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Takari last won the day on April 6 2019

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About Takari

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 03/09/1989

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  1. Hi guys 👋 it's been awhile since I posted. However I wanted to share with you guys that I started a Youtube channel which tackles web development tutorials. My videos are beginner friendly as I'm starting with the most basic of all: HTML If you guys are interested in learning web development, please check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpdcpWJzZEyPVhQwYaCQ00w Also, for those who are wondering, I am working on a newer version of CoraCP. I just can't give you guys any date because I can only work on it on my free time, sorry Rest assured, though, that I am working hard for CoraCP as well. I'm quite excited to show you guys the new things about it. Anyway, please don't forget to checkout my videos. Thank you guys 😀
  2. `git pull` to pull updates from the repository `git merge {branch_to_merge}` to merge two branches together It's the same for all platforms (Linux, MacOS, Windows, etc)
  3. You can clone by using the git clone command followed by the url provided by the repository. Example for hercules: git clone https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules.git Or better yet, you can use tools like Github Desktop or Source Tree to make git a lot more doable Provided that your scripts and mods do not conflict with the updates, they should still be there after update. Otherwise, you will need to resolve merge conflicts.
  4. If you cloned the Hercules repo to your local machine, you should be able to get updates directly using `git pull`, however if you forked Hercules repo and clone your fork to your local machine, you will need to sync your fork with the Hercules repo first. After that you should be able to do a git pull and get the updates.
  5. @@OverLord Thank you, I really appreciate it! However, there's no need since I already have a server. It should be live sometime next week. I'll keep you guys updated
  6. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, I've been really busy irl Okay, if this is the case then I'll restart development during the holidays .. And while development is going on I'll put the website and full tutorials back online so you guys can use the old version for the meantime. EDIT: I'll post the link to the new website probably next week.
  7. Planning to restart development of this project this holiday. I was wondering if anyone was still interested?
  8. Solved. Just adding Bindonequip to item_db2 In application/controller/shop.php if(isset($_GET['cat'])) { switch($_GET['cat']) { case 'consume': $cond = array('index'=>'item_db.type','val'=>array(0,2,11,18)); break; case 'head': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(1,256,257,512,513,768,769)); break; case 'weapon': $cond = array('index'=>'item_db.type','val'=>array(5)); break; case 'shield': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(32)); break; case 'armor': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(16)); break; case 'robe': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(4)); break; case 'shoes': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(64)); break; case 'accessories': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(8,128,136)); break; case 'pets': $cond = array('index'=>'item_db.type','val'=>array(7,8)); break; case 'cards': $cond = array('index'=>'item_db.type','val'=>array(6)); break; case 'costumes': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(1024,2048,3072,4096,5120,6144,7168,8192)); case 'misc': $cond = array('index'=>'item_db.type','val'=>array(3,10)); break; } } Change for: if(isset($_GET['cat'])) { switch($_GET['cat']) { case 'consume': $cond = array('index'=>'type','val'=>array(0,2,11,18)); break; case 'head': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(1,256,257,512,513,768,769)); break; case 'weapon': $cond = array('index'=>'type','val'=>array(5)); break; case 'shield': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(32)); break; case 'armor': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(16)); break; case 'robe': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(4)); break; case 'shoes': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(64)); break; case 'accessories': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(8,128,136)); break; case 'pets': $cond = array('index'=>'type','val'=>array(7,8)); break; case 'cards': $cond = array('index'=>'type','val'=>array(6)); break; case 'costumes': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(1024,2048,3072,4096,5120,6144,7168,8192)); case 'misc': $cond = array('index'=>'type','val'=>array(3,10)); break; } } Congratulations! I see you've already found an answer yourself. At first glance I thought it was a question similar to this. But basing from the error message it might be a different matter after all. It seems that the tables in UNION does not have the same number of columns.
  9. Hi! have you tried clicking on the "server status" button in your widget list (in the admin panel) ? .. If not, you may do so by accessing the admin page -> widgets -> click on server status (beside the arrow up/down button) this will prompt widget options that you may customize. In this case, it will ask for your server's IP and ports.
  10. Wow! That looks really nice .. Don't worry we'll be releasing a developer guide next time around
  11. Hi! It seems like you have disbaled the email verification. I tried signing up but the account was activated right away. You can change this in settings -> account -> require email verification check that option and make sure that you've also provided the proper email information in your email settings. Cheers, Takari
  12. Fun and headaches bro .. just kidding .. yeah this should be lots of fun!
  13. Hey everyone, I've formed a new dev team for CORA. Let's welcome the new members of the dev team: nanakiwurtz and Klutz. We'll be working hard to present you the next, bigger, and better version of CORA. Wish us luck! ^^ EDIT: Please welcome the fourth member of the dev team: Mysterious. We're glad to have you on board Myst
  14. Takari

    cora cp

    LMAO I know this is very old and OP probably found an answer already, but for anyone having the same problem: The cash shop's description and image are based from your item_db table as well as your iteminfo.lua(idnum2 txt files if you are using older clients) Just make sure to upload your data.grf as well as custom grf in cora/www/ROChargen/client/ folder If you're using newer clients that uses iteminfo.lua, upload your iteminfo.lua in cora/www/ROChargen/client/lua files/ fodler ifi you're using older clients that uses idnum2 txt files intead, it should be included in your data.grf so no problem. Next thing, make sure in your settings.php find 'use_iteminfo_lua' => true, // set this to the correct value
  15. Takari

    cora cp users

    Hi. The problem here is that in the shop controller, the `type` fields are prefixed with the `item_db` table name while in the model it's also prefixed with whatever db you choose. So if you are using item_db, it would add an item_db string string in the field name which will result into `item_db`.`item_db.type` thus creating an error in the sql statement. You can fix this by editing line 24-51 of the application/controllers/shop.php file. In those lines you'll find this piece of code: if(isset($_GET['cat'])) { switch($_GET['cat']) { case 'consume': $cond = array('index'=>'item_db.type','val'=>array(0,2,11,18)); break; case 'head': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(1,256,257,512,513,768,769)); break; case 'weapon': $cond = array('index'=>'item_db.type','val'=>array(5)); break; case 'shield': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(32)); break; case 'armor': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(16)); break; case 'robe': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(4)); break; case 'shoes': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(64)); break; case 'accessories': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(8,128,136)); break; case 'pets': $cond = array('index'=>'item_db.type','val'=>array(7,8)); break; case 'cards': $cond = array('index'=>'item_db.type','val'=>array(6)); break; case 'costumes': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(1024,2048,3072,4096,5120,6144,7168,8192)); case 'misc': $cond = array('index'=>'item_db.type','val'=>array(3,10)); break; } } For each case where the 'index' is `item_db.type`, remove the item_db so you'll only be left with `type`. Unfortunately there's no official patch for this, so a fix for now will have to be done like this. On the good note, we have already restarted development for the second phase of CORA's beta.
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