são opcionais
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