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Everything posted by mrlongshen

  1. Im using latest version, from https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation I try to add my custom num2cardillustnametable on the text. after editing it, and save, I merge to my grf, and my client wont show. then I delete it, yes my client can run normally. Why?
  2. @@Litro @@evilpuncker can you give me 255 base level or 1000 base level. Need it so much
  3. @@Garr Im using myterious. Official 3rb job. http://herc.ws/board/files/file/29-stargames-control-panel-for-hercules-3rd-job/ @@Dastgir Thanks for that ! hehe
  4. @@Aeromesi done edit. sorry for that. any solution ?
  5. Hello all, I want to ask.. whenever i want to visit last topic reply i will show a blank page. Here the url : http://example.com/index.php?showtopic=3&view=getnewpost I need to edit manually by remove the getnewpost and yes the topic can be show. Example: http://example.com/index.php?showtopic=3&view= Where to edit the file ? Please help me ?
  6. @@evilpuncker mind share a job1_design.txt for level 255/120?
  7. Hello all, I want to ask. My server running RENEWAL features, but for job, we stay at 2nd job (trancendent). The problem is, why my the HP and SP so little ? Here I attach a screenshot for your preview.
  8. Hello all, I want to request fully num2cardillustnametable.txt for all official card.
  9. Need external link to download. someone please provide ?
  10. @@Yoh Asakura bro. My server now have been hacked too. WTF. I'm so sad. huhu. Due to the lack strength of password. hmm.. after this I need to use the SSH keys. The hacker using my server for ddos and brute attack
  11. @@Mysterious Thanks bro ! Yay
  12. @@zackdreaver For num2cardillustnametable.txt , does your card listed in there ? Answer: Yes, all files and all card here. For illust inside datatextureÀ¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽ºcardbmp Answer: No, only some a weird card there, no poring, drops and etc card. Btw Im using your, dastgir fresh data. Long time ago. I dont have screenshot now to show, later will upload. I just download new fresh data yesterday. But still doesnt have the cardbmp. why?
  13. wow ! custom own patcher. wow !
  14. @@zackdreaver bro, i got error in preview card bmp, how to fix it ? all official card error. hmm. why ?
  15. No one happen same like me ?
  16. I have change it and restart my server. nothing happen. I change to party_share_level: 255 ok now i know, im not properly reboot my server. the map still run. hmm thanks you bro.
  17. Is this possible?to remove the level gap?example. Im level 255 and i want to boost another character. level 10. is that possible to have an even share exp party setup?
  18. Hi all, I want to request simple item effect Each kill give 30% more base experience Each kill give 20% more job level experience This item have a times. For example player get the item from npc, the item can only used 7 days only, (Expired date) After player reach max level of level, 255 based and 150 job, the item remove automatically and cannot be used.
  19. Wowowo ! Thanks alot ! I will testing and give you feedback @@Oxxy thanks alot its working . +1 for you.
  20. Can someone make an npc, that player can choose desire aura. Here some list. this is from @aura. custom plugin from dastgir. I want my player to have this aura by npc. I can add new list of aura. Please ? { 586, -1, -1 },{ 586, 362, -1 },{ 586, 362, 240 },{ 418, -1, -1 },{ 486, -1, -1 },{ 485, -1, -1 },
  21. Hello guys, May I know, I hatch an egg, the egg is Baby Desert Wold then I reloadscript. Everytimes I reload, the map crash. Why? The pet have got the title Beloved
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